
Chapter 473

As I tell Yumina the circumstances, I lie down on the couch and look sideways at the girl sleeping on her knees pillow by Mel.

In the meantime, we\'re back at the Royal Castle in Brunhild. We\'re Alistella... I tried to talk to you from a girl named Alice...

"Nemiui. I\'m sleeping..."

That\'s all I left to say, and I fell asleep with Mel\'s lap pillow like a dead battery. He\'s my paced kid......

I spoke to Nay watching him in silence. [M]

"What the hell is going on... In the meantime, you\'re pretty sure that kid is Ende and your kids?

"No, I don\'t think so exactly...... This child undoubtedly draws on the properties of Frase, but the ringing sounds of life are not those of me and Lise. Between Endemion and Dear Mel...... I think so. The ringing noise doesn\'t lie."

Well, the hair color is similar to Ende\'s, and the eye color is Mel\'s.

It\'s not surprising that Mel\'s children call Nay and Lise their mother, who are married as well as Ende.

Ten or eighty-nine, I\'m pretty sure Alice means two children. then......

"Marriage I could have done... No, marriage I could have done..."

"You can\'t even joke about it, winter night..."

"I don\'t remember giving birth either..."

Alice\'s parents stared at me. Sorry, I was just trying to soothe the air in the field.

"Your children from the future are likely."

"From the future, is it? How...... oh, space-time magic!?

Yumina slaps her hand with bread. Alice hits the sound, yeah, so we lurk.

"Hey, Dad. Bring your daughter to bed."

"So...! Come on, that\'s enough!

Ende quietly hugs Alice and takes her to a separate room under the guidance of Maid Chief Lapis. Worried behind that, Mel, Nay, and Lise\'s mothers followed each other.

Yeah it feels good to be carried while sleeping doing it...... When I was a kid, I blurted out that my father carried me, too.

"It\'s space-time magic... Sure, I don\'t know. But I don\'t. There are examples."

Snuff as Leanne arms on the couch.

Alerias Palerius, the ancestor of the Kingdom of Palerius, the user of space-time magic. Lerios Palerius, the ancestor of the Kingdom of Primula, who flew in an accident to the back world with his son.

He goes back about two hundred years when he was flown to the back world. Well, I didn\'t seem to notice the flying person.

Not established magic, but space-time magic does have timeless powers.

"So that kid\'s a space-time magic user?

"No, I don\'t know if that kid flew into this era hoping. At least it was an accident when Lerios Parellius..."

I don\'t know about the future world, but I\'ve never heard of timeless space-time magic. From the future to the past in some accident, just like Lerios?

Has there been some hell of a case in the future...... Mmmm...... I don\'t know why......!

"I don\'t know, if it\'s about time, why don\'t you ask Grandma Toke? Are you sure it\'s a space-time god?


Next to me roaring, Su brings out the right answer lightly.

Yes, I did. Grandma Toke is a "space-time god" who directs time and space. You probably know about this one too.

... No, Grandma Toke may have brought Alice here in the past. When I was talking about Sister Blades, I went to the future for a moment.

"What about Grandma?

"Uh, I was always on the balcony in the morning, but..."

That\'s what Lindsay told me when I asked. [M] During the day, my grandmother mostly knits on the balcony. They are restoring the worn out \'world\'s boundaries\' through knitting because of the frays.

He eats with us at night, talks to Su and Linze, but generally falls asleep early.

It\'s past ten o\'clock. Have you just fallen asleep yet?... Oh?

When I felt the usual signs and turned around, Grandma Toke shifted on the spot.

"Yes, yes, thank you for waiting."

My grandmother, who is a space-time god, is also a family member of the same world god as I am, so I can feel that sign of being transferred.

In an attempt to ask the questions I had accumulated, Grandma put her hands together to control it once.

"I know. You mean Alice, right?

"I knew you knew?

"I had a time shift. There\'s no way I won\'t notice. Thought you guys should go rather than me picking you up, and I let you go for a while even when you got to this time."

Grandma smiles and says so. You seem to know a lot about Alice. Does Alice look familiar after all?

