
Chapter 14 - Side : The Boy First Job Change

"Hmm, this Kritias is way livelier than the one of my previous life… Spirits must be overflowing everywhere, especially around this village, which is surrounded by forests, wildlife, and rivers" thought Ervas.

"Though, I am inside a house, closed in four walls, so I cannot easily call upon Undine, neither Sylphid nor Gnome… Perhaps Gaia due to the big forest, and how this house is made out of wood… Well, I do not even know if I even have as many affinities with spirits as I had before. It was quite ironic how I had no attribute affinities in my previous life but an affinity with all spirits…"

Ervas began to concentrate while using the skill that he naturally learned after using an extensive amount of mana without chanting a spell, \'Chant Revocation\', he channeled his mana and called upon the spirits through his thoughts as he was not capable of speaking yet.

"Spirits… I call upon thee… hear my call… I am but a humble half-demon… bring me your aid…"

Ervas needed to be especially careful, although spirits of the same attribute were all called by the same name, every single one of them had different personalities. Ervas needed to act humble so some would notice him.

If he were to rudely call upon them as if imposing, they would ignore him or even grow hatred against him… of course, there were exceptions to this rule, certain deviant spirits liked people like that, but they were often in the minority.

"My beloved Spirits… hear my call…"

Ervas chanted through his mind, the waves of mana produced from within his soul expanded around the house, slowly penetrating the walls, and even reaching towards the outside forest. The vast greenery, the colorful flowers, and the distant sound of a river…

Ervas was not only calling upon spirits, but using his own mana waves to inspect the outside world, the flora and the fauna were beautiful, and the sun was clear as water, with the sun brightly shining and embracing the world with its warm light, there was a slight and cold breeze and the earth seemed especially healthy as well. Ervas knew that such a beautiful day was thanks to the spirits, the ones that maintain the world.

Since his second life, he had grown attached to them, as they were his first friends when he was known as the Demon Queen Anastacia. He had nine different spirits, each one with a different personality and each one of them always brought joy to his gloomy and daily life.

Ervas remembered the kind and motherly Gaia, the Life Attribute Spirit, always taking care of him and his health. Gaia had grown attached to Anastacia to the extent that it would often take care of certain things for her, such as cooking or cleaning her clothes with the help of Salamander and Undine.

Of course, all of this cost a lot of Mana for Anastacia, who would often wake up a little bit dizzy because of the overuse of Mana while sleeping. After such incidents, the Spirits would always apologize, but Anastacia could never get angry with them, they were her family.

Remembering such warm memories through \'Memory Retention\', Ervas called upon the spirits, without giving up… until he felt as if a new presence had appeared from within the forest, and was slowly attracted to him.

It was a very faint presence, resembling a lump of green-colored mana. As it followed the trail of mana, it went through the house\'s wood walls and entered the room where Ervas was.

The only spirit that had heard his call was a Life Attribute Spirit, Gaia.

However, this was not the Gaia that he remembered, but a different spirit by the same name.

It seemed rather shy, and it was smaller than the Gaia Ervas knew. It resembled a lump of green-colored mana, but as Ervas glanced closely at it, he realized that it was a small, green-colored bean, with an adorable and sleepy face.

"Muuh… Muh…" it said. It seemed rather young, so it was not capable of speaking properly through its mana.

"Oh, Gaia, mother of life, I call upon your assistance. Please, bless me with your benevolence and help this humble believer"

Ervas communicated his words through the mana waves created from his body and by using the \'Chant Revocation\' Skill. The little green bean-like Gaia seemed happy to be asked for help, as it moved closer and closer to Ervas.

"Muh… Muh!" it said, cutely kissing Ervas\'s forehead.

"Thank you, let\'s be friends from now on," said Ervas through the mana waves.

[Gaia, Spirit of Life, and Nature have taken a liking on you!]

[You acquired the [Spirit Magic; Level 1] Skill!]

"I did it…! But I was only capable of calling a Life Attribute Spirit, and it is a very young one as well… perhaps my spirit affinity had become less talented than in my previous life. But this is enough for now" thought Ervas, as he patted Gaia while giving her his mana in small quantities as if feeding a baby.

"There, there… Don\'t eat it too fast, you\'re still growing, Gaia" said Ervas, communicating through the mana waves.

