
Chapter 315 - [War Against Humans] 10/10: Overwhelming Victory


[You gained +50.000.000 Mana, +6.000 Soul, +5.000 Strength, HP, Defense, and Resistance, +10.000 Magic, and +3.000 Speed]

[You gained +20.000 Skill Points]

[You acquired the [Heart of Gold: Level 1] and [Divine Soul Form Transformation: Light: Level 1] Skills!]

[Heart of Gold: Level 1/10]

A Skill that enhances the user\'s stats depending on how many people believe in their victory through a battle they are engaging in.

The people that believe in them must cheer their name, and also be around 40 meters around the user.

Increase the level of this Skill for greater effects.

[Divine Soul Form Transformation: Light: Level 1/10]

The power to embody one\'s soul and physical body with the Divine Soul of Light.

The user can use this light for many types of things, such as offense, utility, heat production, and more.

The intensity and manageability of this power increase as the level does.


[You acquired [Anir\'s Iridescent Retinas]!]

[Several Skills have leveled up!]


[You acquired [Kelsus Blight Lens]!]

[Several Skills have leveled up!]

Ervas, Veronica, and Jason quickly separated the moment Ervas, and Veronica fusion devoured the newly-raised Divine Soul of Graham Gold, which gave them a strong feeling of a new power surging through their souls.

Alongside this, they had hit max level in both their Ranks and Jobs, defeating a Familiar Spirit was really a lot of EXP.

"Is it… done?" asked Jason, as he glared at the battlefield behind him, a pile of corpses and his allies gathering them in order was the only thing left, any enemy soldier that had left alive was captured and sent inside the dungeon within the underground of the Igni Kingdom, a special place where Ervas and Veronica had used to store things, as they found it was easier to make a small storage dungeon than to dig the ground below them.

"Yes… And oh my, Graham was quite the delicacy~" said Veronica.

"Indeed, eating his souls really gave me a feeling of fulfillment, as I had finally done some revenge at last…" said Ervas.

"Revenge…?" asked Jason.

"Yeah, he was one of the five constellations, the strongest battle popes of the Empire of Bestellen, they\'re sick bastards that had slain many demons and beast-kin indiscriminately, many times without them even had done any wrong than simply trying to live their lives in their own settlements…" said Veronica.

"The moment we ate his Soul, we got a few of his fragmented memories, but nothing too recent, to be honest. Although it just confirmed that he was indeed a sick bastard," said Ervas.

"Ervas, don\'t use strong language, okay?" asked Jason.

"…Sorry," said Ervas.

"I would have like if we could get some clues in how Bestellen looked like or how he gave him the power to make his soul evolve into a Familiar Spirit… But well, that ended up giving us a nice meal, this guy had just raised to godhood but already had around 50 million Mana!" said Veronica.

"Fifty million?!" asked Jason.

"That\'s why he was able to spam magic so easily now and didn\'t seemed tired at all… Gods have tremendous quantities of Mana, although he was a very weak Familiar Spirit, it could be expected for other gods to have even greater quantities, perhaps going to the billions and even more ridiculous digits… however, because Gods are not part of the System, its not possible to appraise them to see their power," said Ervas.

"I see… A-Anyways, that\'s a lot to take in! Maybe we should go relax now that we are finally done here?" asked Jason.

"Good idea, let\'s go…" said Ervas.

"Yeah, we got a ton of new power by eating him, I am rather content~," said Veronica as she walked with Ervas and Jason back to the battlefield where everything was being slowly assessed.

"You did? Just how much power can you get by eating a God? Even if Graham was just made into a Familiar Spirit by Bestellen as you say…" said Jason.

"We got a lot of bonus stats, meaning that we ate his soul completely, not even a little bit was wasted. Through Soul Break and God Slayer, we can assimilate the broken pieces of the gods we eat… I don\'t know how though," said Ervas.

"I believe it might be due to our abnormal souls…" said Veronica.

"Abnormal souls…? You mean… because they were split in two?" asked Jason.

"More or less, we had kind of figured out that our Souls developing so abnormally wasn\'t just evolutions and stuff. Because our souls were split and open, it became easier for external forces and energies to leak in and be assimilated… Like this, Ervas ended with the Void on his soul and I with my Abyssal Soul that seems to have an endless amount of space inside," said Veronica.

"Oh, so that\'s why…" said Ervas.

"Eh? Wait… so you can eat Gods because your souls themselves are like constantly absorbing energy?!" asked Jason.

"Not quite. More like our souls were abnormally stretched to the point of having a ton of space inside and what I would call \'empty frames\'. In such places, we can store the power of the Gods and Souls we eat and make it our own… Do you remember how the kids that fused with dead spirits did not truly fuse with them? They only kept them inside of their soul, and when they ate too many, they exploded. Meanwhile, we actually digest and make the souls we eat part of ours," said Veronica.

"That means that we can keep eating as much as we want," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"T-That\'s certainly quite terrifying! But I am glad that my son and Veronica can grow strong like this, it would be a waste to simply seal Graham\'s soul or something, eating him for good is better," said Jason.

"Yeah, and we can even do this now, look!" said Veronica, extending her Soul as she transformed a part of it into bright light… Similar to Graham\'s Divine Soul.

"W-What? Light?" asked Jason.

"Oof, quite ironic to have light in my own soul like this now, but it seems to not damage me…" said Veronica.