"Is that kid from Ende and Mel, after all?

"Yeah. Two kids to be born in the future. Instead of evolving from nucleus to adulthood like Frase, he\'s a child who grew up normal like a human being. And, of course, it has the properties of Frase."

Is Nay right? Turns out that kid is a future child born between Ende and Mel. The question is, why did you come to this age from that future...

"Was it Grandma who brought that kid here in the past?

"I could say that, but the direct cause is different. They got caught up in the Dimensional Earthquake. I was bounced by the sloppiness of the time and the fault of time. Space-time distortion spreads like a ripple of water, pushing anything drifting like a tsunami away everywhere. That\'s why I led them to this time before it happened."

Did Grandma raise it to this age that it could have drifted forever through the confines of space-time?

I hear a lot about space-time drifters on Earth with urban legends and all that... Is that true, too? I don\'t know.

"I gave a good explanation when I was drifting, but you couldn\'t wait very long. That\'s why she\'s here."

I\'m just worried about whether it\'s okay to stand around with three big men with a word from "Otenba," but that\'s not the problem.

"That \'dimensional earthquake\'? By, you mean the future world was hit by some catastrophe?

Often found in time slips and stuff, the future people who come to change the past from a collapsed future, what an image comes to mind, and they accidentally spit on it.

"No, nothing in particular has happened. Dimensional earthquakes are distortions of time. Like the ripples produced by droplets dropped on the water, it spreads wide around, but it goes right back to normal. I just happen to have those kids near its center this time. The world of the future is peace itself."

"But the future Ende and Mel are worried..."

"Of the future, they are the present, aren\'t they? I know all about what happened."

Grandma Toke answers Linze\'s query with a smile. Is that it? But isn\'t that strange?

"What it means is the future Ende, no, we all knew that dimensional earthquake would happen, including us, right? Why didn\'t you try to prevent it or keep Alice away?

"I don\'t need to prevent it, I guess. Because Alice and the others will be back a few seconds after a dimensional earthquake occurs with no problem. From a determined past. Because I know I can\'t even try to prevent it."

Uh... you\'re saying the future can\'t be changed? Futurists come to try to change the past with time slips and stuff, but I couldn\'t change it in the end... although there are few things that will end well.

"I can\'t believe Alice\'s arrival has changed my future..."

"Who do you think I am? Don\'t worry about that. You don\'t have to worry about anything about this."

Whoa. That\'s the superior god and the family of the world god. How comforting.

I asked for more details, but the Spirit of Time wasn\'t sure how to repair the event, but he didn\'t have any problems anyway. Even if Alice asks you about the future, does that not change history? Even if you try to change it, you mean Grandma\'s unchanging power works......? That\'s the administrator of time, halfway through, space-time god...

"I wonder if Alice\'s coming to the past or safely returning to the future means that the future has already been finalized..."

Lene arms up again and thinks.

It would be amazing if the only thing I could see was an artifact peeking into Dr. Babylon\'s future that was uncertain......

Probably also easy to change the future the other way around...... What the hell is that? God. It was God.

Since it\'s before the gods built that they don\'t interfere too much with events on earth, can\'t the future change dramatically or something?

"Later, Grandma. So how long will Alice be over here?

Su rides himself out of the back of the couch and asks Grandma Toke.

Hmm. Alice is sure to make it back to the future. Whether you leave tomorrow or a year from now, even though it\'s only been a few minutes in the era of the future when you were there, it may be a bad idea to be around too long. If I suck, Alice from this era will be born, and Alice won\'t be the two of us.

"Well, until the waves of the dimensional earthquake settle... it\'s a feeling this way for a few months. Don\'t worry, when we\'re all here, I\'ll take responsibility for the future."

"Um, I\'ve been wondering since earlier..."

Nanny and Hilda raise their hands small. Hmm? Something bothering you?

"Grandmother Toke said earlier that \'those kids\' were caught in a dimensional earthquake,... Well, just..."

"Oh! Oh, yeah! You haven\'t explained that yet. I\'m sorry. I put the most important thing behind me."

