
Chapter 242

Chapter 242

In the morning, Kyon arrived at the dwarf factory.

Gennady, the head of the factory, personally handed him everything he had previously ordered and also told him about their success in mastering electricity, new technologies, scientific knowledge, etc.

In fact, Kyon had already heard everything from his slaves disguised as the scientists. He was aware of the progress. He knew that the dwarf factories located throughout the empire were getting upgraded and equipped to work with electricity and manufacture the next-generation weapons. He was surprised only to hear the last piece of news.

«Oh, great descendant of Thor! I took the liberty of setting up a production center in Dantes (0), in the largest factory in the entire Rosarrio empire. The most skilled and talented bearded gods will work there to master the science and create the fancy stuff from your big head. I guarantee that production will increase tenfold. Moreover, I want to introduce your technology at the world dwarf conference and win the Golden Factory nomination. If everything goes well, and I have no doubt it will, our factory in Dantes will become a global dwarf center! The best representatives of my people from all over the world will come here, and each of them will want to make your acquaintance over a glass of dwarf ale!» – The old dwarf said passionately.

«By the way, I guarantee the safety of your technologies from the tall monkeys. My great dwarves won’t tell anyone the secrets of our manufacture even on pain of death!»

Kyon encouraged his ardent enthusiasm but warned the little bearded fan that imperial authorities would soon intervene in the affairs of the dwarves. It was inevitable.

The old dwarf yelled, spraying spit all over. He swore that he would never give out any technological secrets. Kyon listened to him, shaking his head. – «Gennady, your resisting patrons will only lead to disaster. You will both be better of if you trust each other and cooperate. The government will protect you and provide you with resources, and you will provide them with weapons.»

«Dwarf’s beard, Kyon, they will steal our technologies! They don’t deserve to get them!»

Kyon snorted. – «At most, they might steal production drawings that no one will make out! It’s impossible to recreate the technology without a knowledge base. Who is going to teach them? Where will they find mentors? See?»

Gennady was as stubborn as a donkey. Kyon had no other choice but to remind him about the “request” that the dwarf owed him since the moment they made the first contract. The stocky old dwarf accepted the inevitable with a pained expression on his face.

In fact, Kyon was going to carry out some long-planned projects such as 1) getting rid of “Kyon” and creating a new personality; 2) tacit cooperation with the 0th general after proving he is a valuable asset for the empire (with the help of the dwarves, or rather, the artillery they created); 3) creating a strategic plan to combat demons; focusing primarily on getting revenge as well as making a gain for himself.

When the meeting with the head of the factory was over, Kyon headed for the Stone territory. Not without XiaoBai’s help, he entered the central zone and ended up in the elite training hall.

The formation of the 1st rank allowed him to get into the closed room.

Kyon saw a slender, golden-haired girl in the skintight training uniform, who was violently attacking a punching bag: a lightning fast jab, a powerful right hook followed by a left one, a roundhouse kick and finally, a jumping knee kick. With impressive skill, she launched a series of punches and kicks to the bag’s midsection. Her flexible body was glowing with heat. All of her movements were so elegant and graceful as if she was gliding over the ground. Beads of sweat trickled down her cute face.

«Who’s here?!» – Juno turned around and glared at the intruder. – «What brings you here? And why do you show up announced?»

«Am I to announce myself to the slaves?»

Juno snorted, baring her white teeth. She looked at Kyon with caution as if she had met a dangerous, unpredictable predator.

«I see you’re training hard, but I don’t understand why you have stopped coming to get your keys cleaned. Is there anything more effective than improving your natural talent if you want to get stronger?»

«I don’t think there is anything else.» – Juno replied impassively.


And then Juno couldn’t help it. – «All it takes is a trace amount of Sinergy to clean my keys! Do you really think that I will stoop so low as to ask you for cleaning like a hungry dog begging for a ​​bone? You’re an asshole who raped and killed his maidservant, who played an important part in bringing on his grandfather’s heart attack! You can go to hell!» – She exclaimed indignantly, her eyes glowing with bottled-up hatred. She wanted to punch his arrogant face so badly her whole hand itched.

Her words made Kyon laugh out loud. He thought that Juno started to lack motivation, and there she surprised him again, taking a stand, baring her teeth! She was frightening, arrogant, headstrong.

«Stop laughing! It’s not funny.» – Juno growled, fighting against the urge to attack him with every bit of might that she had.

«Anything more you want to say?» – Kyon became serious.

Juno stepped back. His low, calm voice sent shivers down her spine.

«Alright, then I order you to strip down to your underwear.»

Now Juno was scared, a look of panic on her face. – «What’s on your mind?! Cancel the order! Cancel it now!» – Juno’s hands had already pulled up her blouse against her will, exposing her slender tummy and pink bra. – «No! Don’t look!» – She yelled hysterically, bitterly regretting everything she had sais in a fit of rage.

Kyon watched her undress, thoughtfully stroking his chin like a pimp who is to pick a new whore.

The look in his eyes made Juno’s insides twist and contract in fear. – «Please forgive me! I am sorry! I take my words back only cancel the order! PLEASE!» – She could feel with her soul his arousal and was afraid of losing her virginity. Her heart sank in her chest at the thought of the bastard taking it. She would give her innocence only to the man she loved! Only to her husband!

Kyon winked playfully at her pleas.

Juno touched the elastic waistband and pulled her pants down, sobbing quietly…

Kyon seemed to be in a much better mood, appreciating the scene before him. How beautiful she was! She had a perfect waist. Her slender body wasn’t too overmuscled after exhausting workouts and had breathtaking sensual curves. Her ivory white skin was so smooth that it took Kyon a lot of effort to hold back his inner beast from pouncing on this enchanting fairy and eating her alive.

