
Chapter 817 The Hivemind Origins

Chapter 817 The Hivemind Origins


Since the beginning of her life that the Matriarch saw life as food. Of course, what kind of predatory organism wouldn\'t think that? Every single living being that predated on another would devour the other constantly, this was how life was in the planet where the Hivemind was born, and it was also how it was always has been in every planet with life.

The origin of the Hivemind was from millions of years of evolutionary history, evolving from small starfish-like ancestors that stuck themselves in their sea\'s bottom feeding on detritus and the occasional small creature that dwelled in the bottom of the ocean, they slowly began to branch off from their original ancestors, evolving into more and more aggressive hunters that preferred to hunt prey than to lay low.

They slowly began to develop deadly jaws across their tentacles, eyes to see their prey move and catch them more easily, and even the ability to swim and no longer just crawl, they became more and more active predators, while their prey evolved new ways to counter their predatory behaviors, they developed deadly poison, sharp shells, faster swimming methods, while the Hivemind ancestor developed it\'s innate ability to shape its flesh slime-like body by being able to relocate internal bones to gain strength and more support, while also developing immunity to poison and even deadlier jaws to crush through its prey\'s shells.

It was an endless arm race of evolution where the Hivemind continued to develop and branch off into many different species of predators, spreading through all the seas while the prey branched into all sorts of other creatures as well. Eventually, one of them reached the shores, and spread across the land, with new abilities such as self-duplication as the most effective way to reproduce and also keep living, as they could separate healthy tissue into new offspring when dying out of big wounds, the monstrous Hivemind ancestor conquered the land and diversified into countless new species.

But one above them all continue developing more and more into shapeshifting, over millions of years, this one became the apex predator, even attaining the ability to copy other prey capabilities. It ate venomous creatures and gained venom of its own, it devoured sharp jawed monsters and gained sharp jaws, it devoured those that could fly and gained the ability to shape itself to fly, it devoured those that could parasitize enormous titans, and gained the ability to parasitize… it continued evolving into countless offshoots, but one above all was always the superior one, one that after having devoured everything, developed sentience and intelligence, and the malicious idea of devouring it all drove this intelligence into conquering the entire world, devouring it, and making it its own body, over a billion years, this monstrous being was born, an alien creature capable of absorbing all biomass, having absorbed the entirety of its planet life into a gigantic creature, it duplicated itself into offspring capable of surviving the harshness of outer space, and sent the off across space.

Using their incredibly developed detection abilities, they located life and conquered countless planets with life, devouring entire planets, civilizations fought but never won, they were like an endless and immortal tide of red flesh of death, without stopping for a single second, an endlessly devouring monster that knew no end to its gluttony. It devoured and devoured some more, without ever feeling tired, without ever feeling exhausted.

Although it devoured countless lives and even absorbed the memories of those that were intelligent, it never was able to develop individualism, existing as a hivemind which shared memories between all bodies, even though the soul of each individual was unique. They lacked spirit and emotions and were like emotionless drones that only subsisted by devouring life in the Universe. They became a threat for many intergalactic empires who ran away from their territories, while the monstrous Hivemind continued devouring planets. The Great Matriarch led the Hivemind to victory, ultimately taking over a great part of the Universe for herself, known as the "red danger zone" by the native spacefarers…

However, something happened that made it lose once, that happened long ago when the Hivemind unit landed in Eden, the battle against these twin Goddesses and how they unified into a giant tree to stop him for good, marking the first ever lose that the Hiveminds ever experienced in their lives. With this, the Hivemind was able to realize how it had become weak, and that in this universe there were still beings that could pose a threat! Therefore, it developed towards that, trying to find out ways to grow stronger without being overpowered by its new adversaries, it continued developing through the universe, all while seeking where its unit had landed… as it had finally developed the emotion of wrath, frustration, and humiliation, and desired to destroy those that put this unit through so much suffering, which ultimately led to its death.

It gained a new sentience, new cunningness, and inherited the Dark Lord of the Depths sapience to its fullest, his ideas, knowledge, and enormous ability to conjure magic, even though their souls had yet to raise to godhood, they now had acquired the power to conjure magic, becoming deadlier in the process. The Hivemind was a relentless hunter and had come here at long last. The Matriarch had been waiting for this moment for a long time and felt angered that the unit in this planet ended dying before even becoming the god she had been waiting to guide them.

Now, filled with grief and wrath, the matriarch had decided to come here to avenge him all while also devouring anything she could find, absorbing their supernatural powers in the process, and ultimately developing into a goddess as well! She would become the Hivemind Goddess, this was her new dream, as she could now dream and work towards a desire, like it never could had done before. Angels, Celestials, or Gods won\'t matter to her, she\'ll use anything at her disposal to get rid of them all…


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