
Chapter 49

Chapter 49

«I was sleeping quietly and peacefully on the bench when suddenly there was a loud crash outside. Driven by curiosity, I looked out over the fence and saw a figure running from the mansion… I might have been groggy and seeing things but… No, I’m sure it was master Jean!»

Dinah recoiled in horror. Jean came for the training session this morning, his eyes red, his cheeks hollow, his clothes in disarray, his hair disheveled. He was the spitting image of a raving psychotic, an escapee from a mental institution. Could the reason be…

Despair darted in Dinah’s eyes. The world reeled. What… dirt! What an abomination! If the old goat did with her things what she thought he was doing… Oh, her honor, her dignity!

«It can not be him… He couldn’t have stolen…» – Dinah’s eyes sparkled with a storm of feelings. She had always been strong, iron-willed, and all of a sudden, she could hardly stand on her feet. Dinah turned around and slowly went to the mansion. Tears blurred her eyes, but she kept them wide open. Her face expressed a desire to kill with particular cruelty.

{It serves you right, bitch.} – Kyon spat after her. He picked up the sausage soiled with dirt and started his meal, tearing off bite by bite and swallowing without chewing. There it was, the taste of heavenly life! Marina did help him out, after all. Not at once, but still. He had to fight for his food, sine qua non. But it was totally worth it.

After he satisfied his hunger, Kyon began to practice. Dinah was no longer an issue, or so it seemed. Now the need to acquire the basic grade of pure energy came to the fore. He had a chance to survive! Besides, now he had an ally under the code name Marina in the mansion. Everything was getting better, it had to get better.

Kyon was alone until late at night. What a pleasant feeling of being left alone. He couldn’t ask for more… A full stomach, some solitude, and quiet, peaceful study of the basic grade of pure energy. As soon as he deciphered the neural connections, he would become invulnerable to the little demoness.

The sausages were rich in fats and proteins. Kyon could see with Synergy his body heal from severe injuries. He stopped feeling numb, only dull pain and a couple of injuries of moderate severity remained.

Kyon was sure that he would be better after Juno’s beating in the morning. His eyes glimmered with hope. Maybe someday he would take revenge on Dinah and Juno, thank Marina and Anna, and also Martha from the mine… But all that had to wait. Now the main thing was to acquire the damned basic grade of energy.

Kyon took a deep breath. He was dying of thirst, and he needed to take a bath. Fortunately, he was not locked, unlike the last time. His memory helpfully planted the picture of a fancy gate leading to the hot springs. He had no intention to risk his life and go to the mansion to quench his thirst. The spring was a more reliable option. Besides, who could possibly be there at such a late hour? It would take a few minutes, not more. As far as he knew, no one went to the park after 11 pm. The maids usually slept as well as Juno, and he had never seen a patrol security guard.

Kyon stealthily approached the cherished hot water spring. He carefully peered through the crack in the gate into the darkness. It was long past midnight, but a bit of caution was never superfluous.

After a moment of observation, he fearlessly got inside, hastily threw off his dirty clothes and plunged naked into the relaxing hot water of the spring. He had never experienced such bliss.

However, his joy was too short. The water splashed, and Juno herself emerged from the bottom of the spring.

The time seemed to freeze.

The poetry in motion appeared before Kyon in the cloud of steam. Juno’s milky-white delicate skin seemed to glow in the dark, her slender waist, her thin graceful neck, her neat little mounds partially hidden by sticky wet curls… The goddess of beauty and youth herself had descended from heaven to splash in the hot spring. An unopened bud, the most beautiful flower ever seen in the sublunary sphere, the idea of the most daring men’s fantasies… Jean’s perversion no longer seemed so abnormal. No one could resist the charm of this angel, albeit a very fallen one.

In one second, a whole hurricane of thoughts had passed through Kyon’s head. He plunged silently underwater, praying to gods that Juno would not notice him.

He might have enough oxygen in his lungs for some minutes… Then he had to escape as soon as possible. His heart was pounding against his chest like mad, striving to jump out. Kyon was afraid that Juno could hear it thumping in the silence of the smooth water.