Grandma Toke smiles bitterly with her hands slapped, punched. Huh? What?

"Alice wasn\'t the only one caught up in the dimensional earthquake. Your children, too. So one of these days, I think we\'re gonna be here."


I\'m confused. The voices of me and my wives spooked me so beautifully.

For a few seconds, my head turned bright white and I couldn\'t think of anything. Probably the same for everyone. That\'s when the time stopped. We didn\'t make it faint.

Eventually our time moves with confusion.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! What do you mean, Grandmother?

"Holy shit, kids!? Oh, oh, ours!?

"Whoa, whoa, fall, fall, get there! Sister!"

"Mi, are you coming from the future!? My awkward kids!?

"Me" and Winter Night\'s......!

"Oh, Grandma! Is that true!? Is it true!?

"I\'m just surprised... But there\'s a kid with Darling...? Really?"

"I still have my mind as a mother! Whoa, whoa, what are we gonna do...!

"To your mother already......! Too soon......!

Big panic. No, I\'m panicking too, but I can\'t react the other way when I\'m around. He also says he lost the time to be a werewolf.

"Uh... Grandma? Um, when was that...?

"There\'s some discrepancy in arriving over here because the timing involved is different, but maybe all within a few months. Just saying Alice was the fastest. Each of the kids nearby might show up together."

"Damn, damn, that! Is it okay! If only the children were thrown out to dangerous places......!

Grandma gently holds Lou\'s shoulder as he rushes.

"You know, so is Alice, but most of your kids are golden or silver-ranked adventurers. He\'s taking down giant beasts and stuff alive. Just worry about it. It\'s a loss?


I\'m confused. The voices of me and my wives spooked me brilliantly again.

All of them, gold or silver rank? You\'re lying...? Did you defeat the giant beast alive? I defeated it with frame gear and it became a gold rank...

Father, I won\'t stand up...

"Oh, Grandma! My child is a gold rank!? Or silver!?

"Oh, that! How many of my kids......!

"The Sword skill of the Awkward Son...!

"Yes, yes, that\'s it. If I said it all, it\'d be boring, wouldn\'t it? Look forward to seeing you. Oh, why don\'t we stop talking to Alice?"


The voices leak from all your wives, you know.

We\'re in big trouble......! I didn\'t know you were going to soak up childbirth and parenting and meet your own kids who grew up. I\'m sorry if I said this, but I\'ve already blown Ende\'s problem out of my mind!

"And for now..."

I opened a search site and typed in "How to deal with children".

◇ ◇ ◇

The next morning.

I can see the blue sky coming out of the window of the big dining room. Clear without clouds, it\'s going to be a very nice day.

Even though it was such a refreshing morning, the dining room was surrounded by unusual tensions. Surrounding the long table were me and my wives, Grandma Toke and Sister Shirai, plus Uncle Kosuke (the other gods are still asleep), where as guests, Ende, Mel, Nay, Lise, and Alice in the vortex sat.

So many people, so little talk, only the sound of dishes and dishes rubbing off called kachakacha and Alice\'s pleasant voice echoes.

"Yum! I love this! Eat your mother, too!

"Yeah, yeah. I\'ll take it."

Alice smiles at Mel sitting next to her as she eats the bacon eggs that were on the table.

Asking flickering about each and every one of them, we couldn\'t gauge how we should talk. Even though Alice was stopped by Grandma Toke, there are many things I\'d like to ask you.

"A, Alice, how old are you now?

Whoa, Else\'s gone. You\'re gonna spread it out from the unusual story, aren\'t you? There\'s something about the smile.


"What, eh? Hey, was something wrong?

Else rushes to Alice, who suddenly erupts, holding a knife and a fork.

"Because the teacher says\' Alice \'or something. It\'s not the same as usual. Go crazy."

"Let, Doctor!?

"Uh, Dr. Else is my master of martial arts. Oh, six years old."

"Oh yeah..."

Else is the master!? Is Alice a militant...? I did take down the men. Yesterday\'s move was that of the militants......

