
Chapter 167 - [War Against A God] 6/?: A New Ally In The Middle Of A War!


The first thing she saw was a chaotic war between hundreds of Gazers laid by her through Oggoth\'s control against several armored demi-humans, metallic spiders, and other types of monsters.

And freeing her from their entanglement, Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep appeared before her sight with a bit of wariness.

"She should be back to normal now… Can you hear me, Krakenusa?" asked Ervas through telepathy, Krakenusa heard his voice loud and clear inside her mind.

"Yes… I can hear you, Ervas!" said Krakenusa through her telepathy as well, while twisting her tentacles around, feeling them for the first time and stretching them around.

"It seems like it\'s done… Did he… Did Ervas really managed to lift the control of a Demon God such as Oggoth from the High Gazer Emperor?" asked Ismene in disbelief.

"Yes, I did," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"I\'m back!" said Veronica, breaking through the dozens of Gazers pestering her with her claws, spears, and axe alongside Shade and Ozgeth.

"It seems that the Emperor was freed from Oggoth\'s influence?" asked Shade.

"But can he really be trustworthy?" asked Ozgeth.

"Maybe he was tamed by Ervas?" asked Veronica.

However, the voice of Krakenusa resonated within the minds of everyone, including the Gazers present, which was mindlessly fighting against the armies of Ervas and Veronica.

"I am not a male, by the way… My name is Krakenusa… And thanks to Ervas, I am freed from my father\'s enslavement. I deeply thank you all for giving me a new opportunity in life… Now, my children, stop fighting and obey your Empress!" said Krakenusa.

Suddenly, all of the Gazers stopped fighting, as they trembled in midair, their tentacles began to twitch around relentlessly as if they were struggling to obey Krakenusa\'s orders.

"Ah… The Gazers? Are they obeying the Empress?"

"So what she said is true, she was rescued by Ervas-sama!"

"Wait for a second, aren\'t they moving strangely though?"

"They stopped attacking, but are struggling with something!"

Krakenusa quickly realized that every Gazer didn\'t hold total loyalty to her, they were being influenced by Oggoth as well, and even though her authority was strong, it was not enough for her to control their actions fully, and Oggoth\'s authority deeply seeped into them… mostly because their minds and the possibility of them ever developing personalities and advanced intelligence and emotions were crushed, made into puppets for Oggoth.

"It still enough for now… Let us hurry up towards Oggoth!" said Veronica, rushing towards Ervas as Ervas expanded a large field of his Telekinesis, carrying Veronica with him.

"Thanks, Krakenusa. Please maintain them like this for a while until we are done. Also, no one else follows us, please" said Ervas, as the army kept glancing at the twisting Gazers with great concern.


"Let me secure them for you!" said one of Veronica\'s Clones, as she entangled various Gazers with her metallic threads and then stored them inside their pocket spaces through the Space Expansion skill.

"And me!" said another, doing so as well.

In the sight of everyone who was just a few seconds ago fighting fiercely, Veronica\'s Clones began to wrap every Gazer with their metallic threads… and Charlotte who was present did as well, helping with the cause.

"Ah… you\'re wrapping them?" asked Krakenusa.

"It is so we don\'t have to kill them anymore. Ervas seemed rather dead set in letting them survive, let us not continue this fight for now" said one of Veronica\'s Clones.

"I-I see… even when we were your enemies just a few seconds ago?" asked Krakenusa.

"Enemies? Gazers might be vicious monsters, but Ervas and I believe that, due to their intelligence, they can become better people" said Veronica.

"People…? For you are my children people?" asked Krakenusa.

"Well, yes. We have slain way too many of them, it is time to let the rest survive and thrive, so we can amend for those we have killed… Even if their minds are destroyed, we will try to do whatever we can to recover them," said Veronica\'s Clones.

"I disagree with such consideration. Monsters are monsters, we cannot simply see them as people, even Gazers, they tried to kill us several times before… But Ervas and Veronica are people that had done many things for us, and that keep doing the best they can to help us thrive and survive in this world… So, I will obey their words, as they had never, since I met them, been wrong" said Ismene.

"The boy and Veronica are good people, although we don\'t feel much by killing the Gazers, they do, it seems. Let us be considerate for what they think, after all, they are our prince and princess" said Anna.

"Yeah, I wanted to earn more Experience Points, but that\'s it for now. We can explore other dungeons later, no problem" said Leonidas while crossing his arms.

"We always fight to survive in this world. But if we are capable of giving them a new chance, who are we to deny that? If they do as Ervas says and they are capable of being as intelligent as us, what makes them different from being actual people? I do not regret killing them, but I agree that if there is an option, we should help them out. I will always support my son after all," said Jason.

"I see… Not only Ervas is a nice person, but everyone in here seems to be as nice… Thanks, everyone, I\'ve never been truly free from my father\'s authority, but now that I am, I\'m glad to meet such nice and considerate people… We might be quite different, both physically… and mentally… But if Ervas and Veronica think that we can live together… I think that it is worth trying, at least, that\'s what I want to believe…" said Krakenusa.

"Welcome to the team, guu! I am Aqua, by the way, gubo," said Aqua, greeting Krakenusa.

"Ah… H-Hi… So cute… Is this a Slime?" asked Krakenusa.

"Yeah! I\'m a strong slime, glob" said Aqua.

Krakenusa extended her slimy and fleshy appendages as she petted Aqua.



Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep approached Krakenusa, greeting her.

"Ah! You two are the perverts that had me all entangled with your bodies!" she said.



Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep seemed intimidated by Krakenusa\'s words, but then she released a smile.

"I\'m joking! Thanks for assisting Ervas, I know that your powers also helped me free myself from my father\'s control" said Krakenusa.



Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep seemed happy to make a new and monstrous friend in Krakenusa.


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