
Chapter 163 - Dreaming of Becoming Emperor

Chapter 163 – Dreaming of Becoming Emperor

“Old McKyre had a farm~ EIEIO. And on that farm he had a wyvern~”

I merrily hummed a new version of a song that encompassed my Kallian experience.

After reaching the 7th Circle, the world looked different. Unlike when I was at the 6th Circle, it felt like the world was my oyster.

‘From the 7th Circle onwards, a mage gets the ‘archmage’ title, so I’m an archmage now too. A 21st century archmage. Huhuhu.’

The mansion’s garden path meandered onwards. Drawn by the constant balmy temperature, species of birds I didn’t know had flown in, increasing the garden’s picturesque beauty.

“Kyre…” came a woman’s hesitant voice.

“Haha. Russell, you don’t have training today?”

When news of the kingdoms’ invasion of Bajran came in, Igis and the other guests from the empire began to train nearly every day. They were so busy training formation flight and coordinated tactics under Count Irene’s lead that I could hardly see them around. Because of that, I was pleasantly surprised to see Russell for the first time in a while. She normally gave off an androgynous impression because she had to live as a man despite being a woman, but in front of me, she was simply a shy, blushing girl.

“Yeah, today’s a rest day.”

Russell, a short-haired and charismatic girl with clear silver eyes, smiled brightly as she looked straight at me.

‘You little cutie pie, you.’

If this wasn’t what life was all about, what was? I had long since launched all those moral thoughts of monogamy, that ‘conscience’ thing didn’t suit me, so I stuck it in a spaceship headed for the sun.

“Would you like to have lunch together then?”

“Gladly!” Russell said, her eyes shining like she had been waiting for those words.

‘No matter what anyone says, you were my first girl.’

I recalled how agonized I had been by my strange feelings towards her back when I didn’t know she was a girl, and then the electrifying kiss we had shared after I found out. As long as she had my stamp and was willing, it’d be all wrong if I were to neglect her and let her get married to someone else. Once marked, a hawk never misses their prey(?).

“When do you think you’ll be able to summon a high spirit?”

“T-That’s, well… not easy. You taught me, but it looks like my abilities fall short,” Russell said dispiritedly, looking glum. I was able to nab an archspirit on my first try, but of course it wouldn’t be as easy for her.

“Do your best. I’ll help you.”

“Hoho, thanks.”

After checking that there wasn’t anyone nearby, Russell let herself laugh like a woman. She carried a bright, lively beauty about her. Even though she lived as a man for the sake of revenge, her disguise did not rob her of that beauty.

“Hey, gentleman Count Kyre~”

I was walking through the garden while enjoying some quality time with Russell when I heard the unwelcome voice of a man.

‘Damn…’ In the central garden with the big fountain was a group of people. ‘Everyone was waiting.’

It was the group of long-term guests from Bajran: Princess Igis, Count Irene, Prince Razcion, and Sir Rothello.

‘What a shame.’

Some kissing action with Russell would have been possible if things went well, but the group ahead snatched away my little dream. The stars just weren’t aligned today.

“Russell, we’ll have to do it next time.”

“Yeah… it’s alright.”

Russell nodded, knowing there was no chance for her to eat alone with me today.

I approached the group standing by the fountain.

‘I heard they were working hard, and it really shows.’

We lived in the same building, but because everyone was busy, there was no time to greet each other properly throughout the day. Just like them, I was busy with training as well. To celebrate reaching the 7th Circle, I had to try casting all of the magic incantations stored in my head. Unlike the lower circles, just knowing the formula wasn’t enough to use the spell right away. The mana sequence and modifiers were complicated, so I had no choice but to practice until my body got used to casting them.

Also, I had to keep a few pivotal spells memorized at all times in preparation for potential danger, and memorizing spells every day took time. No matter how smart the mage, sleep muddled up memorized spells. If I tried to use a formula with a few links missing thanks to the oblivion of sleep, that day could be my last.

“How rare to see you here. It seems you’ve become busier these days, oh mighty Lord of Nerman,” Rothello quipped with a joking expression.

“Haha. I could say the same of you all.”

“Hyung, if you have the time, spar with me. My skills have grown so much that my arm doesn’t hurt even after a thousand swings these days.”

Youth was truly a scary thing. I also learned swordsmanship at his age, but I wasn’t as gung-ho as this rascal.