I was surprised and a little convinced by the future information I got. His father, Ende and Else, are brothers and sisters of the Martial God. It\'s not strange if it was that kind of relationship.

"... wait a minute. Didn\'t I tell you Else was my master?

"Father, I rarely come back. I\'m tired of sleeping when I think I\'m back."

"... what do you mean you\'re not coming back? Endemion......?

"Me!? Hey, I don\'t know!?

Ende with a chilling eye on Mel and a bumbling neck. No, it\'s the future endeavor that doesn\'t come back, and you don\'t really blame the current endeavor.

"He said he was busy at work. Once."

"For once! Let\'s believe it there!?

Father Ende, who desperately asks his daughter to defend him. Sounds like a pretty interesting family.

"I mean, this guy was working?

"Until winter night..."

"Dad, I work for the Alliance Master in the Adventurer Alliance. It\'s not Brunhild."

Yeah, you got information about Polo and the future. The Ende one, do you work in the Adventurer Guild in the future? Ma, I\'m still an adventurer, and I can\'t tell you if I tell you I work for the guild.

"Is that why Else teaches as a master...... Hasn\'t Uncle Takeshi taught you?

"Your father stopped me when I tried to tell you." It\'s too much to look at. "

"Nice, I...!

Ende in a small, gutsy pose. Well, I don\'t know. If I leave something to that martial arts god, it will definitely affect my childhood personality formation. I can\'t cry to cry if fighting grows up to be all the neighborhood drone daughters.

"Well, then, wah, is my kid learning with Alice, too?

Don\'t let Else mess with you because you found a contact. We\'d like to hear it too, so I wouldn\'t dare interrupt.

"Hmm, because Erna doesn\'t like to kick and punch. I often fight with Lynne. Even before this......"


"Huh? Uh... heh, this was a nite. If you talk too much, you have less fun when you see him. Everyone gets mad at me later. Full, full."

To Grandma Toke\'s words, Alice speaks her tongue small. If you\'re talking about yourself, you\'re still talking about our kids.

But it\'s too late. At least it turns out Else\'s kid doesn\'t like \'Elna\', fighting with his bare hands or anything.... Else\'s kid, right?

I think it\'s probably my daughter. You\'re Else\'s daughter, and you don\'t like fighting? Why not?

Did Else think the same thing, she has a subtle face?

And, Lynne? I guess the kid with the name is also my kid...

Here, and next to Else, I turn to Linze, who is in a somewhat suspicious motion. Yeah, from the name, you\'re more than likely Linze\'s kid...

I know you\'ve come to the same idea as me, but I\'d love to hear it, but now that Grandma\'s block is in, Lindsay seems to have managed to enjoy it.

If we could be alone later, I might leak it to Pollo. She seems like a kid who doesn\'t really care about Alice and the details.

"Oh, well, if you\'re free today, play with me, Father."

"What, with me?

Alice pulls Ende\'s arm to sit beside her. Father-daughter confrontation?

When Ende glanced at Mel, he also had a bewildered look at what was going on with Mel.

"There\'s one available at the North Training Ground. If you want to, I\'ll give you a tour, too."

"Yay! That\'s settled!

When Sister Blades suggested as she carried the salad to her mouth, Alice raised her hands.

With regard to the training of the Knights, it is left to Sister Blades and Mr. Rain, the Knights Commander. If that\'s what Sister Blades, who knows the schedule, would be available.

"Oh, then give me a tour, too. I want to see how strong you are."

"Oh, if your sister\'s going to visit, so am I."

"I wonder if the awkward will also be given a tour..."

"So, so do I. Me!

My hands rose one after the other like that, and in the end it all meant a tour. You\'re all intrigued by Alice. Of course I do too...

Maybe they\'re all looking for information about their children and opportunities.

Sooner or later, I won\'t ask. But... I still want to think ahead of time.

Well, it\'s true that Alice is concerned about her strength. I saw that one scale in the town of Amatumi, but that wouldn\'t be the full force.

Then let me show you the power of the gold and silver ranks of the future.

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