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Chapter 121: I, Your Father, am Blessed

Chapter 121: I, Your Father, am Blessed

While his ability to stay awake without accumulating fatigue had been one of his greatest advantages in life, Wu came to understand how it could be considered a curse. Because he didn’t ‘require’ sleep, he was the de facto caretaker for his newborn daughter, Momo. He didn’t mind all ‘that’ much, but listening to her cry and having to change her diaper upwards of seven times a day could get a little…frustrating.

Fortunately, Momo’s wailing waned considerably after eight weeks. Wu also had more than enough ‘outlets’ for his frustration, so it wasn’t as bad as some people had warned him it might be. Rather, after overcoming her prune stage, Momo became exceptionally adorable, at least in the eyes of Wu. She had inherited his golden eyes and hair color, and while he wasn’t sure she would awaken Fiery Golden Eyes in the future, Momo’s strength and intellect were bound to set her apart.

Though he initially wasn’t sure how he would take to fatherhood, Wu fell into his role head-first the moment Momo first looked at him and showed genuine recognition and delight in her eyes. She had a catty, or perhaps a monkey-like smile, but it had pierced through his heart like an arrow. In the wake of this critical injury, Wu felt that, for the first time in his life, he was willing to die for something other than his personal interests. He also understood why Hiruzen was so eager to arrange his marriage…so long as Momo regarded Konoha as her home, Wu would never permit any harm to befall it…



“I thought I might find you here…”

As Wu preferred to be outdoors and surrounded by nature, the former was currently relaxing on the branch of a massive tree with the sleeping Momo on his chest. In response to the voice below, he asked, “What’s up, Ino…?”

Without beating around the bush, Ino answered, “It’s been a while since everyone got together to have some fun. Want to leave Momo with Lady Tsunade and come ‘play’ with us…?”


Though he would have gladly accepted in the past, one look at Momo’s sleeping face was enough to give Wu second thoughts. Fortunately for Ino, he also cared about maintaining the status quo. If even one of his women became disillusioned with him, it would poison his relationship with all of them. Thus, after a moment of consideration, he replied, “Sure.” before cradling the sleeping Momo in his arms and floating down from his perch.

Eyeing Momo with a hint of longing in her eyes, Ino asked, “How soon do you plan to have children with the rest of us…?”

Raising his brows, a teasing smile developed across Wu’s face as he mused, “So long as you don’t use it as an excuse to slack off, I’ll knock you up right now. If you want to respect your family’s and the village’s traditions, however, you’ll need to wait until Shikamaru and Choji get hitched.”

As Wu mentioned her teammates, an exasperated sigh escaped Ino’s throat. After Wu applied their Senjutu Training Seals, the Third Hokage gave everyone within the compound a year-long reprieve from missions outside the village. Ino still met up with the members of her team 3-4 times a week, but their lack of motivation and drive made it difficult to be around them for long periods. She couldn’t imagine any sensible woman wanting to waste time with either of the two, so her prospects for having children seemed grim…

Seeing through Ino’s thoughts, Wu offered an assuring smile as he said, “Relax. Even if they can’t find someone themselves, Choji is heir to one of Konoha’s Four Noble Clans. His parents can easily find someone for him to marry. As for Shikamaru…he might be lazy, but he’s fiercely intelligent. He will probably deny it, but I would wager my left arm that he already has at least a few candidates in mind…”

Regaining her smile, Ino replied, “You’re probably right. Guess that means I won’t have to play matchmaker for them, huh?”

Shaking his head, Wu postulated, “There’s a fair possibility that Shikamaru is relying on you to do precisely that. He might be smart, but he likely has no clue how to approach the girls he has his sights on. If you question him without being too assertive, he’ll probably spill everything.”

Excited by the prospect, Ino was about to ask how she should go about it when Momo suddenly awoke with a grumpy expression on her face. When she saw Ino, her golden eyes narrowed in a way you wouldn’t expect from a ten-week-old infant. It made Ino feel a little unnerved, so she laughed nervously before asserting, “She’s going to be even more of a daddy’s girl than I was growing up…”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu gave Momo a few pats on her back as he said, “She’ll be the eldest among dozens of children. It’s okay for her to be a little spoiled, so long as she works hard and helps to look after her siblings.”

As if she could already understand what Wu was saying, Momo adopted her characteristically monkey-like smile as she snuggled into the nook between his head and shoulder. Her tail also curled up behind her, a sure sign that she was happy and content.

Staring at Momo’s tail, Ino resisted the urge to ask if her children would also have one. She was a little concerned about it, but it didn’t bother her to the point she would refuse to have children with Wu. Rather, if her dad hadn’t ‘begged’ her to adhere to the Ino-Shika-Cho tradition, she would have stopped using the Contraceptive Jutsu around the time she learned of Tsunade’s pregnancy…



After dropping off Momo with her mother, Wu accompanied Ino to the ‘playhouse’ everyone had put together in what used to be Hashirama’s library. Wu had stockpiled quite a bit of clothing and ‘toys’ for the girls during his trips to Yokohama Port and the Land of Hot Springs. They still donned their traditional attire around the village, but they would dress up especially for him whenever they got together to have fun.

