
Chapter 111

Chapter 111

XiaoBai had always been punctual, but this time, two business partners failed him. He waited for them out of common courtesy but was a bit late for the party.

As he entered the hall, the patriarch’s grandson immediately noticed everyone watch his little sister talking to the fat boy who was flaunting his wealth. What was that thing gleaming between his fingers? The lord phase spheres! Holy poop on a stick! Does he use them as anti-stress balls?!

No sooner had XiaoBai taken a few steps than something terrible happened. The two spheres fell out of BonJiao’s hands and scattered on the floor. The flagrant waste shocked XiaoBai to the core. This appalling disrespect towards money was against his worldview, honor, morality and common sense. His world had nearly cracked.

All eyes were on the 15-year-old boy at the door.

His forms affronted heaven. His rounded carcass of a spherical shape looked like a human-sized meatball of some centners (about 500 lb). Oh, there was no doubt that his clothes were custom made. His three chins resembled a meat avalanche, and his little pig eyes were so far apart and so deep-set as if they considered each other sworn enemies. His face was far from beautiful in the best times and now it was crimson red and distorted with rage. The veins popped out on his forehead. With a roar: «How did you dare?!» – he rushed to BonJiao with a speed that defied all common sense, the floor shaking under him.

A blow to his guts made BonJiao double over with a * boom. * Another one hit his head and there it was…

«Asshole! What a nerve! What the hell is wrong with you!? I’ll kill you! I swear I’ll kill you!» – XiaoBai shouted furiously, pummeling the unfortunate victim with his enormous fists.

It was an incredible thing to watch.

One of the guests said his first guess out loud:

«XiaoBai is a hero. He is helping his sister!»

And then everyone understood what was happening. The noble brother could not stand the cheeky rich kid and decided to stand up for his beloved little sister!

«Let him have it, Mr. XiaoBai!» … «You are the best! You did what everyone in this hall wanted to!» … «XiaoBai, you are my hero!» – People from all the families yelled.

XiaoBai grabbed ahold of BonJiao. «You sick bastard! I don’t want you hanging around here! Throw him out!»

The guardsmen immediately followed his order and dragged BonJiao like a pork chop out of the mansion.

XiaoBai looked around the room and roared:

«My apologies, ladies and gentlemen, for being late! We can do without the welcome ceremony. Traditional fights begin at eight in the evening. Until then, have a nice party here!»

«You are a hero, XiaoBai!» … «The Romanovs greet you XiaoBai!» … «Your arrival is beyond reproach, sir!» – The guests enthusiastically greeted the “savior.”

He turned to his sister, gave her a broad smile and wrapped his arms around her. «My dear Juno! You outshine everyone here as always!»

«My dear brother!» – Juno exclaimed and buried her face in his chest. There he was, the echo of her former life, the times when she wasn’t a slave, and her brother always vigorously defended her. How she wished she could return those times and escape her reality…

XiaoBai lovingly stroked his sister’s soft hair. «I haven’t seen you so long, dear. Wow! You are already at the 7th stage! Atta girl! You will definitely surpass Elsa with your talent. So, tell me, how is it going? What’s new in the world?»

«I’m fine… I train every day. I’m going through hell… hellish training.» – She answered, depressed.

Xiao Bai finally noticed Marina sitting next to her and raised his eyebrows in surprise. «Мom… Is it you?!»

«This is my friend. I agree they are very much alike…» – Juno hastily assured him.

«I’m Marina, nice to meet you.» – She said and held out her hand that disappeared in his massive hand.

After he greeted Marina and the superior maids, XiaoBai sat next to Juno. He was so bulky he took two seats at once. His movements were slow and awkward that he dropped a fork as soon as he sat at the table. When he leaned down to pick it up, he whispered to his sister in the ear:

«Sweetheart, today’s party is organized in your honor. Grandfather has prepared a valuable gift that the winner of the battles will give to you. You will dance with the champion. It’s okay if you don’t like him. Your word is the law here. If you happen to like someone, just point to him, and I will organize everything. Today you must find your future husband. Do you understand?»

