
Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Kyon spent his free time enthusiastically exercising in the training hall.

The morning key cleaning of the keys went in silence. Then it was over, the girl handed him the 9th, last but one million and left. When the evening came, she appeared before him. Kyon did his “painstaking” job with pleasure. He found it amusing to see her eyes searching for “truth” in his, where not so long ago, she was looking for lust. She was treating him differently now, but it did not change her taciturn nature.

Kyon wanted to occupy even more place in her thoughts, make her depend on him even more. Should he invite her somewhere? Was there any mutually beneficial cooperation? There was nothing he could do today: the hunt for the thieves guild was about to start in a few hours…

Then as if struck with sudden insight, Kyon gave a slap to his forehead. It’s true what they say: “The best place to hide something is in plain sight.” The little thief could be… A thief! Or even the head of the thieves guild. She was highly unlikely to descend to the common thief, her pride and arrogance would never allow it. This pretty obvious thought had just come to mind to one of the most favourite Synergy’s pets…

{I have half a minute to think. I wonder what the odds are.} – Kyon was thinking hard while doing the key cleaning. – {There rumors that the Black Queen and Lanai hate each other. However, if I were the head of two guilds, I would benefit from creating this image for the investigators, so it makes sense. The Black Queen has excellent theft skills. Both girls have outstanding leadership qualities. They are powerful, and their influence on Boston has been stronger than of any shadow organization since the capital was founded. It all adds up. It’s not easy to run two guilds at once, but that’s where uncle Leon comes to her rescue, and the chanced the Black Queen and Lanai are the same person get even higher. The guilds were created with a difference in four years, and the total probability that the girl is the leader of two guilds is approximately 95%! Holy shit!}

It was going to hit the fan.

Everything was ready to capture the guild. The department would never back off. How could he persuade the girl to cancel the monthly meeting? It was no less than an important fifth anniversary. The only option was to tell her about the ambush. However, the little thief was too smart and cautious. She would require proof… The low-ranking investigators that work for her in the department knew nothing about the operation. Only a narrow circle of people was in the know, which means that she wouldn’t believe him or she would find out about his position as a high-ranking investigator. What would happen next? Would she trust him? Hardly, given her suspicious nature. All their agreements and existing relations would come to an end. If she ever survived …

{What if the five percent turn out to be true? What if Lanai is someone else?} – A hopeful thought flickered through his feverish mind. He urgently needed to refute it or confirm, or he would never find peace.

«Do you have any plans for the evening?»

«I do if you want to ask me out.» – She answered quietly, waiting for his reaction with poorly disguised interest.

«Would you agree to a cup of tea with me for a hundred thousand, say, in a couple of hours?»

She looked at him with surprise. – «Maybe. Do you want to buy my time for a hundred thousand spheres?»

{Is she free or not?..} – His hope increased tenfold. In a few hours, Lanai had to be in the meeting of the guild, not drink tea in the cafe. – «I have a discount coupon. My smile takes off a hundred and one percent.» – He flashed a wide smile at her.

«I take no smiles today. Come tomorrow.» – The girl jokingly said and turned away. She was lying on the bed, letting him massage the area near the key of light (her heart). His touch was gentle and accurate. She felt a bit sleepy. How did he do this? His touch used to disgust her, now it felt so nice.

{I need more information… How can I get it?..} – «By the way, can you teach me how to steal as skillfully as you? I want to take a couple of lessons.»

«Why do you think I can steal?»

«Well… You skillfully took off my ring in the library. Not every professional snatch thief is capable of this.»

«You were as slow as a snail. Anyone in my phase can do it. By the way, I didn’t rob you. It was payment for your protection.»

{Sure it was!} – «But you did rob the prince.» – Kyon insisted.

«He gave me the medicine himself, convinced that I would return the favor. He can blame himself. Why do you want to become a thief, anyway? Didn’t you tell me that you can make more money than me and my guild altogether? Go, earn your bread.» – She snapped at the end.

