
Chapter 499 - 499

«Your salvation in exchange for a conversation!» – Elsa put forward her demands, when she suddenly realized that she had asked too little, but it was too late to adjust the conditions.

«Help me first, and then I\'ll decide whether it\'s worth it or not.» – despite the ominously approaching tentaculipede, Kyon maintained an enviable equanimity.

«You\'re in no position to argue with me!»

Lovr turned to the bodyguard: «Kyle, you may go.»

«Sir?!» – the man was surprised.

«There is no point in sacrificing yourself. This creature only wants me. Leave.»

«S-sir, thank you very much!» – with immense gratitude on his face, the bodyguard ran away. He doubted that he would survive even one attack of the tentaculipede.

Elsa opened her mouth in dismay: {Why did he let the bodyguard go?! Is he really ready to die here?! Is it so hard for him to just talk to me?!}

Kyon shifted his gaze to the girl: «Will you let that mutt kill me?»

«Of course I will! Are you completely crazy?! Don\'t you appreciate life?! Just make a deal with me and I\'ll save you!» – Stone no longer even demanded, but almost asked for it.

Kyon smiled meekly at her and, spreading his arms, voluntarily went into the mouth of the tentaculipede, as if he had already resigned himself to his fate.

The steel in Baker\'s gaze and his further actions made Elsa understand that Dick was ready for death, and his insane behavior shook her self-confidence.

The creature growled even more aggressively and rushed at its prey.

«IDIOT!» – speeding up sharply, Elsa instantly appeared in front of the fat man and kicking the tentaculipede on the head made it tumble on the ground.

A bald dog the size of a bear whined plaintively and ran away, tucking its tail-tentacle. It instantly assessed the strength of the opponent, and the instinct for self-preservation took its toll.

About 10 students who saw this froze in amazement, their mouths agape.

«I knew you wouldn\'t let me die.» – Kyon said almost affectionately.

«No, you\'re just an idiot!» – Elsa concluded and turned to leave.

«Wait. Since you saved me, now I feel obligated…»

«And now you\'re ready to talk to me?! I don\'t need your handouts!»

«Besides, now my lectures will become even more popular thanks to your presence… I really feel obligated!» – Kyon added with a beaming smile.

«Oh, fuck you!» – said the blonde and activated invisibility. Now, having lost the initiative, how could she let Dick control the situation?

Kyon laughed and made a decision: {So be it, I\'ll honor her with the conversation.} – of course, he was not going to act rashly. To begin with, he needs to find out everything in advance.

«What did you say?» – Rose asked Valentine incredulously.

«Your girlfriend…»

«I HEARD EVERYTHING!» – the blond man barked, scaring the young man to death.

Rose groaned and covered his face with his hand. He felt so disgusting that he didn\'t even have the strength to be angry. A hideous emptiness gripped the heart. His girlfriend voluntarily became Dick\'s student! She recognized his superiority! She follows him around! She also saved him from tentaculipede! And this is all despite the fact that because of him, her future husband was disgraced for the whole order. Why didn\'t she let him die?

Now Valentine was finally convinced that Elsa knew Dick before entering the order and was even interested in him not only as a person, but also, possibly, as a guy. Yes, it sounds completely crazy, but the blonde could no longer understand where common sense ends and reality begins.

Rose\'s voice broke the silence: «Did you send the explosive formation?»

«Yes, of course… It will work as soon as he opens the envelope received by mail.»

«Fine.» – Valentine grinned ferociously.

By six in the evening, Kyon left his house with his bodyguard. He purposely didn\'t use invisibility to attract as much attention as possible. As expected, such an outstanding personality was watched by everyone he met. Some of them even followed him to find out where the infamous fat man was going.

Lovr approached Elsa\'s house, took out a sound transmitter and called her.

«What do you want from me?» – Stone asked coldly.

«Hello. Now I am standing under your window and waiting for you to let me in to conduct a fortune-telling session.» – Kyon answered monotonously.

«W-what?! Under the window?!» – Elsa was surprised.

One could notice that the curtains moved aside for a second, and the beautiful face looked out of the window, but after a moment the curtains closed, and the girl\'s voice rang from the device:

«Are you a fool, or what?! Why the hell did you show up without warning, and in front of everyone else?! What will they think of me?! And what makes you think that I\'m going to tell fortunes to you?! Fuck off!» – the blonde demanded hysterically.

