
Chapter 813 The Hivemind Invasion

Chapter 813 The Hivemind Invasion


Another Valkyrie with long blonde hair and sharp emerald eyes flew across space, using her long spear to pierce the body of a sinful Celestial, his entire body was pierced by the holy light of the lord, tearing apart, and dying on the spot!

"Guuuuaaagggh…! So painful! It hurts!!" Cried the Celestial, before dying!

The other Celestials stood there in shock.

"H-How are you angels so powerful!?"

"We are the elite forces of our father!"

"Yet… you defeat us with your mere weapons made of steel…!"

The blonde Valkyrie looked defiantly at the sinful, as she said words with a firm conviction and faith.

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me!"

Another Valkyrie spoke as well.

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like warriors, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love!"

And then another and another!

"Our faith can move mountains- No, entire stars!"

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!"

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths!"

"Therefore, my beloved sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain!"

The true holy beings spoke words of wisdom as they slain the enemy, the war quickly began to give a sudden shift, The One had truly come to save his children, everyone was shocked, Samsara raged angrily, he felt like he was being played with!

Veronica and Ervas looked into the outer space, directly into the gates of heaven, although The One could not manifest himself completely, the glory of his holy light knew no bounds, he guided them all through this glory, as he was here for everybody to see and listen to him, he was the one that guided everybody! Despite his mistakes, despite what he committed before, he was willing to change and become the figure he once was, when he was still young, inspired, and filled with love and strength.

The Valkyrie leading the charge quickly flew back, crossing through the barrier of Aurora with ease and without even being affected by it as her holy light devoured any other element with ease, she reached the divine realm of Veronica and Ervas in a mere instant, as she looked at the two who were slowly absorbing their power.

"Y-You got inside of here!" Said Veronica.

"You can just enter?!" Asked Ervas.

"My path is guided by our Lord… As long as I am welcomed, I can step everywhere I want. And as it is, you welcomed me, children of my Lord." She said. "My name is Hildr, the Valkyrie of Battle. I was given a name by The One and only. You seem weary, do not worry, they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint!"

Hildr immediately began to speak, her words were like poems, there was no word that came out weird from her. Veronica and Ervas felt their hearts calming down, their concerns slowly calming down, although the intense battle continued outside, a helping hand they had never expected came from the skies of heaven.

"Y-You\'re really an angel?!" Asked Veronica.

"I-I see… so you guys truly exist. The One… He sent you here?" Asked Ervas.

"Yes! Our Lord\'s grace knows no bounds, children. Leave the fight to us, you must protect the planet of Eden from the greater evil approaching! Ah! It is here already! Just like our Lord had predicted, THEY also have come!" Said Hildr, grabbing her holy hammer.

"They?" Asked Veronica confusedly.

"You… You don\'t mean…?" Asked Ervas.

"Yes… The aberrations beyond the void of space, THEY, the Hivemind, as you call them!" Said Hildr.

The Split souls suddenly felt a strong presence emerging out of thin air! Another spatial fracture emerged, this one was even bigger than the Celestials, because the entities coming out of them were just too big! What they looked like could only be said to be giant meatballs with wiggling tentacles, sharp jaws spread around their spherical bodies, and countless eyes watching through the cosmos…!

And they were dozens of them, at least the size of an entire moon, some as big as planets such as Eden, and thy blocked the sunlight from the sky with ease, emerging one after another, and slowly approaching the planet all while the Celestials and the Valkyries fought their war.

These were the Hiveminds… but they seemed different! They had actually fractured space and time and came here directly! How was it possible if they were aliens and not magical beings? Well, every living being had the talent for magic. After having absorbed the knowledge of magic construction from the Hivemind in Eden, they learned magic and easily practiced it over eons, manipulating space and reaching here when they had finally mastered it!

They had come here to finish the job that the unit sent here was unable to do, absorb all of this planet\'s biomass, and they were unstoppable, they were not going to wait for the war to end!


And as if the other giant moon or planet sized Hiveminds were not enough, an enormous one, as big as an entire star emerged, so big and monstrous that it seemed to be unreal… a living being of this size was simply not possible to exist, yet it was here, glaring down at the tiny planet with hunger, and countless eyes spread over its giant body… This was a Hivemind Mother Unit.

…And it was capable of creating more Hiveminds unlike the others!

Suddenly, it opened its enormous jaws, and from within, millions of small Hiveminds the size of meteors began to fly out, on their way to assault Eden, and the Angels and Celestials found themselves in the middle of their charge!

Meanwhile, Manationia was being led by Yggdrasil into the depths of her planet core for mysterious motives that might change the tide of battle once more.

…And while this happened, in the World of Greek Gods, Kosmos, the last Dungeon that was pestering this world was conquered by Veronica, Ervas, and Aurora\'s clones left there. While they were about to celebrate atop the corpse of a giant red dragon, a sudden fracture in space and time opened, and a bright yellow light emerged from within!


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