
Chapter 302

Chapter 302

After talking with Franz, Kyon left the medical center and headed to the main school building. On the way there, he took out the sound transmitter and called Stephanie, number three in the Stone family. With her help, he had organized the unscheduled qualification to become a direct blood descendant. She had also arranged his military card without which he couldn’t become an investigator.

«Stephanie Stone speaking.» – He heard in the sound transmitter.

«Do you remember me, Stephanie Stone?» – Kyon said pompously.

«Is it… Kyon?» – She exclaimed in surprise. The last thing she expected to hear was the goddess’s messenger’s voice! Stephanie thought that this eagle had flown away and would never come back to her.

«Make sure that no one can hear you.» – Kyon asked.

«Uh-huh!» – She peeped out of the toilet booth and looked around. – «No one is here!»

«Alight. I’d like to ask a favor of you. As a reward, I’ll give you some powerful techniques.»

«Wait! I don’t need any techniques! I just want to see you!» – Stephanie said excitedly. – «Where are you?» – If she got to meet him, she would never let him go again.

«You can’t see me. I’m in another kingdom.»

«I can come to you!» – She wasn’t going to give up just like that.

{What a tenacious girl…} – «N-o spells no!» – Kyon said imperiously. – «Don’t make me raise my voice.»

Stephanie panicked. She knew that she had to be persistent and assertive, but she could not afford it. Kyon could simply end the call! She couldn’t lose him again. – «I’m sorry… I’m sorry Kyon. I have always been invisible and unimportant to you…» – The cunning girl was playing the victim to get compliments from Kyon and then use his words against him, but, to her disappointment, he said nothing.

When the silence became uncomfortable, Stephanie desperately blurted out: «I’ll do anything you say if you give me the real frequency of your sound transmitter!»

{How did she figure it out?} – Kyon used a disposable sound transmitter, anticipating the unwanted calls from the pesky stalker. – «No.» – He said resolutely.

Stephanie fought back a sob. – «Then promise to call me again…»

«You can’t seduce me, girl. I am not interested in relationships. I have a lot on my plate. I can only promise to protect the Stones in the future when I get stronger. As for the techniques… They don’t cost me anything, but you might find them useful. They can help you become Stone number one in your generation. I thought you might be interested in this.»

Stephanie moaned sadly: «Alright… When you put it like this I have no… I mean I agree. What do you want me to do?» – She asked humbly.

«First, check your mail. I’ve sent you a large sum of money. Use it to rent a spacious, fortified basement in the shopping area and organize a fight club there. It will be a place where the Stones can meet every night for sparring sessions. If someone does not want to get involved, put some pressure on them, use your father’s authority. You can also justify it by the fact that the Grands bully everyone at school, and now you will have a place where you can gain combat experience and at the same time learn to work in a team. Can you do it?»

Stephanie was deeply moved: «Do you really favor the Stones so much?»

«Don’t be a fool. Your main task is to inspire one depressed guy and lift his spirits. I will describe him in detail later. Arrange a tournament at the very first meeting in the club. The winner will become the leader. He will supervise everything: resolve conflicts, instruct the fighters, and announce the winners. You will be his right hand to make sure there’s no discontent in the club.»

Something seemed to be bothering her: «Wait, the fight club is for the Stones, right? How can the leader be an outsider?»

«He is a former Stone. He has the formation.»

«But Lee is the strongest Stone! I will never persuade him to give in! He’s too proud to lower himself in front of everyone, even for a million spheres!»

«Don’t worry about that. The future leader will defeat your vaunted Lee in no time.»

«Really? I thought Lee was the strongest in our generation!»

«Can you do it or not?» – Kyon ignored her statement.

«Yeah! Sure! You can count on me, my hero!»

«Good luck.» – Kyon said instead of goodbye and ended the connection. Then he called the palace using the royal formation that he had received at the wedding ceremony.

«Benjamin, the chief butler, is at your service, Your Highness, Dick Grand.» – Kyon heard a firm but at the same time obliging voice of the mustachioed butler, willing to serve his master until his death.

«Benjamin, the prince has an urgent important task for you. Money is not a problem, I will cover all expenses.»

«I am all ears, sir.» – The butler said courteously.

Kyon ordered to find the best specialist in his field in the whole empire. According to rough estimates, this person would arrive in Cernos to provide his services to the customer, i.e. Lovr, in a week or two.

Kyon made sure that the butler got everything right and hung up. Then he went to the nearest toilet on the top floor of the main school building and regained Dick’s appearance. The classes hadn’t been over yet. The school halls were empty, but he released a couple of zombie rats to scout the area just in case. Then he left the toilet and knocked on the door to the principal’s office.

«Come in.» – An irritated voice answered back. Nulan had been the principal of the prestigious school for many years, combining this post with the respectful status of an elder. He was one of the most respected Grands in the kingdom. When someone knocked on his door with no appointment, they rarely received a warm welcome. Heaven forbid the guest should come without a good reason!

The door opened. The prince came inside with a lordly gait. On either side of him, two bodyguards emerged from invisibility like living mountains.

Nulan’s face twisted in disgust at the sight of the fat freak with guards, but he immediately smiled broadly: «Your Highness! To what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?» – He instinctively wanted to get rid of the unwanted guest as soon as possible..

