
Chapter 107

Chapter 107

While Juno was diligently massaging her master’s feet, Kyon decided to hear her version of the rank system in her family and how to get one. Although he had read everything in the books, they were written about ten years ago. You never know what could have changed.

Juno began the story:

«In our family, like in any other, there are seven ranks. The most shameful rank belongs to mediocre or untalented people, as well as children born from family members and slaves or servants. It can be given as punishment or for some minor credit when joining the family. Four-fifths of the Stones have the fifth or sixth rank. They are ordinary working people and their children who didn’t discover any talent in themselves. As a rule, their development does not exceed the middle of the second phase, but they are not fixated on this as they understand they will always be nobody. The third and the fourth ranks belong to important persons in the family as well as children of high-ranking people. It can be given after passing the qualification test. To get the 4th rank, you need to be at the finishing stage of the advanced phase. To get the 3rd rank, your development must be at the beginning of the superior phase. In other families, requirements may vary. The second rank can be given at the noble phase after passing the qualification test.»

«How does the qualification test work?» – Kyon asked impassively.

«They give you an aptitude test, a family history quiz, assess your strength, and much more.» – Juno said and sneezed, trying to smother an urge to wash her hands as soon as possible. – «Besides, the third rank can be granted for the talent of making money, in other words, for being an enterpriser. The third rank is awarded to the children of those who have the 2nd rank. They are the Stone elite, the so-called descendants of pure blood. The superior masters, the heads of the organisations, and the elder’s children have the 2nd rank. Sometimes the second rank is given to those who have married into the family, especially to the elder.»

Kyon got it that the descendants of pure blood were children of the elders or high-ranking persons. They didn’t include children born as the result of the incest.

«The elders have the first rank. They usually take control of a certain organisation, for example, alchemy, mines, or herbalism. We have 12 elders. Close relatives of the former or the current patriarch achieve the first rank for life. I am one of them.» – Juno said proudly and got a well-deserved flick on the nose.

Juno sneezed sweetly and mumbled something incoherent.

«Stop sneezing. You might give it to my feet.» – said Kyon.

Juno could not believe that the granddaughter of the great patriarch was giving a foot massage to a dirty former slave. She felt terrible shame and humiliation, bottling up her anger, forced to hide disgust and hatred deep in her soul.

The sly girl added, seeking Kyon’s approval:

«Every month, family members receive benefits depending on their rank. If someone is lazy and does not work or develop, they gradually descend to the seventh rank. This way, they can easily kick you out of the family if you are useless to them. Of course, the disabled are an exception…»

Kyon knew very well that marrying into a family, a lower-ranking spouse (say, a husband) must get his wife’s last name and live on her family’s territory. The wife would be the head of the family and dictate her conditions to her spouse. Exceptions were made only in rare cases.

If the couple comes from the equal rank families, the wife moved to her husband as a rule and got his last name, or everything happened by mutual consent, or by the principle of “might makes right.” Kyon once read about an absurd married couple who had to fight over the family name. The loser was to take the name of the winner. In the end, they both killed each other.

It might seem at first glance that inequality and patriarchy reigned in this world, but it wasn’t entirely true.

The following question arises: why is there a patriarch at the head of 95% of the families? The fact is that men are more likely to dominate. For example, they strive to surpass their rivals, reach the top of the hierarchy, conquer the beloved female, and gain respect in society. Moreover, the very soul seeks development in the body that has a goal and a desire to become better. Women tend to express these feelings in a different way, although there are exceptions. Take, for example, the Virgo sect (2), which holds the 2nd rank on the planet.

Kyon pulled a long sword out of his spatial ring. It was enchanted for strength. The best weapon of the Stone treasury sparkled with beautiful silver stars. He gave the sword to Juno and ordered her:

«Since you have the glorified first rank, get down to business. Set up the formation for the new owner.»

If the weapon is not personal (the formation inside differs from the owner’s soul’s frequency), the owner can’t use it to its full potential. It would be hard for the elemental energy to move around the weapon, and it would get destroyed eventually.

Juno did not hesitate to do as she was told. Kyon infused pure energy into the handle, and the formation fully accepted the new owner. The energy passed through the sward free and easy. It was a truly good extension of his body!

«Wonderful… Great!» – Kyon exclaimed joyfully. He was pleased with his personal weapon and gave it a laconic name “Dragon Fang.” It was a smooth, silver, and most importantly, strong sword with no frills. He had no intention to brandish it.

When Juno was finally free from her dirty work, she squeamishly examined her hands. She could feel a thick layer of nasty goo on them.

Juno cleared her throat and took a deep breath, trying to gain courage.

«Tomorrow is an important day, master. My brother and many important people from different families are coming, in particular from my family. If I am under your orders, I will look a complete idiot in front of the esteemed gentlemen and ladies, especially in XiaoBai’s eyes… Please, remove all the restrictions. I promise that I won’t say a single word about you.» – Juno said, looking at him charmingly.

«Go screw yourself.» – Kyon snapped, disrupting all the naive little devil’s plans. However, the idea wasn’t too bad. The evil girl should not be too limited in her actions at the party. It might cause suspicion. Kyon gave Juno new orders that would give her a great deal of freedom up to her own initiative. But if she said something wrong about her “master,” she had to commit suicide at once.

His cruel and categorical order frightened Juno. She would have to think about what to do and what to say. Otherwise, the trigger in her mind would work, and she would have to kill herself. Moreover, she was forbidden to mention any formations, especially the one on her forehead. There was no way she could cheat. However, she knew her sly “master” too well to keep her hopes up high.

Kyon came up with a plausible “legend” that he had recently lost his father and was an orphan of the 3rd rank. Gods showed mercy on him, and now he was an aspiring alchemist.

«That’s all. You’re free to go. Get lost.» – He said rudely.

«Sleep tight, master.» – Juno emphasized the last word and quietly left his chambers.

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