Ervas was capable of speaking through mana waves to spirits, but not to other beings such as humans or monsters. It was often called the \'language of the spirits\', and it was often more effective for calling them than spoken words.

For talking telepathically with the rest of the races, he needed the Level 3 No-Attribute Magic Spell \'Telepathy\'.

"Alright now… if I remember correctly… level 1 Life Attribute Spirit Magic had the \'Regeneration Enhancement\', \'Disinfection\', and \'Plant Whisperer\' Spells… there is certainly some utility in them. Especially in \'Plant Whisperer\', if I use it enough, I may be able to learn the \'Botanist\' Skill, which my mother had in my previous life. I need to start practicing right now, Gaia, please, help me out, let us use the \'Plant Whisperer\' Spell" said Ervas, giving Gaia more of his mana.

"Muh, muh!" said Gaia in affirmation, nodding with its small green bean body. She transformed the mana given to her into Life Attribute Mana and helped Ervas cast \'Plant Whisperer\'.

"Though there are no plants inside the house, there are many outside, I just need to use my mana waves alongside this spell, and it should work" thought Ervas, doing just as he planned.

His blue-colored mana waves suddenly turned green in color, and slowly spread outside the house, reaching the vast forest outside.

The oldest and strong trees did not seem to hear his whispers, but the small sprouts or weak grass did so. However, the number of plants that he could whisper at the same time depended completely on his mana.

\'Plant Whisperer\' was a simple spell, it let the user talk to plants. If the plants were convinced by the user\'s call, they would move to his will and obey his orders.

To make stronger plants such as trees obey him, he needed a greater pool of mana and a higher level in the \'Spirit Magic\' skill. Ervas was happy with just being able to speak and slowly convince a small group of grass and young tree sprouts. Perhaps if he tried hard enough, some vines may hear him as well.

"If I obtain the \'Botanist\' Skill, I will be able to control and move plants with even more ease and in higher levels, it may even let me carry plants alongside me by using my own body as a recipient," thought Ervas.

The small sprouts and grass began to dance around, happily receiving Ervas\'s mana, which embraced them with warmness.

"It seems that they are slowly getting used to it… but this may take a few hours or days… I should also multitask and practice No-Attribute Magic in the meantime. For now, I will constantly cast \'Telekinesis\' and try to move objects around. Hm, I will also keep reading mother\'s book."

Although Ervas was just two years old, he was busy doing many things at the same time. By abusing the \'Hardworking\' and the \'Memory Retention\' Skill, he could recall memories of previous actions and insert them into his brain, being able to multi-task with ease by imitating those memories. \'Hardworking\' helped his mind not collapsing, and making him go even further beyond his physical and mental capacity.

"Father should be getting here in a few hours, so I have a lot of time to work! At the very least I am not alone anymore," thought Ervas, glancing at the small, green-colored bean, who was peacefully resting on his head while transforming his mana into \'Life Attribute\' mana.

"I wonder if you would grow more as we progress together… I have heard of Spirit Mages having very young spirits when they were kids, as they grow up, their spirits did as well, and ended up even stronger than old spirits."

"Muh…!" said Gaia.

"I suppose you\'re just as excited about the future… Hm? My split soul… it suddenly feels even stronger. Did it evolve? Sigh… And I am still stuck in this place, I cannot kill monsters for Experience Points yet, but I should choose a Job, nonetheless. Perhaps if I manage to get those plants to befriend me, I would be able to catch some small monsters by using them"

Ervas opened the Samsara System\'s Job Changing Tab and glanced at the options.

[Jobs Available]

[Apprentice No-Attribute Mage], [Apprentice Spirit Caster], [Apprentice Farmer]

"Apprentice Farmer… is it because of my father? Hm, then should I get one related to being a half-demon as well? Perhaps I need to awaken the Unique Skill of my race first, \'Summoning\'… For now, I will choose \'Apprentice No-Attribute Mage\', as soon am I capable of talking with my father, the better. No matter how much I try to communicate with him, he does not understand me and treats me like a mischievous kid, it\'s slightly irritating"

[You have changed Jobs to [Apprentice No-Attribute Mage]!]

[The level of the [No-Attribute Magic; Level 1] Skill has increased!]

Alongside the leveling of the No-Attribute Magic Skill, Ervas felt a slight increase in his Mana and Magic stats.

"Now, time to work"


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