“Of course. Since you’ve brought it up, how about a round after lunch today?”


“Fo sh—I mean, of course.”

“Thanks, hyung! You really are my idol.”

“Thank you, Lord Kyre.”

“It’s nothing,” I said to Igis, who was showing her thanks with deeply affectionate eyes at the sight of her rejoicing little brother.

‘As if thanks are necessary. We met because of him.’

It was thanks to Razcion that I became acquainted with Igis in the library. I gazed contentedly at her beautiful, smiling face.

“How about it? If you have the time, I would be thankful if you would invite us to a meal today,” Rothello suggested.

“Of course. It’s been a while, let’s have a grilled pork belly party.”

“Wow! We’re eating kim-chee and pork belly today!”

‘Goodness, this kiddo’s become a total Korean already.’

Grilled pork belly and kimchi was a combination enjoyed by the great majority of Korean citizens. The kimchi I made last winter was now perfectly fermented, and it graced my table every day. With daily effort, Lucia’s mom could now make kimchi close to my level, and thanks to that, there was no shortage of kimchi to go around.

‘Yeah, let’s call Derval, Aramis, and the rest.’

Paradise didn’t involve much. As long as I could spend happy days like this, that was heaven, wasn’t it? I wasn’t all that greedy, either. I was just a humble(?) Nerman lord who lived with an ordinary ol’ garden and fountain just like everyone else.

Who would condemn me? This was the reward for my effort, something I earned fair and square by doing everything I had to and investing my time and sincerity.

In fact, with people like Poltviran around, I should be the one complaining sometimes. To unsavory bastards like him, I had just one thing to say:

‘Kindly shut the hell up before I bury you.’

“The harvest of the spring wheat we sowed last winter is very good. Thanks to the abundant nutrients on the farmland that couldn’t be utilized up until now, even if we are unable to farm for several years, there should be no problems.”

‘With this, our worries about food are over.’

We had already acquired the provisions necessary to feed what was now 500,000+ Nerman citizens for around ten years. With the already fertile land and the disinfection of the seedlings with holy water, we were able to harvest a great deal of crops.

“Have the black merchants finished their payment?”

“Everything has been settled with imperial gold, just as you ordered, my liege.”

‘They’re impressive, alright.’

If there was money to be had, these black merchant bastards would sell their own mother. They were able to complete a large-scale trade while avoiding detection by the empires.

“Is there anything else we need to handle?”

“No, sir. Thanks to the esteemed dwarves and elves, the important buildings are mostly completed. The monsters are also being controlled so that we can maintain the provisions warehouse of the wyverns.”

Now, instead of being nuisances, monsters were something to be grateful for. Our wyvern numbers had reached the 400s, but we didn’t have the livestock to feed them every day. I couldn’t concede my pork belly to them. Instead, the wyverns flew to the area we had set as the provisions warehouse on patrols and filled their bellies there.

“But my liege…” Derval stopped his reporting and carefully brought up a new topic. “There’s something I need to say.”

“Go ahead.”

I looked at Derval, who always spoke frankly to me. We had a relationship of lord and knight, but he was like a brother to me.

“I think it is time to prepare yourself.”

‘What’s he talking about all of a sudden?’ I thought in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“My liege, you cannot stay like this forever. The time has come to shed the lord and count title you were granted in the Bajran Empire. It is my belief that you have fully repaid the favor you received in Bajran by using the count title up until now.” Derval’s voice was passionate.

‘Is it finally time?’

I was also aware that my current title did not suit me. Like Derval said, I had fully repaid the favor I received from Bajran’s late emperor. The count peerage he gave me were not clothes that suited me any longer. However, this was also something I couldn’t change on my own. I needed a moment when both citizens and knights would recognize my ascension.

“That being said, the Empire has done nothing for Nerman. In addition, there is no need for you to be indebted to other kingdoms or pay heed to them. My liege, you are the pride and hero of all of the knights and Nerman.”

Derval’s earnest advice was always nice to hear.

“So you mean to say…”

“My liege, you must rise to kingship! You, who have elevated Nerman to the continental stage and proven your courage to all of our enemies, bear more than enough qualification to become a king!”


At Derval’s impassioned words, my heart was already close to bursting with happiness. Who among my ancestors in the Kang family was ever on the throne? It was time for our family to rise to royalty.

“I understand your honest feelings, but it’s not the right time.”

