
Chapter 465 - War Of The Wizards (2)

The wind around the Queen swirled so strongly that the trees broke into half and were blown down. The debris, dust and wild grass and leaves flew through the air and rolled along the ground. It became difficult to stand. The soldiers had to put down their guns and shield themselves with their hands to protect their faces. A large tree came and fell right over a tank. It fell right on the hull of the tanker where the crew was sitting. The crash caused deafening noise and a large dent was formed. The crew was stuck inside. 

All the soldiers turned to make a break to the nearest spot that would hide them but they were extremely terrorized to see the sight behind them.


A large number of various types of beasts were running towards them. The thumping on the ground was that of these beasts running to the aid of their Queen. 

Adrianna had communicated with them the moment she had crossed the Wizard Realm. The news of helping her spread like wildfire amongst them. The animals wanted revenge and there was no way they would stop. They came in large numbers. The front line came and stood to a standstill but behind them, the animals kept pouring in. 

They stood and glared at the soldiers. Wolves, hyenas, bears, coyotes, and moose amongst other smaller ones—all were poised as though waiting for a command. 

The soldiers were scared. So scared that they became panicky. They had been to so many battles against humans but this one was different—it was against the beasts of the forest. Beasts who would attack and rip them into pieces. The fear sat on them as if someone was trying to throttle them with a gag on the mouth and nose. They were struggling to find air. Behind them there was a swirl of storm and in front of them the beasts. In panic they picked their guns and began shooting blindly without thinking. 

"Attack!" shouted Adrianna when she heard the guns fire. 

And the animals attacked. They leapt on the militia. The bullets killed many but they kept coming. Soldiers were mauled and dragged. The animals dug their fangs in them and ripped their flesh and bones. The atmosphere was filled with growls and cries of pain. 

Ziu didn't look behind him. His focus was the woman in front of him. 

The Mozias, Enya, Isidorus and Shang Kui were all around looking at the blood curdling scene happening in front of them. 

Their Queen didn't need any help. She was powerful enough to deal with the enemy on her own. Enya and Shang Kui held their chins high. There was a gleam in their eyes. They were the rulers of the Wizard Realms. 


"Please wait for ten minutes," said Inyanga. She wanted to go back with Haldir. She was panicky. 

Haldir wanted to wait for her but his instincts said that the baby was in danger. He had to go to his Queen. He was torn apart between Inyanga and Adrianna. He made a quick decision. The blood bond seethed in his flesh. 

"I am creating the portal for you. Once you finish with Niiya and Dr. Tanaka, you leave this place. I have to go to Adrianna," he said. The blood bond won. 

Inyanga bit her lip. "Okay," she replied. 

Haldir brought his hand forward and created a small portal. It looked like a small whirl of wind swirling clockwise. Haldir walked out of it and the portal shrank in size. 

Inyanga turned to Niiya who was sitting with his mother. Dr. Tanaka was still sitting with his revolver pointed to his chest. 

It took less than five minutes for Inyanga to break Niiya's bond. When she came out, Niiya felt much better. He could feel lightness in his mind. "Thank you," he expressed his heartfelt gratitude. A huge burden was taken off his shoulders. He vowed never to go against his best friend. He vowed to move on with his life, with Pryce… 

When Inyanga was walking to be with Dr. Tanaka, he spat at her. "Don't even think of getting inside my brain. That son of mine was a traitor. He betrayed my trust by letting you enter in his cell but you won't enter mine."

"Dr. Tanaka, let me help you. This is simply too poisonous for all of us," she replied softly. 

"No!" he shouted at her. "Do you think that this is going to end? Even if Ziu dies, there is someone who will come for Adrianna. If she survives and manages to give birth to her baby, there will be someone who would come to kill that baby. There will be someone out there always that will be a threat to the mother and the baby. We all hate her." Dr. Tanaka's eyes were dark. He spoke with so much animosity and bitterness that Inyanga was sure that there was more to this entire war than just Ziu. 

"Baby?" Niiya asked with wide eyes. Adrianna was pregnant? How did his father know that she was pregnant and he didn't? When did this happen? Suddenly he became so happy to hear about it. He closed his mouth with his hands. He was going to become an uncle and that too twice over? Suddenly he had an urge to meet his sister. 

Inyanga was also shocked when she heard about Adrianna's pregnancy. Her admiration for the Queen of the Western Wizard Realm increased. She was fighting for her people even though she was expecting. And her hatred for Ziu doubled. "Let me get into your cell," she coaxed Dr. Tanaka. She wanted to see all the conspiracies that were there in his cell. 

"I would rather kill myself than let you enter," he replied acerbically. 

Inyanga's dedication to solve the mystery only increased. She knew that if Dr. Tanaka pulled the trigger even by mistake with her in his cell, she would never be able to come out. She would be trapped forever. But she had to take her chance. She never felt this purposeful in her life. Her reverie broke when the doctor said, "Oh! And it won't stop here. We are going to defeat and take over all the realms. All of you with special powers will bow to the humans." 

"Father!" shouted Niiya. He rose from his place. "You are just being unreasonable. Who the hell are your allies? And what is your purpose of creating mayhem in an orderly world? Why can't we just live peacefully?" 

Dr. Tanaka roared with laughter. "I tried to show you the world you could rule, Niiya, but you chose to be a tool in their hands," he said cynically. 

"You are filled with delusion," his wife said. "Let Inyanga enter your mind. She will free you." 

Dr. Tanaka looked at his wife and scoffed. "How many seals will she break? There are way too many for her to be in my cell for more than hundred years."

Inyanga was aghast. The man in front of her was a walking maze of bonds. She snarled at him and readied to enter his cell. She would make it out no matter what. 

All of a sudden there was a loud sound. Dr. Tanaka pulled the trigger. The sound pierced the still air of the house. The noise reverberated in the ears of those present inside. Dr. Tanaka slumped on the sofa back with his limbs splayed. The warm blood drained his nightgown. Everyone froze in shock. 


Ziu decided to take her head-on. He moved his broom towards the hurricane. 

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