avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 113: I, Your Father, am an Opportunist

Chapter 113: I, Your Father, am an Opportunist

With the Sun cresting on the horizon, Wu decided to give Kurotsuchi a break, smacking the half-conscious girl’s ass as he teased, “You’re lucky it’s Friday. Take today and the rest of the weekend off.”

Though she stirred when Wu smacked her ass, Kuro replied with a faint “Nn…” before rolling over and curling up into the fetal position. She had made the mistake of many proud women by goading Wu into action and attempting to compete with him directly. Now, she just wanted to sleep, relieved that the seemingly perennial cycle of pleasure had finally come to an end…

Since he still had a bit of time before he needed to wash up and head out for his morning training, Wu surprised Kuro by snuggling up to her, acting as the big spoon to her little. Seeing her curl up into a ball made him feel a peculiar sense of guilt, so he figured he should at least stay with her until she had fallen asleep…



After separating from Kuro, Wu took a shower while his clones went over to the main house to wake the girls and prepare breakfast. When he was finished, he exited Kuro’s villa and crossed the small courtyard to where the delegation from Kumo was staying. He had told Aya to be ready to go by sunrise, so he was planning to pick her up before gathering the rest of the girls to go and bother Hashirama.

Without bothering to knock, Wu made his way into the homely villa to find Samui, Karui, Omoi, and Aya eating breakfast together. Curiously enough, Karui happened to be speculating about what their training would entail, so Wu popped up behind her, revealing, “You’ll be focusing on three-”

Startled by Wu’s sudden appearance, Karui nearly flipped over the table as she leaped out of her chair and adhered to the ceiling with the soles of her feet. When she saw that it was Wu who surprised her, her expression turned ugly as she asked, “Do you get off on surprising people…?”

Without missing a beat, Wu replied, “We’re Shinobi. Surprising people is one of the most fundamental aspects of our profession. Now, come down and take a seat. I’m going to explain my expectations for each of you.”

Waiting until Karui had taken her seat, Wu did his usual sitting on the air trick, albeit this time with his left foot resting on his right knee as he said, “My goal is to help Aya unlock her full potential and ascend to the position of Raikage. The rest of you are welcome to join in the group training, but you’ll have to stick with it and follow the rules everyone in the compound follows. Understood…?”


Pointing to herself, Aya had a look of abject disbelief as she asked, “You want me to become the Raikage…?”

Though Samui narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion, Wu nodded his head and replied, “That’s correct. One of my short-term goals is to unify the Five Great Shinobi Nations under the same organization. I’ve already reached an accord with the Mizukage and am currently training the next generation’s Hokage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage. You are the last piece of that puzzle, so I plan to take you as my wife and seat you as the Raikage once you have matured.”

If she was surprised before, Aya was beside herself when Wu mentioned making her his wife. She knew she had been ‘given’ to him, but she never imagined they would marry. As for becoming Raikage…that seemed even less feasible…

Injecting herself into the conversation, Samui’s expression and tone were serious as she asked, “Are the other village’s aware of your intentions…?”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “To an extent. Konoha is obviously aware of my intentions, and I told old man Onoki directly to his face. The Council of Suna is bound to make a fuss, but they don’t have a choice since all three candidates for the position of Kazekage are in my care. The Mizukage and I consummated our marriage the day she was coronated, so all I needed was someone from Kumo to rear as the next Raikage…”

Directing his gaze to Karui, Wu revealed, “I considered miss hawk eyes over here as a potential candidate, but she seems to be the nemesis of one of my women. Thus, I intend to demonstrate that just about anyone can become strong with proper guidance by drawing out Aya’s potential. She’s a bit lacking in drive, but once she experiences how remarkable her potential truly is, I expect she’ll make an excellent candidate for the next Raikage.”

Since Aya was more than a little overwhelmed by what she was hearing, Karui was able to say, “Hold up. You were thinking about turning me into the Raikage? I don’t mind setting aside my grudge, you know? It’s not like that blond bi—I mean, it’s not like that woman from the Yamanaka killed anyone close to me. You don’t mind, do you, Omoi…?”

Though he had a crush on Karui when they were first assigned as tag-team partners, Omoi had outgrown it when he realized how violent and temperamental she could be. The moment Karui asked for his opinion, he waved his hand in front of his face, saying, “Just don’t expect me to do all the paperwork…”

As if the matter was decided, a grin developed across Karui’s face as she said, “There you have it. I’m not against Aya training for the position, but if anyone’s suited to be the first female Raikage, it’s me. I mean, she doesn’t even have Lightning Affinity. How can you be the Lightning Shadow if you can’t even produce a spark…?”

Hearing Karui’s words, Aya hung her head and balled her hands into fists, a hint of resentment in her steely grey eyes. The truth was that she ‘did’ have Lightning Affinity, but she also possessed a very pure Earth Affinity. The latter was subsequently ‘countered’ by her Lightning Affinity, making it difficult for her to mold her Chakra as she intended. When she tried, her fingers and body would tingle painfully, and, in the worst case, she would end up paralyzing herself for several seconds or longer, a death sentence for any Shinobi.