Kyon said nothing. Her words sounded convincing, but it wasn’t enough. It was still too risky. If she really was Lanai, Lovr would never forgive himself if they caught her. He wanted to one hundred percent sure.

Meanwhile, the minute allotted for the key cleaning had come to an end.

The little thief got out of bed, stretched herself, slightly arching her slender body, and went to the door.

Her key of light was 99% pure. There was only the key of water left. However, it was quite pure from birth. It would be great if he could clean it in one go.

Kyon hastily thought of an idea and shouted as she was leaving the room:


The girl slowly turned around and gave him an icy look. – «Why did you call me so?»

«You are the head of the thieves guild, aren’t you?»

«You are mistaken.»

Before Kyon only opened his mouth to object, the girl interrupted him:

«Not a word more. I don’t want to hear anything about them. Never mention my competitors again.» – She said and slammed the door loudly behind herself.

{Maybe, I am overthinking it?..} – Kyon rubbed his eyes wearily. Her answer had significantly reduced the chance of a coincidence. However, given her cautious nature, she could have deliberately avoided the subject. Kyon took out his sound transmitter and called her. He had a very bad feeling when she didn’t answer. But there was nothing he could change. He should have thought about it earlier. Seeking to distract himself from such gloomy thoughts, he went to the training hall.

At some point, the sound transmitter rang. Finally, news from Byron!

They talked for about a minute. Byron happened to have had a private conversation with his uncle. A keg of beer and snacks, helped Byron to fish out the frequency of Hans’s sound transmitter!

Kyon finished the conversation and called Hans at once.

«Who is it?» – He heard the second brother’s hoarse voice.

«Password.» – Kyon said in Sauron’s voice. Once, he received just as unexpected call and had to give a password.

«The eldest!..» – Hans’s voice trembled. – «Password… Just a moment. I can’t remember it…» – *paper rustling* – «They who deceive once will deceive many times. They who dare to betray will never stop betraying.» – The robber recited without understanding what he was saying.

{What sophisticated nature the leader of the wild robbers has!} – Kyon thought, amazed.

«Why are you calling from a different frequency, the eldest brother?» – The second brother asked suspiciously.

«To stay under the radar. A little bird told me that you had been talking with your uncle. You know the rules. If it ever happens again, I will have to punish you.»

As Sauron said, any communication with the outside world during the “business trip” was prohibited. Hans would really get it from Sauron if he found out.

The inveterate bandit was surprised and even frightened by Sauron’s cunning ways. Henceforth, he would blindly trust him and obey all his rules. – «My bad! Forgive me, the eldest brother… It won’t happen again!» – The robber’s suspicion had disappeared, fear had replaced it.

This short call gave Kyon the necessary password to capture the first brother, aka Sauron. Kyon had been planning to get it by torture, but when he learned that the 2nd brother was Byron’s brother, he decided to take the long way, or the big guy would never get his revenge. The most dangerous criminals (like the other five brothers of Sauron) were kept on the lower level of the department, and even Kyon, the investigator of the 3rd rank, couldn’t save anyone from there.

«I talked with your uncle and found a new member for our gang. He is rather weak but fiercely loyal. His name is Byron, he is your younger brother. You will welcome him properly.»

«The eldest…» – Hans found himself at a loss for words.

«He will be there today or tomorrow. Good hunting!» – Next, he called Byron and told him the plan of action that included infiltrating into the gang, the long-awaited revenge, and wonderful survival.

Byron was shaking with anticipation. He thanked his friend a thousand times for his help and promised to do everything in the best possible way. – «I’m ready to leave right now! I’ll be waiting for your signal!»

«Good luck, Byron.»

«Thank you, brother.» – Byron thanked Kyon from all his heart.

Kyon did his best to minimize the odds of Byron’s failure. Byron could take it up from there. Tomorrow would be a big day. Of course, Lovr couldn’t care less if Byron would get his revenge. He was after his personal gain, namely, the chance to fill the nucleus with light. Nothing had changed in their relationship since he had left the mine. Kyon’s attitude had never changed.

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