
Chapter 188

Chapter 188

Before going to bed, Kyon wrote a note to Bai. He asked most beautifully and delicately to give him 20,000 spheres that Sauron would get in the end. Kyon was meeting him the day after tomorrow.

In the morning, he received the long-awaited call. He was meeting Vladimir at quarter to noon. He put the nephrite with the recorded conversation in the bird’s claws and sent it to Kurt, the briber. Kyon wasn’t going to have anything to do with him.

After that, Kyon called Juno. He was taking her along as his lucky charm again. Just in case. No one would dare to touch the patriarch’s granddaughter.

At the appointed time, they arrived at the central square. They saw a large white four-story building in the traditional style. The Department of Law and Order was the main branch of the Ministry of Justice out of the three. The other two branches were responsible for jurisprudence and economy that had less influence in this world of power.

The Department of Law and Order had many functions responsible for law enforcement: discovering the criminals, maintaining order on the streets, following the rules, punishing those who violated the rules, dealing with corruption, and so on. In fact, it was the city army and the police at once. The Department reacted to anything that the current authorities had any objections to. More often than not, it was covered by laws. It should be noted that the authorities meant the imperial family, not the royal one. A king or his offsprings would never prevail over the laws.

Perhaps the fact that the Grands had no power over the Department was the decisive factor for Kyon. No bitch like Kara would ever have him delivered to her on a silver platter to wait for her verdict.

Kyon and Juno climbed the broad steps and entered the building. Despite the long line, they were let in because they had an aura of the high-ranking persons. No one was looking for problems.

A sweet young administrator quickly found their appointment and assigned an attendant. She looked a little surprised. It wasn’t too easy to get an audience with Vladimir.

The attendant took them to the back of the building. He entered the elevator and applied his formation. They went up to the top floor. It was upscale, but without too many frills. Everything was decorated in an elegant austere style. They noticed a door at the end of the corridor. No doubt, it was the office of the head of the ministry.

Juno was walking beside Kyon, glancing at him from time to time. She expected to see his anxious face, but he remained calm.

«By the way… When I say something that doesn’t make any sense to you, don’t react, please.» – Kyon ordered in a quiet voice.

{Hun?! What do you mean?!} – Juno gazed at him open-mouthed.

The attendant applied his formation to the circle at the door and waited for a while. When the person inside accepted, the door opened. The attendant let the visitors in and left.

Kyon and Juno passed through the soundproof barrier and immediately felt the change in the atmosphere inside the spacious room.

A man of about 35 years old, dressed in an elegant black suit was standing at the large mirror. He was wearing a white shirt under the jacket. A black bow-tie was attached to the collar, but it didn’t keep straight. Vladimir was trying to adjust it.

The visitors could see only part of his face in the mirror, and even so, it was remarkable. He was a handsome young man, completely devoid of arrogance and self-importance, which is so often associated with a high position. He seemed to have survived a serious crisis.

The man said, without turning his head:

«Let’s drop courtesies and get down to business. Kurt, my subordinate, has recommended you, Kyon Stone, as a potential investigator. Usually, lower ranks deal with employment, but I’ve made an exception for the sake of an old friend. So, you’ve taken Sauron’s sixth brother… It’s a good start. Tell me how you discovered his den. Surprise me, reveal your skills. And I’ll think about where I might have a place for you…»

«Thank you for seeing me, Vladimir. Taking the sixth brother was nothing but an ordinary investigation of the territory around Boston. I found a lane that was teeming with robbers and checked it together with my guards. However, nothing that I’ve said is much impressive. That’s why I will take a step back and give you an analysis of your personality, your priorities and goals if you don’t mind.» – Kyon suggested.

Everyone likes to talk about themselves. Vladimir looked at Kyon’s reflection in the mirror, intrigued. – «I’d love to hear what you have to say.» – The damned bow-tie wouldn’t hold straight!

Juno wondered. – {Analysis of Vladimir’s personality? Does he hope to earn the position flattering the head of the Department? What an idiot! I’ve overestimated him!} – A nasty smile played on her lips.