«Come here.»

Juno approached, covering her groin and breasts with her hands. Her face was contorted in a grimace that spoke of fear, despair and some deeply hidden disappointment. – «Please, Kyon! Lovr must have left something good and noble in you. Forgive me for my quick temper! Please don’t make me…»

Kyon slapped her hard across her tender cheek. The impact of the blow sent his half-naked slave reeling backwards. She fell heavily to the floor. – «Stop provoking me, idiot! You’re already twenty-five and still a fool…»

Juno gingerly touched her burning cheek, looking at the bastard from under her lashes.

Kyon grabbed her delicate wrist and pulled her into his arms. A fragrant scent filled his nostrils. Juno’s body after her workout smelled so wonderful.

Juno closed her eyes… He was going to kiss again, and then… No… She couldn’t even think about it!

{Huh?..} – Her big eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing. She couldn’t believe it was really happening. – {What’s going on? Why?}

The divine lotus of development that was growing inside her soul somewhere in the groin area let Juno know that her keys were being cleaned. She had a familiar feeling of flight that spread throughout her body, concentrating in the lower abdomen.

Juno couldn’t understand this cruel villain’s intentions. First, he made her undress, then he hit her, and now he was cleaning her keys?! What was going on in his head? Juno looked at the “rapist” totally confused.

At this moment, Juno looked extremely sweet and charming. With her sparkling eyes, lips slightly apart, tousled hair, she touched the deepest part of his heart

A spatial flash marked the transition to the next stage…

«Why?» – Juno asked quietly. She didn’t understand anything at all.

«My dear reckless slave, you are too weak and worthless for me now. You’ll be no use to me if you can’t remove the numerous obstacles on my long and dangerous path.»

This strange, vague answer didn’t explain anything! She wanted to continue her interrogation when indescribable, overwhelming sensations washed over her. Juno closed her trembling eyelids and surrendered to the fantastic stream. The flower in her soul started to grow rapidly.

*flash* *flash*

As Juno’s cultivation grew, she thought her heart was going to explode from sheer bliss.

*flash* *flash*

A soft moan escaped her lips. She bit her bottom lip and blushed, but she could no more restrain herself as tremors of pleasure and shock raced through her body.

*flash* *flash*

Juno timidly crossed her legs. The burning, hot sensation concentrated in her groin was something completely new to her. This sensation only enhanced with each next stage that her flower reached (with Kyon’s help).

*flash* *flash*

Juno moaned gutturally, unable to express her desire in words. She opened her eyes sparkling with joy and indescribable pleasure. – «Stop it! I can’t take it anymore! It’s driving me crazy!»

– She felt the flower grow the roots in her soul, embracing her womb, caressing some secret place inside her in unbearable sweet waves.

«Did you tell me to go on like this and never stop?» – Kyon grinned mischievously. It pleased him immensely to know she was on fire. There was nothing surprising in her passionate response. Her unique body was closely related to the intimate parts, after all.

Kyon slid his fingers into her panties and infused her key of water with Synergy.


«Stop it! Stop it now!.. Oh… Ohhh!» – Juno was on the floor twitching and arching in a fit of orgasmic spasms. Her pretty innocent face was distorted from euphoria she had never known before. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Loud, obscene moans escaped her lips.

«Pisspants…» – Kyon said almost affectionately, watching Juno squirt. His lips curled up in a contented smile of an experienced seducer.

To spare his nerves, Kyon left the room soon after, feeling frustrated. If it were not for Juno’s divine lotus of development and the upcoming tournament, he would have forced himself upon her. The ungrateful bitch had refilled his nucleus with only 5% of light!

Juno had become the master of all the elements (her keys were perfectly clean). She had also had her nervous system upgraded. As a result, she had ascended ten stages, entering the beginning stage of the superior phase (3.3).

The upgraded nervous system would allow her to use more enzymes, which would accelerate the cultivation of her body and hence her soul. The perfectly clean keys would double the training effect as the speed they absorbed the energy from the atmosphere would accelerate significantly. Also, her initial four elements had evolved in five stages (compared to the practitioners with a standard talent).

Evolution and transformation of her soul had happened a couple of minutes. Such lightning-fast progress was pure cheating. No one in their right mind would believe it was even possible. For example, even with the help of the legendary breakthrough medicine, she would have evolved 4-5 stages, not more.

Kyon knew how this strange world worked. Juno was bound to pay for this breakthrough in the future (when she reaches the lord phase (5) and the flower in her soul blooms). He did not know what the price was, but he was sure that it wasn’t about a decline in her talent or reaching the ceiling.

Kyon made Juno super talented for several reasons:

First, the faster she developed, the more she would return in the future.

Second, her growing strength didn’t bother him. Synergy would make sure she was no danger to him

Third, they would soon have to say goodbye for a long period of time. He was planning to change his personality (something that Juno was not supposed to know), solve the issue with the demons (Vladimir’s task), and become a high-ranking imperial investigator (which meant moving to the capital city). Juno would only get in the way. She’d better join the best school in the empire. If she showed her talent in the tournament, they would love to admit her. Kyon had still to find a decent and worthy opponent for her. If he miscalculated, Juno might suffer big time, and then…

Fourth, even if Juno had tried to get rid of him so many times, she had also saved his life more than once. The first time was in the tomb under the mansion when she gave him a healing pill, without which he would have never come to senses. The second time was at the party. If not for Juno, Kara would have killed him. The third time was in the illusory world. Kyon wasn’t ungrateful to forget about it. Perhaps when she lost her development, Lovr wouldn’t let her commit suicide or drag on a wretched existence. Time would tell. He hadn’t taken the final decision yet.

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