What a terrible set of circumstances. Why was she not sleeping at this late hour? Why was she under the water for a whole minute? Damn it!

Juno flashed her charms to the night around her and dived back. She enjoyed a night bath in the hot spring when water and moonlight caressed her skin. At moments like this, she became one with the universe. The line between the earth and the sky disappeared. No one else existed, only she, the night, and the stars, the stars everywhere… She was alone in the whole world.

Kyon seized the moment. He got out of the water quickly and quietly, grabbed his clothes, and flashed a clean pair of heels, running off at full speed.

Juno sensed some strange vibration. She opened her eyes under the water and noticed with her side sight a figure dashing away! She emerged instantly and detected someone’s bare ass rushing off.

Her temples were pounding from boiling rage for a second of stupor. It was the slave! Still alive!

«I order you to freeze immediately!» – Juno growled as quietly as possible. Truth be told, she didn’t want to draw the attention of her maids or guards to this embarrassing situation. There was nobody else in the mansion.

Kyon paused and turned around. He saw the virgin-naked miracle shining in droplets of water. She was so pure, innocent, beautiful and at the same time so cruel and bloodthirsty.

Juno walked out of the water with a regal gait. She was seething with anger but kept calm and nonchalant on the outside. She couldn’t care less about the look the dead-to-be boy was giving her.

Juno slowly put on her white panties, wrapped her elegant, slim body in a towel and went to the slave with unkind intentions.

Kyon remembered the time when she fell on him and made him guilty for that, ordering him to knock out his own teeth as a punishment. And now he was looking at her naked body, which was at least a hundred times worse. What were his chances of survival? He didn’t stand a chance… She was going to kill him!

His mind worked at 120%. Kyon didn’t have too many options. The idea of fighting back wouldn’t fly. Even if he overpowered her by some miracle what’s next? It would be the end of him. She would press on her formation, and the guards would come after him. What if he killed her? It would make things even worse, pleasant but worse.

It was completely stupid and meaningless to prove his value to her.

His last option was to give this selfish, malicious, vile sadist what her nature wanted. Her latest training with Jean was an eye-opener. The lady humiliated her own master. She wanted to see people suffer. And not only physically but morally as well. Following this reasoning, there was a minimal, almost illusory chance of surviving if only he took advantage of her weakness.

If Kyon could convince the little demon that she could benefit from his existence, that is, get pleasure from it, his trick could work, especially if she wanted him to suffer for many days in a row.

Kyon didn’t want to die, so he had to grasp at any chance. He meekly raised his arms (in an unarmed gesture) and bowed, babbling in a trembling voice:

«Madam your Highness, your humble servant had the misfortune to be at the hot spring at the same time as you. Do not have hard feelings for the stupid loser. I did a terrible thing but, please, spare my life! I will do everything to earn your forgiveness… I am sure that sooner or later, you will forgive me. Give me a chance! Please…» – Kyon was willing to pretend as long as could be. He needed a few more days to acquire the basic grade of energy, after which his chances to save himself would significantly rise. If, of course, she fell for his trick.

Bloodthirst burning in Juno’s beautiful bright eyes gave way to a stupor. She opened her mouth but could not say a thing. She did not expect any words from the slave… Especially words like that. His posture was so humble as if he was ready to accept any of her orders. To live or to die. Was he hoping for her forgiveness?

After a moment’s pause, Juno spoke in an angelic voice:

«You have soiled my beautiful body with your filthy eyes, wretched slave. You deserve hundreds of executions and countless years of torture. However, I am not the kind of lady who deprives her slaves of a chance of forgiveness…» – Kyon looked up, full of hope. Did his words really work? – «That’s why I will let you redeem your guilt during next week.» – Juno finished with a regal look.

Kyon had never experienced such relief. It was hard to tell what she was hiding behind her words. It was more than obvious that she would get back at him. The damn sadist was going to rejoice in beating him up! However, the young lady didn’t seem that terrible, after all. She was giving him hope!

In the meantime, he would definitely come up with something. He would have more options! Kyon was super-psyched about it. He still had a chance to get out.