"Hm, this is something we got after eating Graham, we can change the composition of our Souls into a Light Attribute Divine Soul, and fuse it around too, so this will increase our battle prowess even more," said Ervas.

"I-I see… I have a hard time coping with you two\'s strength… But having such a strong leader and son is always a good thing, your mother would be proud, Ervas!" said Jason.

"She would?" asked Ervas.

"Of course! She always wanted her child to be strong to be able to survive in this world that is always hostile to demons and beast-kin… Now, every time you evolve you acquire a bit of the bloodline of your long lineage, perhaps you are slowly becoming the embodiment of demons and beast-kin," said Jason.

"The embodiment of the two tribes…" said Ervas, his eyes shining in inspiration.

"Yeah, he\'s a good boy," said Veronica, petting Ervas.

"A-Ah, of course, Veronica, you\'re just as ridiculously strong!" said Jason.

"Aw come on, don\'t praise me, you old man… Although it is not like I don\'t like it!" laughed Veronica.

The group walked back to the battlefield, as they met several of their allies reporting and assessing the situation, amongst them, Anna came carrying the corpse of Albert, who had been sliced in two by her.

"You really went quite hardcore on the dude," said Ervas.

"Well yeah, he got into my nerves with his bullshit about us being the bad guys in everything… Really sickening! Well, it was in the middle of a battle where we killed a ton of his men, so I guess he might have a point…" said Anna.

"Ah, don\'t worry, that\'s how life is, if they come to kill you, you either kill them first or die by their hands," said Veronica.

"There might also be the third option of escaping, but that doesn\'t give any Experience Points," said Ervas.

"Oh yeah, for sure," said Anna.

"Anyways, now that we are finally done with these guys, what should we do with the corpses?" asked Anna.

"Should we feed them to the pets?" asked Ismene who came walking near the group.

"Maybe we should keep a few hundred corpses for experiments, Undead soldiers, and some food for those that enjoy human meat, the rest… Hmm…" muttered Ervas.

"How about we convert them all into Zombies and fill the Devil Forest with traps for anyone that tries to come back to look for them?" asked Veronica.

"Veronica, you\'re a devil genius," said Ervas with a malicious gleam on his crimson eyes.

"It will be a great emotional impact to see their former soldiers and friends fighting against them as mindless zombies, I like the idea," said Alesia, the Ghoul Chief.

"Damn, that\'s harsh… I\'m on it!" said Leonidas.

"Good plan, indeed! We might even get a ton of friends in here guarding our old territory until we can finally come back!" said Goliath.

"For sure, if we leave a ton of traps that can regenerate themselves through the Dungeon Creation, we can even make this entire forest a hazard for anyone that dares to step in. Of course, we will still go to the Demon Continent because we got things to do there, but we will leave this gift for the people that are yet to come," said Ervas.

"Hm, sounds nice, isn\'t it?" asked Veronica.

"Sounds horrifying! …But it might work well," said Jason while sighing.

"Well, well, that sounds just like something I would come out with, have I influenced your innocent minds?" asked Kireina, appearing near Ervas and Veronica.

"Ah, Kireina, how were things?" asked Veronica.

"We managed to do things accordingly, the spatial barrier was erected until no more hostile soldiers were left… Although it pains me to think that I was not there for you, Ervas, when that bastard pope hit you with that strong attack, I had the impulse to fly to your rescue, but I guess it was not necessary, as Veronica and Jason came for you," said Kireina, petting Ervas head, and fluffy wolf ears.

"Oh… that… I should apologize for that, I shouldn\'t have wanted to kill him alone… Sorry for acting selfishly," said Ervas.

"It\'s fine, I just want you to know that we will always be there for you, we are all together in this, so there is no need to want to do things on your own," said Veronica.

"That\'s right, my son, you didn\'t have to take care of him on your own! And well, we killed him for once, so things ended quite good… Although the battle was rather hard nonetheless," said Jason.

"Indeed, he really packed a punch… I hope Bestellen doesn\'t simply do the same for every damn idiot we kill," said Veronica.

"He might not, I believe that it cost a large dose of power to do that, so I don\'t think he will do so all the time," said Ervas.

"My lord, the ones that have surrendered have been sent to the prison dungeon," said Lilith.

"Very well, let\'s carry the corpses and other things we\'ll use for ourselves, and leave the corpses in here for the moment, we\'ll raise them through our clones," said Ervas, creating many Phantom Clones as veronica created her own metallic clones.

The clones began to use the same souls of the soldiers that roamed the place, beginning to raise all of their corpses into zombies.

Now that Veronica had Limited Death Attribute Magic, the creation of Undead became even easier, and she was able to mass-produce them.

Through her Death Attribute Charm and the \'Govern Created Undead\' Skill, she was able to instantly make any Undead she created into her loyal subordinate, no matter what they formerly were… Although there were some strong souls whose beliefs were so immensely seeped into the very selves that they could not easily encroach…

Such as Albert\'s soul.

"You monsters! You fiends! I SHALL NEVER FORGET YOU! Your encroachment is useless against… me! I will not… fall into your monstrous charm! You deadly fiends!" cried his soul.

"You\'re coming with our bud, we are about to ask you a ton of questions," said Veronica\'s main body, carrying Albert\'s soul forcefully with a soul claw.


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