«I will try.» – Juno answered with a slight nod of her head.

«Great! By the way, I have a couple of nice gentlemen for you.» – With the last words, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Two heavyweight boys got up from the faraway table.

Juno’s eyes widened at the sight of the ugly hefty chaps. One of them was a walking mental attack, the second was a bit more tolerable, but it was small comfort.

«Well… I’d better be going.» – Marina said politely, straightening her skirt, and left the testing ground out of harm’s way. Meanwhile, the blond young man got up from his table and followed her.

Juno pressed her lips together and watched the “traitor” go.

Meanwhile, the two burly guys came up to her table. They devoured the sweet girl with their little eyes. One of them was constantly swallowing, and the other was incessantly chewing something, his chubby cheeks rippled.

Anna and Dinah looked at each other.

«This handsome fellow is Balim Milonov (4). He is in charge of the baking factory. If you marry him, you’ll never starve. I mean he is very spiritual. You can always have a heart-to-heart conversation with him… to quench your spiritual thirst! So… He reads books like there’s no tomorrow! I mean it. He loves to read and have deep, serious conversations.» – XiaoBai finished his tirade and patted the always chewing guy on the shoulder.

«Nice to meet you, lady Juno.» – Balin said respectfully.

«Me too…» – replied Juno with a falter in her voice.

«And this handsome one is Zhou Weicin. You can call him just fat Zhou. His mother has connections with the merchants guild. When you’re his wife, you can afford whatever you want! Besides, his hobby is to carry girls in his arms… hehe. You’ll be a real princess, sister!»

{Yeah, in the clutches of the monster.} – Juno thought and smiled bitterly. She was disgusted to look at the always swallowing ugly behemoth who was devouring her with his eyes. His lips were wet with saliva. Yuck!

The look in the beautiful nymph’s eyes made Zhou choke on his saliva and cough. XiaoBai graciously patted him on the back. «Hush, buddy!»

«Excuse me… Cough… You look so sweet, my lady, that I swallowed the wrong way…» – The big guy said in a strained voice.

Poor Juno felt sick after his words. Even her “master” looked better when his face was burned.

XiaoBai hurried to justify his friend:

«That’s not what he is saying! He has two problems: he can’t give compliments, and he overproduces saliva. But deep inside, he is an angel! I remember one day when he was carrying a maid in his arms, and she felt sick…»

Kyon was staring at Juno’s brother, wondering. If his observation skills and intuition didn’t fail him, Xiao Bai was the meanest person he had ever met.

At first, it seemed that the only reason why he had beaten BonJiao was to protect Juno. However, Kyon changed his mind after the rogue “accidentally” dropped his fork and imperceptibly picked up the lord sphere (5) that the arrogant boy had let out of his hands.

And then XiaoBai dropped the cutlery again and picked up the second lord sphere refusing the help of the maids. Everyone was impressed when the patriarch’s son (with severe obesity) picked up a little fork with his own hands. The guests took him for a hero.

Kyon was about to laugh, but the two disgusting fat boys caught his attention. He was delighted to see Juno suffering. But time passed, and XiaoBai didn’t stop praising his friends. He was clearly intending to marry off his beautiful sister to one of them. What’s the matter? Why didn’t the little devil show some perseverance and get rid of them?

Kyon got an idea of XiaoBai’s character and temper. It coincided with Juno’s stories. It was time to implement his plan. Kyon had to get to know the brother and build a rapport with him. He would stick to the legend that he was Juno’s friend. He just needed to get rid of the fatties and the devoted maids.

With a dirty smile, he took the sound transmitter and called Dinah.

The maid stepped aside, put the ringing device to her ear and said coldly:

«Dinah speaking.»

«Dinah, I noticed the way you look at Zhou. I am guessing you are crazy about fat moneybags. I decided to make your dream come true, shy silly girl… So, you will go dancing with the slobbery fat guy, seduce him and make him fall in love with you. And if his gorgeous body wets your panties, give the handsome some pleasure with your little tongue. I’m counting on you, my diligent girl.» – Kyon finished, chuckling maliciously.