Breaking the dark-skinned girl from her lamentation, Wu said, “Aya, come over here and take a seat on my lap.”

Raising her head, Aya gave a confused, “Huh…?” before asking, “What did you just say…?”

Patting his lap for emphasis, Wu repeated, “Come and take a seat on my lap. I’m going to show you something that will blow your mind…”

As she still couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Aya looked to Samui for confirmation. When the latter nodded in affirmation, the petite tomboy rose to her feet and walked around the table, stopping just short of Wu as she asked, “You’re not going to do anything lewd, are you…?”

Surprising everyone, none more so than Aya, Wu nodded his head and admitted, “I am. However, it’s for your sake. If you’re not satisfied with the result, I promise never to lay a hand on you again. Deal…?”

Though she wanted to refuse, Aya’s father had made it clear what her purpose in Konoha was. Thus, after a lengthy period of hesitation, her face turning bright red in the process, she took a seat on Wu’s lap and resigned herself to her fate.

Before beginning, Wu met Omoi’s unblinking gaze and said, “You should probably leave the room for a few minutes.”

Exhaling a sigh, Omoi raised his hands and replied, “Yeah, yeah…” before rising to his feet and leaving the room. He was in the camp that believed that Aya was useless, but she was still cute. Seeing her get lewded would have been a sight to remember.

With Omoi making his exit, Wu elicited a startled yelp from Aya by rolling up her white blouse until the bandages concealing her budding breasts were on full display. He promptly loosened said bandages before placing his right hand over her heart, cupping her left breast, and placing his left hand over her navel.

Though it looked like steam was about to rise from her head, Aya followed Wu’s instructions when he told her to extend her hands and channel her Chakra into her fingers. Her face became reddish-purple due to holding her breath, but she eventually relaxed as green light emanated from Wu’s palms and flowed into her body. At the same time, an obsidian-black hue formed at the tips of her fingers, quickly spreading to her hands until she abruptly cut the Chakra flowing into them.

“Keep going…” instructed Wu, his tone firm and authoritative.

Swallowing the knot in her throat, Aya did her best to ignore the fact she was being groped as she channeled Chakra into her fingertips. Instead of tingling as they usually did, she felt a warmth flow from her chest and into her fingers, gathering at the tips and causing them to develop an obsidian luster that continued to spread until it had enveloped her forearms.

While Samui and Karui watched on with a mixture of awe and confusion, Wu explained, “Your base affinity is Earth, but you inherited your father’s powerful Lightning Affinity, effectively suppressing it. You presumably wasted a lot of effort trying to separate the two natures when you should have been trying to blend them in a 3:1 ratio, stabilizing them with Yang or Fire Release Chakra. Doing so allows you to achieve this, a fairly powerful Kekkei Genkai known as Steel Release…”

Staring at her shiny fingers in awe, Aya asked, “I have a Kekkei Genkai…?”

Exhaling a chuckle, Wu teased, “Well, it certainly isn’t frostbite…” before startling the petite girl by pinching her nipple. Doing so immediately broke her focus, causing the black sheen to disappear as she exclaimed, “Hey! No pinching…!” with a pouty expression on her face.

Ignoring Aya’s objection, Wu continued to pinch her nipple, albeit very gently, as he said, “You’re going to be my wife in the future. Besides, this is good practice. Arousal is a powerful distractor, so if you can preserve your Steel Release when agitated, you can maintain it under pretty much any condition…”

Punctuating his words, Wu elicited a mewling whine from Aya as he bent down to kiss the nape of her neck. She had never even held hands with a boy due to their fear of her father, so Wu’s actions effectively caused her brain to short circuit.


Taking pity on the befuddled tomboy, Wu gave her fairly toned abdomen a light pat as he said, “That’s enough for now. I just wanted to demonstrate that you’re not lacking in aptitude, just proper guidance. If you want me to tease you more, you’ll need to work hard. I don’t reward laziness…”

Hearing Wu’s words, Aya wanted to insist she didn’t want him teasing her ‘at all.’ Unfortunately, her body was a lot more honest, so the moment Wu removed his hands from her chest and abdomen, she immediately missed them.

Pulling down the befuddled girl’s blouse, Wu hastened her departure from his lap by giving her butt a pinch. Then, as Karui was staring at him rather intently, her cheeks more than a little red, he asked, “What? Do you want me to massage your breasts and stomach as well…?”

Though her first instinct was to snort, Karui suppressed her usual fiery temperament as she reached up to massage her neck, asking, “And if I said yes…?” in an uncharacteristically meek tone.

Instead of answering with words, Wu gave his thigh a pat, prompting the redhead to eventually rise before taking the proferred seat. When she did, Wu’s brows immediately perked up as he remarked, “You have an amazing ass…”

Before Karui could respond to his compliment, Wu slipped his hand under her blouse and the chain mesh covering her upper body. She was nearly as flat as Kurotsuchi, but that didn’t prevent him from giving her breast a squeeze and using his free hand to caress her lower abdomen, his fingers tracing her navel as he playfully remarked, “You’re certainly not lacking in potential…”



(A/N: No fruit escapes the monkey’s paw xD…)

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