avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 115: I, Your Father, am Slightly Annoyed

Chapter 115: I, Your Father, am Slightly Annoyed

As the seal on Sakura’s body was the first of its kind, Wu took his time to ensure there were no problems. Afterward, he was a lot more confident in the process, so, after spending a few minutes making out, he asked her to head outside and send in the next person that was willing to undergo the procedure.

Though he was expecting everyone to accept the seal, Wu was a little surprised when the next to arrive was Samui. She wasn’t comfortable training with a group of people half her age, so she had been standing off the side and simply observing when Sakura emerged from the manor in search of the next recipient.

Raising his brows slightly, Wu playfully remarked, “I wasn’t expecting you to be next in line. Are you that eager to get me alone~?”

Crossing her arms in a way that accentuated her breasts, Samui replied, “Many Fuinjutsu fall into the realm of Kinjutsu, so I wanted to ask a few clarifying questions and make sure it was safe before anyone else from Kumo underwent the procedure…”

Nodding his head, Wu asserted, “That won’t be a problem. Before that, removes your clothes and take a seat. The seal covers most of the body, so you’ll need to strip down to your underwear to receive it.”

Though she narrowed her eyes slightly, Samui didn’t hesitate to begin removing her clothes. Since she didn’t wear a bra or anything to bind her breasts, this gave Wu quite the view as her nearly Tsunade-sized mounds maintained their shape despite their considerable heft.

Maintaining a calm, almost steely demeanor, Samui sat atop the medical bed before questioning, “That man, the one you referred to as The First. He said Senjutsu is dangerous. How so…?”

Rolling his eyes, Wu affirmed, “He is precisely who you suspect him to be. As for your question…well, with ‘very’ few exceptions, animals, including humans, are incompatible with most forms of Natural Energy. Absorb too much of a given type, and you’ll begin to transform into a monster, a tree, a rock, or even water. For a more detailed explanation, you’d have to ask Tobirama, as I never really cared about things like research…”

Poking Samui’s left nipple, Wu narrowed his eyes to match the unwavering blonde’s stare as he appended, “The important thing to note is that Sage Chakra, the amalgamation of Natural Energy and Chakra within a person’s body, amplifies their physical capabilities and the potency of their Jutsus by a factor ranging between ten and one-hundred times. If you were able to lift a thousand kilograms in your base state, you would be able to lift as much as one-hundred-thousands kilos while utilizing Senjutsu…”

Without batting an eye at Wu’s actions, Samui asked, “What are the side effects…?”

While palpating both of the woman’s breasts, Wu answered, “That’s the beauty of Senjutsu. So long as you can properly regulate Natural Energy, there are no disadvantages. You can prolong your life almost indefinitely, regenerate entire limbs, resist most Genjutsu, and more. The hardest part is learning how to control and regulate Natural Energy. A single mistake is all it takes, and you’re a part of nature forever.”

“I see…”

Opening her legs slightly, Samui asked, “And this seal you’ve developed circumvents the dangers involved…?”

Narrowing his eyes even further, Wu teased, “You’re playing with fire…” before linking his thumbs through the band of Samui’s panties, pulling them up slightly as he replied, “The seal I plan to carve into your body automatically draws in Natural Energy, blending it with your Chakra and regulating it for you. The more Chakra you channel into the seal, the more Natural Energy you draw in. Direct enough, and you can even achieve a pseudo-Sage Mode, albeit for a very limited period…”

Releasing the elastic band of Samui’s panties, allowing it to pop against her incredibly fair skin, Wu added, “The only thing I can’t make the seal do is bestow you the ability to sense Natural Energy. That’s something you’ll have to figure out while meditating and trying to become one with your surroundings. After that, you can start mastering Senjutsu without depending on the seal. Just don’t practice alone, as it would only take a few seconds for this immaculate body of yours to transform into an actual sculpture…”

Leaning back onto her elbows, Samui maintained eye contact with Wu as she asked one final question, specifically, “Are you sure you don’t ‘need’ a woman like me…?”

Though he was ‘very’ tempted to try and inscribe the seal while fucking the tantalizing blonde silly, Wu nodded his head and replied, “Absolutely. I wouldn’t mind a romp with such a stunning woman, but to say I need you? All I need are people willing to make an effort to improve themselves, and I’m more than happy…”

Realizing her seduction attempt had failed, at least at this juncture, Samui exhaled a sigh and sat straight. It was a little annoying to have a boy Wu’s age resist her charm, but she wasn’t too surprised. After all, he did have ‘a lot’ of women to quench his desires. If the room didn’t smell sterile, she would have assumed he and Sakura had spent the last two hours fucking.

Directing Samui to lie on her stomach, Wu shamelessly caressed her soft, nearly hemispherical ass cheeks as he added, “Fortunately for you, there is a difference between needs and desires. I’m currently busy engraving these seals, but if you won’t be satisfied until I fuck you silly, I don’t mind doing so later…”


Though she had met more than her fair share of shameless men, Samui couldn’t help exhaling an exasperated sigh in response to Wu’s words and actions. He knew she wasn’t in a position to say no, so she was starting to get annoyed with his antics. Unfortunately, the mission of a Shinobi took priority over their personal wants and needs, so she begrudgingly replied, “I’m looking forward to it…”



After sending off Samui, this time after a mere half an hour, Wu waited patiently for his next vic—patient to arrive. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Aya or Karui. In fact, it wasn’t even a female…

Entering the room, Gaara took a look around, asking, “This is where the Second Hokage conducts his research…?”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “Indeed.” in a curt tone before gesturing to the medical bed and adding, “Remove your top and shoes. After that, I’ll make a few modifications to your existing seal. You already possess more than enough Chakra to begin training in Senjusu. The only danger is that little tanuki sealed inside of you. If he fucks with your Chakra while you’re trying to convert it into Sage Chakra, you’re both fucked.”

