
Chapter 174 - Ervas New Evolution Is...


However, after having eaten many, time flew and many people were going back to their homes, the day had already ended and the night was late, and everyone decided to finally call such a long and arduous day as finished.

Ervas and Veronica walked back to their castle alongside their family, as they decided to change Jobs when they reached their rooms and rested over the comfortable beds made by the fluffy leather of the horned rabbit and demon rats.

Ervas, as often, found himself surrounded by his tamed monsters, which made for a very warm bed. Nyarlathotep shapeshifted as Lilith this time, embracing him into a tight hug, making him rest into her soft and bouncy chest, making Ervas even more comfortable.

The real Lilith, however, was sleeping in her room, although she did try many times to sleep at Ervas side as a mommy would do, but was every time rejected.

At the other side was Cthulhu entangling his tentacles around Ervas, which were slimy and cold, but Ervas, strangely enough, found them comfortable, just like Nyarlathotep\'s flesh.

Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep had evolved through the battle against Oggoth\'s army of Gazers, ranking up to Rank 6 monsters and then to Rank 7, receiving a large boost in their stats and skills. And although their appearances did not change much, Ervas considered that they might awaken some new abilities whenever they reach a higher Rank, due to their latent talents as summoned otherworldly monsters.

To his other side was Draconia, who was sleeping peacefully over her own little bed. She had the mind of a toddler and thought of Ervas as her father, so she did not want to go away from him or sleep in her own room like the other Undead. She had Ranked up as well to a Rank 6 after participating in the battle and slaying a lot of enemies.

There was also Ivy inside, her enormous body could barely fit in before, but after ranking up, she gained the ability to change the size of her body, managing to finally sleep near Ervas once again… though, due to her pointy and venomous vines, she stayed at a relatively decent distance from Ervas.

The other Plant-type monsters had their own rooms, or would often sleep in the forest itself, whatever suited their tastes. Enormous ones such as Ainsley and Alder would sleep outside of the castle, resembling giant and cursed dark-colored trees that adorned the castle and gave it a gothic aesthetic.

Gwendolyn and Nick were always together and had even slowly developed a behavior similar to a romantic couple, both of them would sleep in a separate room in the castle. After both ranked up, Gwendolyn gained the ability to shape her body more freely, acquiring the shape of a beautiful elven woman made out of vines, which would often sit at Nick\'s shoulders as she and he were always unified as one due to her parasitism. Nick Rank up did not bring any changes physically, but he felt stronger, nonetheless.

Ervas often thought if they considered each other as siblings or as something else… but they had begun their mutualistic relationship quite early, so there was still a lot of room for romantic development that Ervas desired to see happening.

While being petted by Nyarlathotep\'s tentacles, Ervas finally resumed his work, deciding to evolve and then change Jobs.

"What evolution will I get now? Perhaps it will be something simple, my previous evolutions were rather crazy…" thought Ervas.

Ervas previous evolution had awakened the bloodline of Liches on him, giving him the ability to shape his skeleton out of his flesh, while also granting him bonuses in Magic usage.

And before that, Ervas had awakened the bloodline of Vampires and became a Dhampir…

He was now half Human, half Vampire, half Lich, and half Dagvaarder Demon… four lineages converged into one, such cases of people being born like this were extremely rare all across the world of Kritias, although not impossible.

However, Ervas was certainly not born as this hybrid but had become one through evolution, a power granted by the Samsara System that no Intelligent Races were capable of achieving.

Due to the diverse family tree of his ancestors, Ervas unknowingly had carried the lineage of many types of Intelligent Races, but never awakened their abilities or racial traits due to the Dagvaarder Demon bloodline usually being more dominant.

But through evolution, he had now the chance to awaken them all… Ervas could not help but subconsciously hope for an even crazier evolution to happen… He did not know why he even wanted this, but he just found it cool to be part of every race in the future, he thought that by being such a being, he might be able to unify the people of Kritias better.