“My liege! What do you mean by that? In this time of chaos, you have clearly proven in person that you have more than enough qualification to be a great king. Moreover, isn’t it true that Nerman is unshakeable now? I beseech you to declare the kingdom and lead us lacking subjects as our king. This is the fervent wish of all of your knights and people!”

Derval was yelling with passion so hot that it seemed tears would flow from his eyes. Of course I understood his heartfelt feelings. However, it really wasn’t the right time yet.

‘Until we defeat those Laviter bastards, I cannot rise to the throne.’

The Laviter Emperor was like a thorn in my throat. The very moment he shouted surrender, I would rise to the throne, and in a very awesome and dignified fashion.


“I am at your service.”

“I understand your feelings and that of the knights. However, it is truly not the right time. If I were to become king now, as if I was waiting for this moment of chaos on the continent, the entirety of the continent would mock me, saying that I ascended to the throne just because I won a few victories on a tiny piece of land.”

Of course, I wasn’t one to pay attention to mockery like that. But there was no need to say my true feelings to Derval. I wanted to always remain in this stupidly honest knight’s mind as a cool lord.

“Wait a little. On the day when all of the enemies in my surroundings have been brought to my feet and the continent becomes peaceful, I will become your noble king that very day.”

My pure knight, Derval, grew red-eyed as he looked at me with an incredibly touched expression.

“Let’s do our best together. Let’s do our best to make Nerman into the best kingdom on the continent.”

“I shall serve you with all my life. My liege, to me, you hold a higher place in my heart than the gods!”

Derval was even valuing me over the gods now.

‘Kingdom, huh… a kingdom… Huhuhu.’

Kingdom, a name that made me happy to think of.

There was nothing to fear. In all actuality, it wasn’t like royal blood was any different.

‘While we’re at it, should we just go all out and become an empire?’

In my heart, appeared yet another “very small and humble” dream.

It didn’t cost anything to dream, anyway. All that mattered was that I was happy.

* * *

“I-Imperial Father, this place is…”

In an underground chamber rife with red fog, the stench of blood, and gloomy mana, a man in showy palace dress looked timidly around himself.

No matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t remember hearing a rumor about a place like this in the imperial palace. It had been his home for decades, so he even knew which sculptures were where in the palace. But he had never seen this underground chamber before, and that was where his father, the emperor, brought him.

“Don’t you think the time has come for you to become stronger as well?”

The Emperor was constantly cloaked in an unapproachable majesty. Hearing his father’s deep, cold voice, the Crown Prince trembled.

The Crown Prince of the Laviter Empire preferred to read books rather than wield the sword, and draw or recite poetry rather than participate in politics. As such, even though he was first in line to the throne, he was looked down upon by his little brother. Not just that, but he knew many of the nobles were opposed to him becoming the emperor.

“Imperial Father… this one is…” As he looked at his father’s back, the Crown Prince’s tiny and pathetic voice trailed off into nothingness.

He was scared. The mere sight of his father had always made his knees wobble and his mouth freeze up. When he was young, he had wondered countless times if his true father was somewhere else.

“Perfias, your blood is weak. This father of yours will now collect all of that weak blood.”

Emperor Hadveria uttered cold words, as if speaking to a prisoner on death row rather than his son.

“W-What does that mean…”

The Emperor usually didn’t show much interest in him, so when he called today, Perfias ran over at full speed. But upon hearing the Emperor say something incomprehensible with an ominous voice, Crown Prince Perfias tried to find out what his father meant, his voice shaking.

“Tsk tsk, you idiotic fool,” said the Emperor.


“I-Imperial Father, this one wishes for nothing. This humble one has absolutely no complaints about conceding the position of crown prince to this one’s brother. Please, please simply allow this one to live for one’s entire life by Imperial Father’s side!”

Having interpreted the Emperor’s intent as wanting him to give away the crown prince position with his death, Perfias fell to the ground and lowered his head as far as it would go.

It was then that the Emperor turned his head. As he did so, the icy hands of cold mana crept closer and closer, making the kowtowing Crown Prince flinch in alarm. He furtively raised his head.

“Ah!” Crown Prince Perfias exclaimed in horror. “Y-You are…”

He was wearing the Emperor’s appearance, but someone who was absolutely not the Emperor was looking down on him with crimson eyes, a cold sneer on his lips.


And then, the Emperor drew near, walking towards the Crown Prince who peed in fear…

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