As Ino had coordinated everything in advance, Wu entered the playhouse to find Hinata, Hanabi, Sakura, Temari, Tenten, Tayuya, Kaia, Kagero, Kuro, Karui, Aya, and Kushina waiting for him in costume. The latter had spilled the beans to the girls shortly after Momo’s birth. She had also told Naruto that she would be staying within the Senju Clan Compound to accumulate experience in preparation for his son’s birth. In reality, she had effectively lived within Wu’s room for the past six weeks, the two of them fucking like rabbits whenever he had time to spare.

Though some of the girls were still a little awkward around Kushina, the latter had become the bridge that allowed Tayuya into their group. She was also ‘very’ knowledgeable about sex, so she quickly fell into a similar category as Hinata, someone the other girls went to when they needed advice or wanted to explore their sexuality further…



As was often the case when Wu got together with the girls to ‘play,’ it wasn’t long before the event turned into an orgy. He refused to utilize his clones to fuck his women, but he didn’t mind if girls like Tayuya made use of strap-ons to fuck other girls in the ass. Their vaginas were reserved for his personal use, but no one complained as he typically made ‘very’ good use of them.

While Karui clung to him as if her life depended on it, Wu timed his thrusts with Tayuya, the two of them fucking the bronze-skinned redhead in both her pussy and ass at the same. Karui had been ‘very’ against such things a few weeks prior, but now she just went with the flow, submitting herself to the ‘work hard, play hard’ lifestyle Wu imposed upon the people around him, especially his women.

Though she didn’t initially consider herself one of his women, just seeing Wu as a convenient source of information and power, Karui was the type of girl that succumbed easily to her desires. Wu even suspected she was a distant relative of the Uzumaki Clan, but her complete lack of talent in Fuijutsu made it fairly evident that wasn’t the case. She was just young, competitive, and enjoyed getting fucked silly…

Burying himself as deep as possible into Karui’s vagina, around 60% in her case, Wu sent the usually fiery redhead over the edge by blowing his load into her while Tayuya continued to gouge her ass with reckless abandon. Karui trembled so violently that her legs began to spasm, but Wu held her firmly in place, angling her butt toward Tayuya so the latter, dressed like an S&M Queen, could continue fucking her, prolonging her climax for as long as possible.

When Karui eventually went limp in his arms, Wu gestured for Tayuya to stop. She was a little reluctant to do so, as Karui was one of her favorite toys, but there was no actual hesitation in her actions. She immediately pulled out the 20cm long, excessively bumpy strap-on from Karui’s ass before stepping off to the side to clean it. If it were up to her, she would have Karui clean it with her mouth, but Wu forbade such behaviors as it was simply unsanitary.

While Tayuya readied herself for her next victim, Wu cradled Karui in his arms until she gradually regained her senses. The moment she looked up at him, he gave her a deep and passionate kiss, her insides tightening in response even though she once attested to hating kissing.

As much as he would like to continue fucking Karui for the rest of the afternoon, Wu eventually set her down after a few minutes had passed. When he did, she sheepishly made her way over to the gallery of girls that had already had their turns, sitting next to Temari and Kuro as she had been trying to befriend them in preparation for ‘stealing’ the position of Raikage.

After passing his gaze over the peanut gallery, Wu turned to the trio that had yet to receive his affections. Hanabi was off-limits, and Aya had yet to muster the courage to cross the line into adulthood. She generally just sat with Hanabi and watched, so there was really only one girl remaining, the fairly conservative Tenten. She was fine when there were only a few other girls present, but the notion of having sex in front of a dozen other people made her uncomfortable.

When Wu directed his gaze at her, Tenten adopted a wry smile and said, “I’ll wait until later. Besides, I’d rather not have Tayuya-chan do me in the butt…”

Unsurprised by Tenten’s response, Wu just nodded his head and replied, “I’ll stop by your room later this evening.” Then, as it was already late in the afternoon, he turned to the larger group of girls and said, “Let’s end things here for now. I don’t want to keep Tsunade and Momo waiting for too long.”

As everyone knew how much of a doting father Wu was, no one offered any words of protest. A few of the girls would have liked to go another round with him, but they knew they would have plenty of opportunities in the future.

Just as the group was preparing to disperse, a growing vibration drew the attention of everyone present. Konoha wasn’t prone to earthquakes, so it was more than a little unusual to feel the ground shuddering beneath their feet.

Furrowing his brows, Wu immediately entered Sage Mode to expand his senses to the majority of Konoha. He didn’t sense anyone attacking them, but there were a few strong Chakra signatures heading toward the West from the ANBU Headquarters.

Plucking a few hairs from his tail, Wu sent his clones to investigate as he ordered everyone present to wash up and prepare their equipment. He didn’t think anyone would be foolish enough to attack Konoha while he was present, but it was better to be safe than sorry…



(A/N: A superfan really liked the Kushina development, so they asked me if I could give one of their favorite heroines a similar treatment. Let’s just say things are about to get very…interesting.)

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