Juno saw the expression of relief and even happiness on the slave’s face. She smiled warmly, took a long stick out of nowhere and whacked it right onto his head.

The impact of the blow was lessened by his hand, and yet, he could hear his bones crack. He struggled to stay on his feet, shocked by her sudden attack.

Juno giggled enchantingly, her eyes squinting, her thin eyebrows arched. – «A stupid creature is so easy to fool… Did you really believe that you could stay alive after what you had seen? Today you will die a horrible death, slave. Face it.» – Her voice sounded gentle and tender.

«You… You’re a cruel, loathsome bitch…» – Kyon had never felt such a distinct hatred for a living being in his life. One look at her sent shivers down his spine, his heart drumming in his chest so hard that it ached. His hands kept clenching into fists. Her charming appearance completely contradicted her inner world. He wanted to snap her neck at any cost!

Juno had shattered his expectations. He thought he had a chance, a puny chance. She had deceived him to see him rise and fall. So mean of her.

Juno noticed the whole range of emotions on his face and could hardly restrain herself. She wanted to whoop and holler. She had never felt so thrilled. It was a heavenly delight to watch this little piece of trash despair. It was time to finish the show… She swung the stick again.

«You will die with me, wretched bitch!» – Kyon snarled and violently grabbed the stick in flight, trying to pull it out from her hands when a powerful discharge paralyzed his body. Everything went dark. When it cleared up, he missed a fatal blow to his thigh and lost his balance.

«Die, you fool.» – Juno said, laughing, ready to murder him.

She hit him on the head with the stick. Kyon desperately tried to protect himself with his hands. The bones crumbled into dust under her fierce blows. A hellish pain eclipsed his mind with a bright flash… Blissful darkness fell in.

Juno mercilessly bludgeoned the slave from all sides – his stomach, ribs, legs, back… She was incredibly pleased to end his life on a warm note. He dared to tarnish her beautiful body with his eyes, but his death would make her crystal clear.

Juno didn’t like him from the start. He stared at her brazenly at their first meeting. He did not scream in pain later. He did not yell when she kicked him with her feet. Something was wrong with him. He refused to die. Well, that was something she was going to fix.

Juno battered him with the stick for five minutes, long enough to beat him to the pulp. He kept groaning and breathed hoarsely. Amazingly, but he still showed signs of life. She took her time.

Juno took a more comfortable hold of the stick and began to batter his chest like a woodpecker as if trying to make a hole in it. Bump, bump, bump… The ribs broke through, the sternum turned into a total mash of meat and fragments, the lungs gurgled… The wood stick was soaked through with his blood. The slave was no longer breathing.

His body went limp, his hands and feet spread unnaturally over the crimson earth like he was a broken rag doll, mutilated and thrown away by a cruel child.

Only then, Juno finally stopped. Her chest was heaving. Fever and ecstasy of dirty lust, were boiling inside her. She deprived the slave of his life as if he were a miserable bug crawling onto the toe of her shoes. He was a no-one when he lived, he would be a no-one after his death. In the morning, the servants would throw him into a cesspool without any questions, and she would forget everything about him. She would never let any thoughts creep into her pretty head. She would never remember the boy who dared to look at her with his shameless eyes.

Juno felt great satisfaction. She hid the stick, returned to the spring to wash off the sweat and splashes of his dirty, stinky blood. She carelessly wiped herself with a towel and hopped to the mansion, whistling merrily. It was time for her to go to bed. Great things were yet to come. The path of becoming strong is always thorny and difficult, but her goal — to bring her hated sister down — was worth all the effort.

The moon looked with compassion on the pile of meat and bones that was once a living person. Its cold cadent light illuminated the twisted limbs, the broken head, the dented chest… He was a former emperor, but now he got into a situation where he had no control, and all that was left of him was just a pile of half-dead flesh.

{I did everything possible to survive in this damned mansion… Am I going to die!?} – His voice sounded in the depths of consciousness. – {No way!}

Suddenly, the heap of meat startled and shuddered in convulsions. Blood spurted out of his lungs. As Kyon signed convulsively, his body exploded with burning pain, piercing his every cell.

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