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Chapter 1698

Chapter 1698: The cheapest stir-fry

Translator: 549690339

As soon as he put down the phone, Yuan Zhou started to prepare the ingredients. After all, lunch time was coming.

“The morning is over. I have to prepare the menu for the flower banquet in the afternoon. It seems that today’s cooking practice will have to be put into the evening.” Only after Yuan Zhou finished thinking in that way did he start to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

Lunch time arrived very soon. Naturally, su Ruoyan arrived outside the restaurant early and waited. In fact, su Ruoyan also had another part-time job. However, that part-time job could be completed at home. Therefore, the time she spent in the restaurant was even more than the time Zhou Jia used to have.

As a matter of fact, there was still half an hour before lunch started, and su Ruoyan had already reached the entrance of the store. However, as it was too early, she did not go in. Instead, she stood outside the store and waited for a while to work with the people from the queuing Committee.

Ah lang was wearing a well-ironed suit. The stubble on his chin was clean, and even the leather shoes on his feet were spotless. If it weren’t for his steady expression and his advanced age, he really looked like a newcomer who had just entered the workplace.

The old lady next to ah lang, on the other hand, was led by him in a daze. From time to time, she would look at ah lang with a gratified look.

The two of them soon arrived at the entrance of the restaurant and started to line up. It was too early, so early that Wu Hai didn’t even have time to come down.

A ‘lang and his mother weren’t in the first place yet. The first place was occupied by two very old people.

When he saw a ‘lang and his mother, he smiled affectionately as a form of greeting.

That’s right. They were the two people who came to ask about the lowest price in Yuan Zhou’s restaurant in the morning.

The two of them turned around after greeting a ‘lang and his mother. A’ lang was a little puzzled when he saw the thermal lunch boxes in their hands, but he didn’t ask and just nodded with a smile.

Just when a ‘lang was about to turn his head and talk to his mother, a burst of rapid footsteps were heard. Before a’ lang could turn his head, he heard Wu Hai’s voice.

“I’m actually late, I miscalculated. ” Wu Hai stroked his mustache and stood behind a ‘lang with a regretful expression.


“It’s rare to see you come down so late, eaves Wu. ” A ‘lang said.

“Yes, I miscalculated.” Wu Hai didn’t say much but just said.

“It’s still okay for now. After all, he’s one of the first customers to come in for a meal. ” A ‘lang laughed.

“Yes.” Wu Hai nodded his head.

The actual situation was that Wu Hai would actually observe Yuan Zhou’s restaurant every meal time, unless he was drawing in a daze. Therefore, there was never a time when he made a mistake. This time, it was because Wu Hai’s eyesight was very good that he saw the two white-haired old men and the mother and son pair. That was why he was delayed for about a minute.

That’s why it was ranked third.

For Wu Hai, eating Yuan Zhou’s cooking and painting were important matters. Everything else was trivial. Therefore, Wu Hai stood at his position and waited for the lunchtime to start.

Soon, the lunch time began. After su Ruoyan led the customers to get the number ticket, they started to enter the restaurant for lunch five minutes later. The time was very slow for customers, but it was very fast for Yuan Zhou.

In a short while, all the seats in the restaurant were taken. As usual, the two standing spots were occupied by the white-collar diners who had been sitting all morning.

Now, when they came to eat at Yuan Zhou’s restaurant, those white-collared workers who had been sitting for a long time would tacitly come to the stand here to eat.

The old couple, who were the first to enter the restaurant, didn’t sit on the high chairs. Instead, they sat at the four-seater table with ah lang and his mother.

Su Ruoyan came over to order her food immediately.””What would the four of you like to eat today?”

“You two can order first.” The old lady of the old couple said.

“Alright, thank you.” A ‘lang thanked him first and then ordered the food.

After ah lang ordered the food, the old couple put the lunch box on the table and said,””I asked boss Yuan this morning and heard that you can bring food in for meals. Is that true?”

The old couple was dressed in simple and clean clothes. They were very embarrassed when they said this, but their expressions and tone were very warm.

Naturally, su Ruoyan had seen such a method of handling things in Zhou Jia’s manual. Although it was her first time seeing it, she still smiled and said,””You can, as long as you line up according to the rules.”

“That’s great. Thank you, young lady. Thank you, your boss. ” The old lady was so happy that she couldn’t stop thanking him.

“You’re welcome. This is the rule of our restaurant. ” Su Ruoyan said naturally.

“Don’t worry, we also order. We want this. ” The old lady quickly flipped the menu to a good spot and pointed it out to su Ruoyan.

Su Ruoyan fixed her eyes on the dish. It was very eye-catching because it was cheap. It was the cheapest among all the other dishes.

This dish was stir-fried grapefruit. The price of one serving was only 38 yuan, which was really cheap in Yuan Zhou’s restaurant.

There was a reason why this dish was cheap. Although the name of the dish was very domineering, it was actually the vine of the Buddha’s hand melon, which was probably the same thing as the sweet potato leaves.

Stir-frying only required a simple amount of oil and salt, because this dish needed to highlight the freshness and tenderness. Even the oil only needed to be added a little, so it was not expensive.

Of course, this was not expensive compared to the other dishes in the restaurant.

The stir-fried asparagus was cheap, but its taste was definitely not inferior to any other vegetables in the shop.

“Okay. Would you like to pay in cash or transfer?” Su Ruoyan nodded and asked.

“We have cash.” The old lady said as she handed over the money that had been arranged neatly.

The money was made up of three ten-Yuan notes, one five-Yuan note, and three one-Yuan notes. The money was very clean, and the corners were neatly arranged. It could be seen that the old couple cherished the money very much.

“Alright, the money is just right. Please wait for a moment, the dishes will be served in a moment.” As usual, su Ruoyan counted the money and turned to leave, ordering food for other customers.

“Although the other dishes here are expensive, and this dish is not cheap either, we’ve already eaten in our famous Chengdu Restaurant and are satisfied.” The old lady said to her husband with a smile.

“Yes, I’ve eaten.” The old man nodded happily.

“Let’s each have a bowl of rice and then eat this dish. ” The old lady made detailed arrangements.

The happiness of the two old people was really simple.

During this time, all the conversation between the old couple was heard by a ‘lang, and he only knew that the thermos was filled with rice.

However, a ‘lang did not respond to her. He did not even show that he had heard her. He was talking to his mother seriously, and from time to time, he would answer questions that he had answered dozens of times.

Ah Lang’s patience could be said to be very good. The people in the shop had never seen him and his mother blush.

The old couple, who were a little embarrassed at first, noticed that no one was paying attention to them in the shop. Even su Ruoyan, who had ordered the dishes, was behaving normally. Hence, the two of them were no longer as reserved.

They even discussed Yuan Zhou’s culinary skills in a low voice and looked forward to the stir-fried grapefruit later.

Time passed very quickly. As su Ruoyan would order a dish every time she ordered, the old couple’s stir-fried grapefruit was served before su Ruoyan had even finished greeting the customers.

Moreover, when Yuan Zhou was cooking this dish, a young couple even had a small discussion about the Dragon beard vegetable.


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