
Chapter 472 - Ervas VS Vladimir 1/2

By the grace of his master, Damon Holstein, a Progenitor Vampire, who was born from the pools of Divine Blood that existed in Kritias beginnings, which was the blood of Anir and Kelsus corpses, he had thought that things would come out great.

Even more, as he had received the grace and amazing help and support of a mysterious unnamed God who granted him new items, equipment, and more, which boosted his power and that of his troops to outstanding levels of power, he had surely thought that there was nothing that could possibly go wrong! Not at all!

In fact, he was not even going to help, he was just going to sit and wait for results, as he had grown rather lazy in the last hundreds of years of managing other Vampires to do everything for him, simply sitting over his throne and laughing maliciously as he drank blood or napped.

He was really quite the lazy and selfish man and had grown quite fixated on this sedentary life for some time now.

However, as the Vampires he controlled were sent to Ervas and Veronica\'s Manor to eliminate them alongside all of their allies living there, a tiny spider suddenly summoned a graveyard using millions of mana.

From the graveyard, Vladimir saw as a large metallic spider appeared, with opened a door for a young and little boy to emerge, he was rather charming in appearance, and looked a bit girly, especially due to his hair growing a bit below his shoulders.

However, several things within the boy\'s appearance didn\'t make any sense, such as gray wolf-kin beastmen and demon features such as ears, tail, and golden horns, draconic scales on his hands, and long black nails secreting an acidic fluid…

He was an odd one, and due to his vampire-like features such as white hair, pale-white almost sickly skin, and crimson eyes… he was a Dhampir to Vladimir\'s eyes.

And which Dhampir was the one he needed to kill alongside another presumed Dhampir woman? Ervas.

And the boy, Ervas, had just shown up right in front of his glowing crimson eyes.

"W-What… What? This is impossible!" he thought, immediately trying to make sense of this incredibly unlikely and insane situation he was thrown in, indeed, this was impossible, nothing of this made any sense at all, it was all rather nonsensical, mostly because he simply didn\'t know about his foes true capabilities and gave everything for granted due to living so may years in self-indulgence.

However, thanks to Veronica\'s Abilities, it was rather simple for Ervas to teleport here. Thanks to Veronica\'s new abilities which let her duplicate endlessly, she had begun to create what she named "Graveyard Spider Taxi", which were large spider-shaped clones with a comfy interior where they could teleport people around Accursed Graveyard.

Through here, Ervas reached Vladimir\'s hideout, which Veronica had infiltrated through clones already.

It could be said that Veronica was the mastermind for everything!

…Which made Ervas feel a bit useless.

So, due to that, he was dead-set in making himself someone useful now, killing Vladimir was a good way of being useful.

Well, he really didn\'t need to try so hard to be useful, he simply needed to be happy. But… he felt the necessity to do his best, and well, there wasn\'t anything wrong with that either.

"You… Who… Who are you?!" asked Vladimir, his lips were trembling despite being a prideful and wicked pure-blooded Vampire. He was filled with utmost fear for his life.

"Nice to meet you, Vladimir. I am Ervas Igni. I have come here to kill you," said Ervas politely.

"To… Kill…. Me? WAIT… YOU\'RE ERVAS?! HOW?! HOW DID YOU GOT HERE?!" asked Vladimir as he quickly stood up and large quantities of blood began to float all around him, shaping as blades and spears and pointing them at Ervas! He was fearful of the methods Ervas used, he was not a normal dhampir at all! And the aura he exuded… it was something like he had never felt before!

"It is thanks to a little trick. But nothing a dead man will need to know about…" said Ervas, a second after, he warped right in front of Vladimir.


Using the Void Attribute Spell, "Warp", Ervas warped through the spatial layers by a short distance, which was the limit of such a spell, and reached Vladimir in a second!

Vladimir was shocked by Ervas proficiency with short-ranged teleportation, and quickly raised his claws, unleashing countless blood needles against him through the Bloodwork Skill, which at higher levels could let Vampires control their own blood and weaponize it through telekinesis-like abilities!

However, Ervas extended his nails into dragon-like claws, and intercepted Vladimir Blood Blades with them rather carefreely, while slowly walking towards him!

Slash! Clash! Slash! Clash!

The Blood Blades shattered into pieces as Ervas sliced them, surprising Vladimir with his amazing strength and swiftness to intercept his Blood Blades, which in Earth terms, were faster than bullets.

Vladimir gritted his teeth as he quickly began to levitate through the Flight Skill that most Pure-Blooded Vampires could develop, a natural ability to float in midair just like Vampires in fictional stories within Earth\'s history could do.

"Hah! That\'s nothing!" he said, filling himself with pride as he shapeshifted the blood he wielded into long spears, which could cross through the wind at even faster speeds and fired several of them at Ervas!

Ervas furrowed his eyebrows as he coated himself in his Void Form, and manipulated gravity to a small extent and range!

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Any spear of blood that reached the range of two meters suddenly became static in midair!

"W-What?! Gravity manipulation? That\'s… spatial magic again!" thought Vladimir, completely unaware that Ervas was using different ways and Skills than simply spatial magic.

Ervas quickly conjured magic, using his Nature Manipulation and Creation and Void Binding Technique with his tamed plants, his hands suddenly turned into enormous branches and claws, rushing towards Vladimir at a fast speed!


Vladimir barely managed to evade, as the enormous mass of bark left a hole within the wall.

"T-That\'s… what kind of magic is that?!" wondered Vladimir, as he created a barrier made of water magic, his natural element.

However, the bark quickly transformed, releasing large spears with sharp tips, impaling Vladimir as they easily broke through his water barrier!



Vladimir, as a Vampire, had incredible recovery ability, even being impaled by many spears was not really a big wound, at least not if they were normal attacks!

But Ervas had packed such attack with curses and poison, coating the bark with poison generated by Ivy and also curses made through his Curse Synthesis, the poison seeped into Vladimir\'s flesh, however, Ervas quickly recognized that he seemed immune to it, nonetheless, he was not immune to his paralyzing curse, which affected him mildly, by making him lethargic.

"So mixing curses with poison won\'t cancel out the Status Effect Immunity Skill he has…" thought Ervas, as he fused with Ivy and unleashed hundreds of tentacle-like vines covered in steel-like spines, and tried to entangle Vladimir with them! The sharpness of such spikes was incredible, and Vladimir felt a instinctual fear!


Vladimir barely evaded even though he felt like his Agility Stat was going down through an annoying curse inflicted into the wounds that were slowly recovering, Ervas had inflicted two curses on him, Inhibit Regeneration and Muscle Paralysis!

Author\'s Note: If you\'re enjoying this Novel make sure to check some of my other works, such as Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse!

If you like the story please give any power stone you could spare, if we reach a nice number there will be bonus chapters at the end of the week, it all depends on you! Thank you very much for reading!

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