
Chapter 381

Chapter 381

«They aren’t letting us in?» – Eve asked, frustrated, while Leila impatiently shifted from toes to heels, her arms crossed behind her back.

«I’m glad to see you’re so enthusiastic about books, but it’s late. I suggest we head for the hotel, have a shower and go to bed. As for the books, I can project an infinite amount of them for you!»

«Really? Great!» – Eve clapped her hands with a charming smile.

Zosimos helped the girls mount the horse, and they headed east, in the opposite direction of the palace. Another mile or two, and they left the mount in the elite menagerie and went to a five-story building.

«Don’t tell me we’re going to live here!» – Leila was amazed, staring at the spacious, beautiful building.

«We are.» – Zosimos confirmed curtly.

Garden of Eden hotel had 4.5 out of 5 stars. The hotel lost half point because of its unique style that did not please some of Dantes’ critics. It was a diamond in the rough.

The hotel’s name perfectly matched its design that comprised wooden walls, floors and ceilings, lush vegetation everywhere. Even the roof was a paradise garden with a pond!

Kyon had learned about this hotel from many sources in Boston, but he wasn’t interested in its beauty. He was concerned about staying inconspicuous, anonymous and safe. This place had powerful patrons and serious security. No one would dare to invade here. But above all, they sacredly honored the fundamental rule of confidentiality and non-disclosure unless it was required by a high-ranking governmental order. This rule had never been broken so far. The reputation of the establishment was crystal clean.

Lovr checked in and took his “daughters” to the fifth floor. Their enthusiastic reaction made him smile. The new place of residence had exceeded all their expectations. How could it not be so? It was one of the best hotels in the whole empire!

The suite consisted of two large independent rooms with a king-size bed, two armchairs, a sofa, and a coffee table. The air in the rooms was fresh and clean as if they were in the mountains. The room decor inspired peace and quiet as if they were about to take a nap on the alpine spring meadow.

«The air is so clean and fresh! It’s so nice here…» – Eve exclaimed.

«Dad, I apologize for what I told you on the roof in the cafe… This room is better than any mansion! It’s fabulous!» – Leila said with respect in her voice.

«Your happiness is my happiness. And now let’s go to the bathroom.» – As he noticed Eve’s eyebrows crawl down her face and Leila’s crawl up, Zosimos hurried to add. – «Don’t worry, I will go after you. You’re old enough to wash yourselves.»

«What shall we wear?» – Eve asked shyly.

Kyon took out underwear and two nightgowns from the ring and handed them to the girls.

«Will do!» – Leila yelled, grabbing the things and her younger sister by the hand and rushing to the bathroom. In the next half hour, Lovr could hear cheerful screams and a loud splash from there. When the girls came out, he admired their beauty against his will. They looked refreshed, in light and dark nighties that matched perfectly their looks of an innocent fairy and a wicked pixie. Very pretty and feminine.

«What are you staring at, baldhead?» – Leila asked playfully, seductively sticking out her butt and showing her tongue. Then she ran with her “little sister” to their room, squealing and laughing. Soon, Lovr could hear the bed squeaking – they decided to jump on it.

{Nice…} – He thought on his way to the bathroom. The girls’ childish behavior didn’t arouse him, which couldn’t be said about their indescribable beauty, femininity and grace.

At some point, Kyon heard a quiet knock on the door. He would have ignored it if Leila hadn’t rushed to open it, shouting: «I will get it. I am coming!»

«Put on your veil! Veil!» – Zosimos yelled, wrapping a towel around his waist.

{I will prove to him that my beauty can bring us not only problems but also free service!} – Leila thought as she opened the door.

The young concierge fell into a stupor at once. He had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life! This girl… her innocent features… her big dark green eyes… She was a goddess!

«Hi!» – Leila said playfully with a seducing smile, but then she frowned. – «Say something! I am here! Hello!» – Leila waved her hand until she realized that the young man was not looking at her. Following his gaze, Leila saw her “little sister” peeking out from behind the door. The visitor was staring at her.

«My fair lady… You are the most beautiful girl in the world! May I kindly ask you what your name is?» – The handsome blond boy in his late teens sounded like a hopeless romantic.

Eve’s eyes widened in fear as she slowly stepped back.

«Who are you?» – Zosimos barked, standing in the boy’s way and releasing the pressure.

«I… I…» – The young man swallowed in fear. A hefty man with a cultivation several stages higher than his was the last thing he wanted to meet. – «My name is Romeo, and who are you?» – He asked defiantly.

«I am your guest and your master, damn it! Mind your manners, brat!»