«Alright. Your beautiful tuxedo is made of expensive materials, including the solin. Only the Zemfirovs make clothes of solin in this empire. You are a proud patriot, so I dare to assume that’s where you placed your order. You’ve ordered your suit recently because it doesn’t have a single wrinkle. It is made with taste. I suppose it’s the first time you’re wearing it. However, the bow-tie doesn’t match the suit. It’s made of a different material. Perhaps it was bought separately in a hurry in Boston. The Zemfirovs set the fashion trend in our empire. If a bow-tie isn’t supposed to go with a suit, no one will buy it separately. However, you insisted on acquiring this element of clothing.»

Vladimir watched Kyon closely. His gestures and the tone of his voice added confidence and conviction to his words.

«Your father, Gregory Grand, was the former head of the Ministry of Law and Order, a great elder, and King Michael’s good friend. He died two years ago at the hands of the best killer, the Black Queen. May he rest in peace… The whole department searched for the murderer for a year. However, you ordered to stop the search. You must have understood who ordered the murder. That’s why you stopped looking for the killer to get the intel. As for getting your revenge, it wasn’t enough justified to squander the budget of the kingdom. Even after you have found out the name of the perpetrator, there was no news of finding the one who gave the order to kill Gregory. Therefore, you have either lost the criminal or there is nothing you can do.»

Vladimir froze. His face became serious, almost grave.

«And now, back to the bow-tie… There exists an old superstition: if at the celebration (for example, a wedding, a birthday, etc.) one of the guests is wearing a black bow-tie and has in the pocket thirteen black rose petals, the host or hostess of the party will be damned and will soon die of a severe illness. You inherited the superstition from your father, for you respected him with all your heart. Today you are going to the palace where they are celebrating the international day of the royal family, that is, King Michael, Queen Vlada, the first Princess Kara and Prince Charles. It leads to the assumption that you wish them death. However, King Michael and the prince are innocent. They had no reason to eliminate someone so valuable to the kingdom, which can’t be said about Kara and Vlada, who suddenly appeared in the kingdom three years ago. The king stopped appearing in public immediately after their arrival. About that time his tax laws exceeded all the limits. It is reasonable to assume that the newly-made queen took over Michael and all power in the kingdom. She had eliminated your father as the most dangerous opponent. She hired a hitman to kill him. By the way, it takes outstanding formacist skills and a huge advantage in power to subjugate the king. Or there’s another way. The enchanting curse known to the race of demons, the succubi. I don’t claim that Kara and Vlada are demons, but given their sensual nature, as well as the rare case of their cherry-red hair and eyes (although the queen has her hair dyed), there’s a high probability that it’s true. It turns out that you’re seeking revenge. You’re trying to get back at Kara and Vlada. Am I right?» – Kyon finished his speech, keeping his calm demeanor.

Vladimir was speechless, amazed. Each Kyon’s word had more truth than the last. Vladimir had spent long months to come to this conclusion! And Kyon went ahead and revealed the truth at a single glance at his bow-tie! The head of the Department had often met talented investigators who could quickly show a person their essence, but it was the first time he had met someone who could penetrate the very depths of the soul, touch the heart with minor detail.

Vladimir turned slowly, disappeared from his place and nailed Kyon to the wall, hissing:

«Who the hell are you?!»

Meanwhile, Juno looked completely calm because of Kyon’s order, but her heart beat out a quick drum roll. – {Kara is a demon?! SHE IS A SUCCUBUS?!} – Shel felt dizzy and had to lean against the wall. Given the color of her hair and eyes, her wanton behaviour, and sexual attraction to girls, Kara was truly a succubus! Juno remembered the night in bed with Kara when her whole body was burning with desire. Was it Kara’s enchantment curse? And what about her grandfather who had lost his best friend.. The king turned out to have been enchanted! The news fell upon her like an avalanche.

{Kara’s a demon! A demon! She’s a demon!} – This thought echoed through her consciousness. The human race despises the demons. This hatred is encouraged since early childhood. Anyone would destroy or enslave the representatives of the vile race. The demons are evil, cunning, treacherous creatures. And one of them turned out to be her friend! How could she live on with this idea?