Dick grunted thoughtfully, indifferently looking around the office as if it belonged to him, and plopped onto the chair. The fat guy looked extremely arrogant, as he always did: «You do realize that I can be where I want and when I want, right?»

Dick’s impudent attitude drove Nulan round the bend, the corner of his mouth twitched nervously: «Of course. I didn’t want to offend you with my stupid question. And yet, you’ve come here for a reason if I am not mistaken.»

«Aren’t you observant!» – Dick nodded his head in acknowledgment, raising his thumb. His inappropriate gesture and words evoked Nulan’s intense hate. – «I’ll cut to the chase. Rumor has it that you fuck beautiful boys in the ass…» – The prince said carelessly as if discussing the weather.

The principal had a sudden coughing fit. He tapped his chest and stared blankly at his interlocutor: «Your Highness! I have never heard such nonsense in my life! I’m a trustworthy principal of the kingdom’s finest educational institution, not a vicious rapist! Who dares to throw around such dirty lies?»

Dick slapped his hand on the table: «Do you take me for an idiot, sick bastard?»

The unexpected imperative tone in Dick Baker’s usually shrill voice scared the director: «Prince Dick, I am not…»

«Shut the fuck up!» – The fat guy interrupted him in a dismissive tone, taking out a visual formation. – «I have all your atrocities recorded on this visual formation! I’ve seen what you did to Franz. It’s a sight to behold! Who would ever have thought that the respected headmaster of the most prestigious school in the Iron Throne is in fact a piece of shit, raping and threatening poor guys? What would Boston residents say when they find out about it?» – Dick spoke sternly and pompously as if he were in the Supreme Court ready to pronounce the verdict.

Nulan was in a state of colossal emotional turmoil. It did not even occur to him that Dick might be bluffing. His face rapidly turned pale. He was trembling. His mouth opened and closed, but instead of making excuses, he uttered unintelligible sounds. How could he prove anything if the fat freak was holding the visual formation that couldn’t be faked? Was there any way to avoid the consequences? Attack the prince? No! That would be a mistake! His bodyguards were too strong!

Nulan couldn’t even imagine what they would do to him when it went public. His whole life, his achievements and authority he had earned over the years would be completely ruined. He wouldn’t wish it upon anyone!

«Are you scared, beast?» – Dick grinned coldly. – «Just one word and the queen will destroy you! Well, you should have been hanged long ago, but I have something to offer you.»

Being on the verge of fainting, Nulan grasped at straws: «What is it?»

«You will do exactly as I tell you!» – Dick said with poise and stuck out his finger. – «First, you cut this shit once and for all. If there’s a hint of your addiction left, I’ll get you executed at once. Second, you will make it clear to everyone at school, including the teachers, that Franz is untouchable or they will have to deal with you. Above all, do something about your psychotic daughter who has already beaten him to a pulp.»

«My daughter beat up Franz?» – Nulan gasped.

Dick continued calmly: «Third, your wife and you will leave your signatures and seals with your energy here.» – He took a blank sheet of paper from Nulan’s table and drew two lines at the bottom with a pen.

Nulan looked at the blank sheet with confusion. He fully understood and accepted the first two points, but the third?

«Your Highness… Why do you need our signatures and seals?» – He asked in a trembling voice.

«It’s none of your fucking business!» – The monobrowed guy yelled as if he didn’t know the answer himself.

Nulan swallowed hard, plucked up his courage and insisted: «I cannot sign a blank piece of paper without knowing your intentions! You can write anything here!»

The fat guy thought for a while and then frowned with annoyance: «Consider it as a lever of pressure.»

The principal couldn’t get it. If the future heir to the throne asked him for something, he would do it anyway. What was the point in the third condition? The prince was going to make him do something against his will! But what?

Then Nulan finally understood! It was the way the pathetic idiot asserted himself! Right! It was written all over his face! He had made three specific conditions for effect, but he couldn’t come up with a decent third point. That’s why he thoughtlessly grabbed the piece of paper and stated the first thing that came into his stupid mind!

«Will you give me the formation if I agree?» – Nulan said calmly.

Dick snorted and said boorishly: «Do you think I can’t accuse you without formation? I’m sure a couple of your victims will gladly testify!» – Before Nulan opened his mouth, Kyon added: «I won’t give you this formation because I don’t want you to wank watching it. But I give you my promise I will destroy it.»

«It’s enough for me.» – Nulan forced a smile.

«In this case, I’m waiting for the paper with your seals and signatures tomorrow afternoon. And don’t even think of busting my balls! My personal lawyer will check everything. If you try to deceive me, I’ll get you impaled on a spike.» – Dick warned the principal and left with a satisfied look on his face like the cat swallowed the canary.

Actually, the prince had a minimum of power over the elder as they both had the first rank. Even more so, it was impossible to get the signatures and seals without Vlada’s order, but Kyon got his way by putting a little pressure on the principal. At the same time, he quite convincingly imitated his stupidity and desire to stand out at the cost of Nulan’s humiliation.

As soon as the unwanted guest had left the office, Nulan groaned exhaustedly. He rubbed his temples wearily, staring at the piece of paper. It seemed he had to give to the moron their real signatures and seals. Too bad he would never have fun with Franz again. It looked like he had bought the candles, the whip and the handcuffs for nothing…

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