His order had instantly entered Dinah’s brain, and she no longer owned her body. Dinah turned pale, grabbed gasping Zhou by the hand and dragged him to dance. A storm of emotions raged inside her. She would kill Kyon… destroy the bastard! In the worst possible way!

Xiao Bai watched them leave, dismay written all over his face.

The guests who had been secretly dreaming about Dinah were thunderstruck by what they saw. They hoped for a dance with the snow queen, and she had chosen a slobbering freak! How could it be possible?!

Several girls laughed to tears when they saw them. Their self-esteem had increased significantly.

Whirling in the dance with the fat monster, Dinah trembled with rage. With her icy gaze, she glared at the piggy eyes of her frightened partner as if she was going to kill him brutally.

Poor Zhou Weicin was drenched in a cold sweat. Death itself seemed to be spinning in a creepy dance with him! During the pirouettes, some liquid sprayed from his black pants. No one saw that, no one but Dinah.

Meanwhile, Juno received a call and listened in silence to the speaker. When she finished the call, she looked at Anna and pointed to Balim.

The maid pursed her pink lips. Now she understood why Dinah had done that. Small wonder that the lady gave her the same sign to take the second fat guy away. It was hard work, but what could she do? She would die for the lady. The blonde maid sighed heavily, took the boy who was chewing his tongue by the hand and led him to the center of the hall.

Another dozen young people bulged their eyes and dropped their jaws. The charming beauties were dancing with fat hogs?! Was it a new fad? They didn’t seem to keep up with fashion. It was high time they started gaining weight.

XiaoBai looked perplexed. He reproached his little sister. «See, Juno? I’ve brought you cool, beautiful, rich grooms, and some greedy girls have taken them away! Oh, you silly little girl… You do not appreciate your brother’s effort. I’ve been trying, searching… I’ve been studying their inheritance, status, interests, accounts…» – He said, offended.

The angry little fox growled quietly:

«Thank you, brother! But I don’t need your handouts!» – Then she suddenly changed her mind. – «By the way, can you give me a loan… Say, a hundred thousand spheres?»

XiaoBai interlocked his fingers in a businesslike manner. «How much interest?»

«None!» – Juno burst out. Her unique body had a growing desire to absorb spheres. However, the treasury was empty, and the greedy servant had given her only 200 spheres.

When she saw XiaoBai’s frozen gaze, she implored:

«I beg you, brother! Oh please… Ple-a-a-ase!!»

Denial flashed across XiaoBai’s face. «No… No… How’s that… You can’t…» – He angrily banged with his fist on the table. – «Do you know how much one hundred thousand is?!» – He folded his hands. – «Maybe… ten thousand is enough? or… Twenty? Let’s settle for thirty?!» – He nervously ran his fingers through his hair, breathing frantically. – «You don’t understand… I will give you my soul! But money is my everything!» – With a deep breath, he accepted the inevitable. – «Okay, I’ll give you a hundred thousand without interest for a month. You will ask grandfather for the rest.»

«Thank you! I love you!» – Juno happily exclaimed and took her brother’s fat hand in her tiny hands. She was used to XiaoBai’s strange behavior when it came to money.

Despite their close relation, the siblings had nothing in common. At least outwardly. Juno was a beautiful piece of work created by skillful gods, a strikingly beautiful being. Her brother was an ugly piece of clay, squeamishly thrown into the garbage can in the absence of the muse.

Many guests wanted to come up to the table where the patriarch’s grandchildren were seated. But most of them were afraid of XiaoBai, the others were embarrassed by the prestige and popularity of magnificent Juno. And yet, a couple of daredevils rose from their seats, but… A shaggy handsome young man had come up to their table. Well, they had to wait until they drive the cheeky boy away and then try their luck. Otherwise, why did they come to the party if not to find out how it feels to dance with the beautiful angel?

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