Juno took a deep breath and looked at Kyon pressed against the wall. Why was he so smart? How did her assistant understand that the pathetic black bow-tie was related to Vlada and Kara? His line reasoning was too complicated… How did he know so many secrets about Vladimir? About his father? Moreover, judging by the reaction of the head of the Department, Kyon’s theory was absolutely true!

«I am Kyon, the grandson of Bai, the son of Diana and the brother of Juno, XiaoBai and Elsa Stone. I hope I’ve piqued your interest. Where do you think you’ll find a placement for me?» – Kyon asked with an ingratiating smile and adjusted the bow-tie on Vladimir’s collar.

Vladimir looked from the boy to the girl and back. Surprisingly, the charming girl kept calm, her eyes were empty. Judging by her unearthly beauty, she really was Bai’s granddaughter. Consequently, the boy told the truth about his identity.

«Kyon Stone… You discovered the truth at a single glance at the bow-tie, didn’t you? What do you take me for? You work for Vlada, right?! How could you know about the flower if I did not show it?!» – The head of the Department said threateningly.

«Don’t get me wrong, sir. I didn’t know anything before I came to your office. I despise demons like all normal people. When I saw the petal in the vase, I figured out there was a flower.» – He pointed at the vase on the top shelf.

Vladimir looked at the petal in the vase and let Kyon go. He impassively straightened his the slightly wrinkled black shirt and said with some naïveté:

«I’ve been into deduction since I was a kid. Once I solved a case with a thief, then another one with a killer, and then I easily exposed a briber. After that, I realized… that my calling is to work as a high-ranking investigator and help people. Ideally, I intend to achieve career success and make the world a better place by hunting down the most dangerous criminals of the empire.»

«You are either childishly foolish or too smart and sneaky. Who can guarantee that the royal family won’t find out about this conversation?»- Vladimir asked, looking at them wearily.

«My sister and I can write a non-disclosure statement. But this bullshit won’t give you guarantees at all. You’ll have to take my word for it. Kyon Stone has arrived here with the sole goal of becoming a high-ranking royal investigator. I need the highest recommendation letter from imperial investigators. Why should I look for trouble from a dignified person like you? I don’t want to waste my precious time climbing the career ladder! It is only reasonable, isn’t it?»

Vladimir put his two fingers on the temple, massaging it and trying to analyze the personality of the new acquaintance. Was he stupid or smart? Was he really naive or just pretending to be? He was too weird. A dark horse, that’s for sure. At least his words made sense. Besides, eliminating the witnesses of the 1st rank wouldn’t work. There would be grave consequences. He had to take a chance, but before that, he would ask Kyon some follow-up questions.

«Do you really want to help the empire? Why should I trust you?»

«You have every right to doubt me. You know, an ambitious person often longs for power that can enhance the authority not only of the family but also the whole empire.» – He planned to manage a strong army, have a tremendous impact, and inspire respect.

«And that’s it?»

Kyon scratched his cheek, embarrassed. – «Also, I dream of being the Empress’s secret weapon, a hidden someone with the highest level of anonymity. I’ve even got an impenetrable mask! Take a look!» – He showed Vladimir the beautiful black mask just like this.

«Gods, it’s crazy…» – Vladimir said wearily.

After a prolonged silence, he glanced at his watch. – «I give you month probation, Kyon Stone.» – He handed Kyon a golden card. – «Show it to the management. They will grant you the temporary power of an investigator of the 5th rank. I will analyze and judge your results in a month. That’s all. You’re both free to go.»

{A month? He underestimated me.}

Kyon thanked Vladimir and left the office. Everything went smoothly. He behaved too weird on purpose. His misleading speech contributed to his psychological portrait of an eccentric genius and a dark horse. The Department needed investigators like him. As for Juno, she was his additional protection.

Kyon cracked his fingers. The challenge accepted! It was high time to turn the department upside down. Or his name wasn’t Lovr.

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