«If you don\'t let me in, I\'ll start singing love serenades.» – Kyon threatened quite calmly. – «You have half a minute.»

«Are you completely crazy?!»

«There are twenty-five seconds left.» – Kyon impassively reminded. The tactic is simple: blackmail. Probably, any girl will burn with shame if such a "handsome" man sings about eternal love under her window, especially since two dozen spectators have already gathered around.

When the designated period came to an end, Lovr cleared his throat and sang in his "velvety and melodious" voice so loudly that half of the order probably heard him: «Oh, my lo-o-o-o-o-o-ve… Marry me-e-e-e-e-e… Huh?!»

The last scream was interrupted by the inexplicable disappearance of the rising star.

«A?! Where?!» – the bodyguard was confused. His master was kidnapped right from under his nose.

Kyon felt himself being swiftly dragged into the house with a hand over his mouth.

Only after imposing a sound-proof barrier, Elsa dared to let the fat man go. Blushing all over, either from shame or anger, she moaned: «Why did you come?! What have I done to you?!»

«You saved me from the tentaculipede…»

«I\'m already starting to regret it!» – the girl said nervously. – «What will others think of me? And if Rose misunderstands?! How can I explain what happened to him?!»

«Tell them the truth – you\'ve got a lover.»

«I\'ve got a boar!» – Elsa exclaimed, covering her scarlet face with her hands. Of course, she could not take the words of this scoundrel seriously, because he constantly jokes and teases her.

«Well, what? All the girls who have heard my charming voice fall in love with me. Face the truth and tell me that you have a crush on me, and then you will definitely feel better.» – Kyon winked coquettishly.

«This will have undesirable consequences, idiot! What was it? Couldn\'t you sign up for fortune-telling in advance? Do you think, since the headmaster patronizes you, you can do anything?!»

«We both know you wouldn\'t have signed me up. However, now when I am already at your house, you can\'t kick me out, otherwise I\'ll keep singing.»

«Are you blackmailing me?!» – Stone was angry.

«Call it what you want, but after the fortune-telling session, I promise to talk to you about escaping from the department, because it worries you so much, and then secretly leave your house.»

Elsa\'s thin eyebrows went up: {Bastard, he leaves me no choice! He knows how to achieve what he wants!} – the girl made a decision and pointed to the stairs. – «Second floor, second door on the left. Sit and wait for me. I\'ll be there in five minutes.»

«Okay.» – Kyon nodded and climbed the stairs.

After washing, Elsa went into her chambers to change clothes, and was horrified to find that Dick, as an expert, was looking at her blue panties, which he brazenly took out of the nightstand.

«My friend, I\'ll give you a tip: take underwear made of Lime silk, not Ussuri. It is not only softer, but also almost does not absorb the smell. Very comfortable, I recommend.»

«GET OUT OF HERE!» – the blushing blonde screamed in an instant, shaking like an epileptic.

«But you said to wait for you here… Oh, did I again confuse the right with the left?!»

Elsa seemed about to explode, as her chest heaved violently with anger.

«Sorry!» – Kyon carefully slipped out of Stone\'s chambers.

{Calm down… Just calm down… He\'s just an insignificant practitioner of the superior phase… There\'s no point in being angry at someone who\'s already been hurt…} – Stone reassured herself. This creature of someone\'s perverted nightmares admired her panties! He confused the right with the left, yeah, she didn\'t believe him! Horny freak…

Lovr just checked how great the girl\'s patience is, and the result satisfied him. So, he can be bolder with her. She wouldn\'t have allowed it before. Apparently, this is because she began to respect him.

Kyon got to the right room and was surprised at the atmosphere of the surroundings: gloomy lighting, the smell of incense, shelves with various curiosities like bones and talismans on the walls. In the center is a low table with a tablecloth with a black sphere in the middle.

Five minutes later, the fortune teller also entered the room. For the session, the wonderful girl wore a dark-colored dress with wide sleeves and a hem almost to her feet. There were three strings of black pearls around her neck. Earrings in the ears. Wide turban on the forehead.

