
Chapter 648 - A Talk With Mom And Dad 1

"Who is the heck annoying our sleep?! You know how much I had sex last night? I am half-dead already!" protested Veronica.

"I passed out having sex." Said Ervas.

"Oh, you too guys? So weird… I never felt this horny before, Ditoyle was also super horny…" said Aurora.

"Hmmm… Wait, Veronica, did you checked the wine you made before?" asked Ervas.

"Wine? Yes, I made it using special fruits that grow in my Helheim Realm. They\'re called Pica Pica Cherry, and they\'re spicy and sweet, the natives use them to gain libido even if they\'re Undead, and end up having sex for like 48 hours after eating them." Said Veronica.

"…And how could you not realize that a wine made of it wouldn\'t be an aphrodisiac?" asked Ervas.

"Oh… My bad! I didn\'t calculated it well… But the cherries were so tasty… Fwehehe…" said Veronica.

"I see, so that\'s why you two were so horny last night, you were trying to kiss each other and then tried to kiss me too." Sighed Ervas.

"Wha- Did we do that?!" asked Veronica, feeling ashamed.

"Ah… Ervas, Veronica, I apologize!" creid Aurora.

"Ugh, its already part of the past, whatever…" sighed Ervas. At least he had an intense loving night with his wives to compensate.


Suddenly, the strange and highly NSFW conversation was interrupted by the sound of an old man.

"Did you finished… speaking?" he asked.

"Who are you? A giant glowing light? Huh? Can you just leave us alone?" sighed Veronica.

"H-How insolent… I take the effort of coming here and this is how you treat me, young girl?" asked the glowing light.

"We don\'t need jerks here." Said Ervas.

"Eh?! T-This… I have never been humiliated this much in my life…" said the glowing light, feeling lost.

"Hahaha! I can\'t believe it." Said the spiraling chaos.

"Wait… that\'s… huh? Mom? Well, not mine, Kireina\'s mother, right?" asked Aurora.

"Oh! You must be a fragment of my daughter, Kireina! Right? You still count as my daughter, don\'t worry, dearie… Actually, its like having twins!" said Chaos.

"Ooh… It is nice that you consider me your daughter." Said Aurora.

"Wait, this is Chaos… the Chaos?" asked Veronica.

"Yeah, she\'s Chaos! And that guy over there… I think that\'s The One. Kireina meet him when she became a Demiurge." Said Aurora.

"It is good to know that the fragment of Kireina is as polite as her. You two are way too disrespectful with your father." Sighed The One, looking down at Veronica and Ervas with his flashing light.

"Eeeh? Our father, huh?" asked Veronica.

"Technically, he is our father. Remember that we are Kelsus and Anir." Said Ervas.

"Oh right, we used to be pretty wild back then." Said Veronica.

"You gained your memories, I see. That triggered our connection to strengthen, which finally let us contact you." Said Chaos.

"Indeed, you unlocked your memories yet you still act with the personalities you developed… I suppose you didn\'t had much of a personality back then, my child." Said The One.

"We were like a wild lizard thing in space, what do you expect?" sighed Veronica.

"Those were wild times. We used to be one too… then we reincarnated into a shy office worker… I guess that\'s the life that shaped our personalities, which later on shaped once more as the Demon Queen Anastacia." Said Ervas.

"All of them were valuable life experiences! Even if they had quite the tragic ends…" said Aurora.

"But at the end, we ended coming back to our original bodies." Said Veronica.

"Though now we are so differently developed from our former selves that it feels weird." Said Ervas.

"Yes, something similar happened to Kireina. She regained her memories from the past, but her personality was so strongly shaped that it barely affected her, I guess it\'s the same for you." Said Chaos.

"Yeah mommy. Anyways, can you take a hot milf form?" wondered Veronica.

"H-Hot milf form?" asked Chaos confusedly.

"Chaos cannot move from her current position, she\'s chained by the Overseers." Said The One.

"The Overseers?" asked Ervas.

"These are beings that surpass even the Universe… they saw me as nothing but a resource to extract Chaos Anergy from my Primordial Origin Core. These chains that bind me slowly drain my power away over the eons." Sighed Chaos.

"Oh… What? That\'s kind of awful… How can we help?" asked Veronica.

"Kireina is already on her way to aid me… I don\'t want to bother more of my children, especially because I own you two a sincere apology for being such an irresponsible mother back then… I ended letting you two wander in the cosmos, something I shouldn\'t had to! I should had let you two stay with me at my side, at mommy\'s side!" cried Chaos.

"Then why did you let us go?" asked Veronica while raising an eyebrow.

"You two, as one, were quite wild and beastly. It was hard to contain you, even more because I didn\'t wanted to damage you in the process… You were quite hard to raise, and The One barely came to help or something. He\'s a terrible father and I regret having loved him." said Chaos.

"…I understand my mistakes, Chaos. This is why I\'ve come back; you know? I want to redeem myself as a father… Sigh… And if possible, I would also like to one day regain your love. I still love you…" Said The One.

"Hmph! K-Keep dreaming!" said Chaos, everyone could swear she was pouting cutely.

"Sorry about this… Ahh… I… It is hard for me. I have been a big nihilistic my entire life." Sighed The One.

"We can tell, you were quite the asshole back then, huh?" asked Veronica.

"I know I deserve these insults, but could you stop saying them?" asked The One.

"No." said Ervas.

"…Fine." Sighed The One.

Chaos noticed how passive he was acting. He felt truly guilty. Something that she never expected of the prideful The One ever before.

"(Perhaps he really changed…?)" she wondered.


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