Romeo was confused for a second, then he hastened to apologize with a bow: «Please, forgive me. I am an idiot! I forgot myself and greeted the guests inappropriately! I humbly beg your forgiveness! It’s just… Your girl… She’s so…»

«She is my daughter!» – The man snapped.

The soul returned to the young man’s body. His eyes sparkled with joy: «She… Is she your daughter? She’s amazing! I’ve never met anyone more beautiful! You have my respect, sir… If I had a daughter like her, I would be the happiest father in the world!»

Kyon had a great idea to teach the girls a lesson, so he pretended to be pleased by the boy’s blatant flattery: «You’re right. She is my precious daughter. I love her more than anything!»

Meanwhile, Leila looked first at Eve and the boy with resentment. Why did he fall for her younger sister, not her? She was much more beautiful than Eve! It was unfair! Leila was about to fly into a rage!

The young concierge smiled slyly: «I’ve received a call. Your beautiful daughter must have pressed the button out of curiosity, and here I am, at your service. If you press the blue button, I will be yours to command at any time. You can send me an audio message, and I will do my best to make your any wish come true.» – He spoke with courtesy as befits a well-trained servant.

Zosimos nodded and slapped the boy on the shoulder: «Alright, alright. We do not need anything at the moment. You can bring us porridge with strawberries at eight in the morning.»

«Yes, sir!» – Romea said, extremely pleased.

When he left, Kyon looked at Leila sternly: «Why didn’t you put on your veil?»

«I… I followed Eve’s example just like you told me!» – She said quickly.

Kyon looked at Eve, but she only shook her head and closed the door behind herself. He heaved a deep sigh and said: «Next time, think for yourself.» – Then he went to the bathroom. Leila lived in her own world and listened to what she wanted to hear. Lovr might be in great trouble with her if he didn’t become an authority for her.

The night turned into morning.

Romeo brought porridge with strawberries for breakfast and found out the guests’ names, including Eve. He wished them bon appetit and left. If it were not for Zosimos’ stern look, he might have dared to exchange some more phrases.

When they were ready, Kyon and the girls mounted their horse and set off. Soon, they approached a huge rectangular factory almost as high as a city wall.

«Dad, tell me about dwarves.» – Eve asked out of curiosity.

«Dwarfs are little people with a thick beard and an engineering mindset.»

«Even women have beards?» – Leila grinned.

«No, only men. By the way, the dwarfs hold the beard in high esteem. Would you like to grow one for yourself?»

«How? I am a beauty! Beautiful girls don’t have facial hair!»

«I can get you a fake one! The dwarfs will mistake you for their kin! Ha ha!»

Eve laughed quietly with her dad, making Leila blush: «It’s not funny!»

Zosimos added: «Besides, the dwarfs are racists. They consider themselves bearded gods and call humans overgrown monkeys. Be prepared for their contempt, and don’t waste their emotions on them.»

«I am no monkey!» – Leila exclaimed resentfully, but no one listened to her.

«If they are so racist, then what does my tall, beardless dad have in common with the little bearded dwarves?» – Eve made as usual an insightful observation.

«Even the dwarfs have appreciated your dad’s engineering skills! They consider me a rare exception to the rule. We have been on good terms with them for a long time. You will see it very soon.» – Kyon replied. He had warned Gennady that he would arrive as a different person under the name of Zosimos, but the unexpected always happened.

The girls looked interested. They wanted to know more about the man who called himself their father. It was great that he was on friendly terms with the dwarfs who were under the imperial family protection! The fact that they owned the largest factory in Dantes also said a lot.

Kyon came up to one of the many entrances to the factory and casually said the secret password to the dwarfs in the uniform: «Six, six, six, seven, seven, seven.»

Recently, the head of the factory had instructed the two guards to bring three people into his office if at least one of them mentioned this password. Their righteous indignation made him add that it would be the very person to whom they owed everything: the firearms, the explosives, the electricity, the breakthrough technologies of melting, forging, quenching, processing… And also new machines, furnaces, ventilation and much more!

As they heard the coveted password, the two guards gasped and dropped to their knees. Tears welled up in their eyes, and their stern faces filled with awe. They looked at the pot-bellied man as if he were a god in the flesh.

«I can’t believe that I happened to meet the creator himself! Oh, great THOR, you have heard my prayers!» … «You are our savior! A new era of dwarf greatness will soon begin thanks to you! You are heaven-sent, amazing human!» – The dwarfs’ voices trembled with excitement as if they were little girls confessing their love.

Eve and Leila were lost for words. They looked at each other, puzzled. A silent question was written all across their faces: {What on earth is going on here?}

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