«It\'s impressive.» – Kyon praised the noble lady\'s outfit with a nod, thoughtfully stroking his chin.

Elsa gracefully sat down opposite the client and, closing her eyelids, placed her palms on the large black sphere. Somewhere in the depths, a golden sheen was born, and the fortune-teller said in a monotonous voice: «I see your past… Your parents hated and despised you for your terrifying appearance… Your peers bullied you and beat you… You lived in a landfill and ate slop like a distraught sick pig…»

«Oink-oink?» – Lovr played along.

The girl almost broke character, giggling slightly, but soon continued: «That\'s why you found your vocation in reading books and mastering new knowledge. Thus, you wanted to prove to everyone that they were wrong and that you can\'t judge a book by the cover.»

«As if I didn\'t know that…»

Elsa spoke in an irritated tone: «And now I see your future… And it is full of suffering and pain. Some ten-year-old kid is beating you up like a mangy dog because you scared him. And now I see you crying, hugging your knees, because you lost to me in alchemy and formacy! In the future, I will surpass you, and you will never come out of my shadow!» – the girl\'s lips broke into a malicious smile. Thus, she took out her rage for today\'s bullying of her.

«Oh, your sphere cracked from an overabundance of truth.»

«Dick Baker, how did it happen that you, such a genius, did not catch "The Dark Baron" in half a year?!» – the girl asked with emphasis.

«He turned out to be too serious an opponent for me.»

«What nonsense?! You, fatty, solved a sensational case in one day! You destroyed seven shadow clans in a week along with the underground auction! But you couldn\'t catch the one I grabbed alone?! Even a child wouldn\'t believe such nonsense! Tell me, are you his partner?! Yes or no?!» – Elsa continued pushing.

«I\'m not fat, I\'m big boned…» – Kyon muttered. – «And anyway, you insulted me. I won\'t tell you anything else.» – he crossed his arms resentfully on his chest.

«Oh, I\'m sorry, bunny… Let\'s get back to fortune-telling.» – she put her hands on the sphere again, and the tenacious look from the half-closed eyelids did not bode well. – «You are a very insecure, pathetic and vindictive person. You\'re lonely at heart because everyone hates you. Girls think you\'re a monster… Nobody loves you!»

«Who said that nobody loves me?»

«I said it! My third eye sees the whole truth through the prism of the soul. You have the power to seduce only the most disgusting creatures in the world like demons. But normal girls feel only nausea at the sight of you.» – Elsa assured her client.

«I\'m afraid your third eye is looking a little wrong.»

«I, the great fortune-teller known as "The Soul Seer", am never wrong. Tell me honestly: have you ever had a human girl, not a relative, who sincerely loved you?» – for some reason she wanted to make sure that Dick was deceiving her.


Elsa\'s eyes widened: {He\'s not lying! What kind of crazy woman could fall for such a person?! Or maybe this fool confused love with hate? Yes, it seems to be true.}

{Her reaction… No doubt! How did she understand that I\'m not lying?!} – Kyon was surprised and added. – «Moreover, I slept with more than ten girls who were crazy about me!»

This time, the blonde just snorted in disbelief, which led Lovr to the following conclusions: {She can only determine the truth by simple answers like "yes" and "no"! So that\'s why she always asks general questions!}

Now, having learned more, he realized how the blonde managed to catch criminals with the efficiency of an entire department. And why she asked such stupid questions to Lindia during the investigation of the sensational case. And how she found out that the threatening letter was sent to her not by "The Dark Baron", but by him. And how she manages to make good money as a fortune teller. Everything fell into place!

{Juno can see the intentions of a person\'s soul… I believe Elsa\'s innate unique body has a similar ability. Is it really impossible to deceive her?}

Elsa still could not resist the desire to find out if Baker was lying or not: «Wait, so you seriously had sex with ten girls who were in love with you?»

Kyon, with the help of Synergy, trying to convince himself otherwise, firmly replied: «Yes.»

Elsa\'s jaw dropped in shock, and her eyes widened in disbelief. Judging by her eloquent reaction, she believed 100% in the reliability of her "predictions".

{Damn it! Even with Synergy, it didn\'t work out! Well, there\'s only one way left…}

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