Though he began removing his top, Gaara surprised Wu by asking, “Is it possible to weaken the seal without compromising it? Shukaku and I have become much closer since I began staying in Konoha. I promised him that I would loosen his bindings in exchange for his cooperation.”

Raising his brows, Wu’s first instinct was to ask if Gaara had lost his mind, but, as it wouldn’t take much effort to detain and reseal the Shukaku, he replied, “Sure, no problem. Just warn him that it won’t end with a beating the next time he tries to rampage in Konoha.”

Nodding his head, Gaara closed his eyes for several seconds, presumably to converse with Shukaku. When he opened them, a faint smile developed across his face as he asserted, “There won’t be any problems. I believe in Shukaku. He isn’t the demon people have made him out to be.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu replied, “I’ll take your word for it. Now, kick off your shoes and take a seat. I’m not particularly fond of doing this kind of work on men.”

Adopting an apologetic smile, Gaara said, “You have my thanks…” before stripping off his shirt to reveal a surprisingly toned body. This immediately caught Wu’s attention as, the last time he saw the inordinately pale youth, he was basically skin and bones.

Crossing his arms, Wu remarked, “It seems you finally got off your ass and started to improve your physique…”

Regaining his smile, Gaara revealed, “It took me a while, but I realized that Taijutsu was my only major shortcoming. I never want to experience another incident like what transpired during the Chunin Exams, so I’ve been training my body three to five days a week.”

Nodding his head in approval, Wu remarked, “Good initiative. Now, hurry up before I kick you out in your skivvies…”

Smiling wryly, Gaara removed his mesh undershirt before kicking off his toeless sandals and taking a seat. Unlike when he was dealing with girls, Wu was very serious when modifying Gaara’s seal, finishing in just under seven minutes. Afterward, the burgundy-haired youth spent longer than that communing with Shukaku, nearly getting himself booted out until a layer of flesh-colored sand abruptly covered his body in a high-collared cloak, followed by a scale-covered tail protruding from the bottom.

Though he had been surprised several times in his life, Wu found himself at a rare loss seeing Gaara’s transformation. He could sense an enviable amount of Natural Energy coursing through the latter’s body before he opened his eyes to reveal golden irises with a cross-shaped pattern and four dots. The dark circle around his eyes also expanded to form a hook shape near the edges, a tell-tale sign the boy had entered Sage Mode…

Feeling the energy coursing through his body, Gaara stared at his hands and remarked, “Extraordinary…so this is the power we can achieve when working together…”

Resisting the urge to smack Gaara out of Sage Mode, Wu questioned, “Is Shukaku helping to regulate the Natural Energy in your body? If my power wasn’t equally absurd, I might accuse you of cheating…”

Adopting another apologetic smile, Gaara asserted, “Worry not. I will do my best to master this transformation without relying solely on Shukaku. The two of us will get even stronger in the future. You have our word…”

Recovering from his brief stupor, a massive grin developed across Wu’s face as he replied, “Once you do, let’s head over to the deserts of Suna and have a bit of fun. I’ve always wanted to try fighting the two of you in your natural environment…”

As Shukaku ‘really’ wanted a rematch against Wu, Gaara nodded his head and asserted, “We will train twice as hard from now on.” Then, as he knew there were a lot of people waiting to undergo Wu’s procedure, he grabbed his clothes and departed. In his wake, Wu’s expression turned fiery as he considered the kind of power someone like Fu or Naruto would possess if they were able to master Sage Mode. Fortunately, Fu was fairly close with her Tailed Beast, Chomei, so Wu had ‘very’ high expectations for the mint-haired girl and her seven-tailed companion…



After spending much of the morning and part of the afternoon inscribing seals on people’s bodies, Wu was finally down to the last person. As fate would have it, the person in question was none other than Aya. She was feeling bashful after what he did to her during breakfast, so she made the very naive mistake of delaying things for as long as possible.

With no one else waiting, Wu took his time teasing the bronze-skinned girl until she was lying face down, completely naked, with her hands covering her face. He warned her that acting adorably would only make him tease her more, but she failed to heed his warning and ‘suffered’ quite a bit as a result.

By the time Wu had finished inscribing her seal, Aya had endured a ‘very’ thorough massage. Fortunately, the former intended to restrain himself until she ‘asked’ him to claim her. His teasing often crossed the line, but he never outright forced people against their will. He simply didn’t have to. Thus, until Aya was ready to cross that line of her own volition, Wu was content with teasing her until she could barely stand…



(A/N: There is a reason Gaara was able to become Kazekage between the ages of 14-15. Even when Shukaku was extracted from him, he was still a force to be reckoned with; enough to be designated as the Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces xD…)

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