Relaxing a bit, Ervas finally decided to glance at his available evolution or Rank Up options…

[Available Evolution Options]

[Phantasmal Gray Wolf Beastmen Lich Dhampir Half-Demon], [Nether Banshee Lich Dhampir Half-Demon]

"Oh… This is it, I guess…" muttered Ervas.

In front of him, there were two new options, and just as he was secretly hoping, they were both quite different and strange. One was Gray Wolf Beastmen, and the other was Nether Banshee…

"What am I even going to become in the future…? This is a bit insane, but I can\'t deny that I like it…" said Ervas.

"Then… What should I pick? Awakening my Gray Wolf Beastmen Bloodline or… Nether Banshee Bloodline? I remember these two Tribes in detail as there were some near my Kingdom when I was Anastacia… Gray Wolf Beastmen are a Beast-kin race with extraordinarily strong physical strength and agility but were often bad at magic. They had the latent ability to transforming into humanoid beasts to boost their strength, they were formidable warriors, but very few, at that time, that tribe was probably the last of their race…"

"And Nether Banshee… I know about normal Banshees, they are a race of Demons. Although they have pale skin, a very gothic fashion sense, and vampire-like hierarchies, they are not half-undead Demons but Living Demons. They are a race of Demons with a powerful cry, strong enough to be capable of weaponizing it and become formidable attacks, their cries are pretty much their racial trait by itself… I remember that there was a beautiful Banshee maid that assisted me in the Castle, although she never talked to me… She was very strong, and lasted until the end of the war with the humans… Her cry was capable of confusing, paralyzing, or dealing direct damage to enemies…" said Ervas, chatting with his tamed monsters.

"Now what do I pick? Beast-kin or Banshee? Both have good racial traits… But transforming into a strong beast and becoming more capable in physical combat seems appealing to me… Sorry, Banshees, but maybe you will appear again in the next evolution…" said Ervas, choosing the first option.

The moment Ervas selected the evolution option, his body seemed to have become more flexible and tough. His muscles seemed to have tightened by a little bit, and his height might have increased a centimeter…

[You Ranked up to [Rank 7: Phantasmal Gray Wolf Beastmen Lich Dhampir Half-Demon]!]

[The Levels of the [Demon Metabolism; Level 6], [Night Vision; Level 5], and [Superhuman Strength; Level 4] Skills have increased!]

[You acquired the [Enhanced Body Parts: Claws, Fangs: Level 1], [Beast Transformation: Level 1], and [Health Points Enlargement: Level 1] Skills!]

But as Ervas glanced at his Skills leveling up and the new ones he got, he then felt something slowly growing atop his head… and butt.

"What is… huh?"

Ervas had completely forgotten that beastmen had animal traits.

So when he became a half beastmen, he gained their traits.

"Wait…" muttered Ervas, standing from the bed and then lowering his shorts, he then saw a small, very little puppy tail covered in fluffy silverly white hair… and when he grabbed a mirror, he saw that two little puppy ears were resting atop his head.

"I didn\'t realize…" said Ervas, moving his little tail.

"Ervas is a puppy!" said Gaia.

"No… please don\'t call me that… Wait, so I do have four ears… this is really a bizarre retcon that should have not been touched…" muttered Ervas.

At the very least, Ervas wanted to try out the beast transformation skill…

And when he did, he changed… but the changes were slighter than he thought.

A lot of fluffy silver hair grew around his arms, legs, and atop his chest… but nothing else changed, his nose became a bit darker like a snout though.

"Eh? I did not… This is awful…" said Ervas in disappointment, kneeling as if defeated.

"Ervas, puppy! Puppy!" said Gaia.

"Please… stop…"

Ervas thought that he would become an enormous werewolf with the power of destroying armies with its sheer strength… but he just became cuter.

"Sigh… Oh well, it still nice. I feel stronger, so it was worth it… right?" thought Ervas.

"Puppy!" said Gaia.

"I am not a puppy, Gaia…"


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