
Chapter 265: Visit from Derail

Chapter 265: Visit from Derail

The rest of the week went by smoothly compared to the first day. But that wasn’t to say that the days weren’t hectic. They just had a very low bar to clear. Liu Feng was still very exhausted, and he started finding a new found appreciation for what it meant to be king. 

In this one week, he was able to finish many of the manuscripts that he had promised to deliver. He handed over the construction plans to the merchants groups responsible for revitalizing the slums. After that, he also made sure that he visited the slums personally and assured that the people would not lose their homes. It was very easy getting their approval once they found out that they were getting paid for any of the work that they provide.

Right now, the only thing that Liu Feng was lacking was more workers. He wanted more and more to contribute to his economy, so that he could use many parts to create a seamless whole. 

With the capital construction plans out of the way, he focused his entire outlook on the new educational system After he pulled the stint on the church, he used this power and influence that he had received by propagating the fact that God wanted every child to be educated. That way, even the masses would allow their children to go to the schools that he was working so hard on building.

But even if he had gotten the children ready for the schools, there were no schools, or even teachers as of yet, and all of that would take quite a bit of time to prepare. By now, the fact that Liu Feng was meeting with scholars had spread far and wide, and many started arriving at the palace. Once they found out that they were receiving the special wisdom of the master of the mage tower himself, they quickly spread this outside, and many were thrilled to hear that all of the knowledge that they learn would come from such a great person.

But right now, Liu Feng was not grinning. He was still drowning in a sea of troubles, and the premier one came because of the one part of his budget that he could never touch.

“Why the hell should I come to this stupid meet? It means nothing to me, and even if they want to try to do anything to them, we are more than powerful enough to push them back. Forget that! If we want to, then we can even conquer that stupid country. I have more important things to do, and looking at the state of things, I have an entire month of tasks that I have to cope up with. I am not visiting the border to meet with the king of Derail. No way.” Liu Feng was in an office, and although the pile of papers that were on it previously had significantly decreased, they were still not zero.

“I am sorry, Your Majesty, but I highly advise you to go. The army would not like to go to another war this early on. And after a win, it is better to use this momentum to show that you are not interested in another war, and engage in diplomacy, but to also show that you are ready to take them on. But we simply cannot afford to go to war again. The people will not be happy, and you will lose much of the good will that you have right now.” a middle aged man in the room said.

“Looks, general. I have no reason to go to war. That is all up to him. But I am sure that someone else can represent me. And if anything goes blatantly wrong, then you can just use a messaging mana stone, and I will give my answer. There is a perfect reason for me not to come. I just became king! I have a lot of things to do, and now is not the time for me to participate in a useless event that does nothing but satisfy the few people who are afraid that a war is on the edge of tomorrow.” Liu Feng said.

The middle aged man, obviously general George, shook his head.

“There are far more people worried about the war in the north rather than some education scheme that you are so keen on dolling out, your Majesty. I hate to say this, but the people only care about whether they live or they die, and at times like this, you must comfort them. You must show them that you stand with their interests now. If you carry on with what you are doing, then the people will think that you are another king who just does what he wants, and not what his people want.” George said.

Liu Feng raised his eyebrows.

“Is that the way that you speak to your king, General? It appears that I have been lenient with you. In public, you can only suggest to me, and advise me. Do not forget that I am the king.” Liu Feng said coldly.

“Yes your majesty!” George immediately knelt down.

“I shall let go of this because you are a very important person, and this is not something that I care about enough. But in the public, there are certain norms that we must follow to maintain my power. You should understand that. Anyways, I will send a letter to Derail to tell them that there are far too many things to take care of at home that I will not be able to settle things over there.” Liu Feng said.

“About that, Your Majesty. There is no reason for you to write a letter. You can just say this to the representative who has come here. There was an entourage from Derail, and they are here to talk to you about something. I was not made aware of the particulars, but I am sure that it must be very important. The troupe also had the crown prince of Derail in it.” George said.

“The crown prince of Derail? How is it that I just came to know of this now? I thought that I was supposed to be privy to the most sensitive knowledge in all the lands, but now I don’t even know what is happening in my own backyard?!” Liu Feng shouted.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty. It is not like that. They had just arrived today, and it was a coincidence that I brought up this topic at such a time.” Geroge hastily said.

“Well, if you are saying this right now, then I am sure that they are somewhere near, waiting for me.” Liu Feng said.

“Your Majesty is wise.” George said with a smile.

“Just tell them to come in. I don’t have time to waste on this.” Liu Feng dismissed George. He then got up to leave the room.

An official meeting like this would not take place in a room like this office, where there were many sensitive documents. It would only take place in the throne room, because it would showcase the king’s power to the fullest.

After a minute of walking, Liu Feng arrived at the back door to the throne. This was the room that was reserved only for him, and there were a total of four guards around this door. The moment that he was in sight, they knelt to greet him.

“Rise. You have worked hard. You shouldn’t kneel every time that you see me. Bowing is fine.” Liu Feng said as he walked into the throne room. He arrived right next to his own throne, and he sat on it, overlooking the rest of the room. 

For now, the room was empty but Liu Feng knew that the entourage would come at any moment, so he did not dare do anything that was going to be detrimental to his stature. 

He stared at the huge door at the front, which was slowly opening. 

“Looks like they are coming. I just hope that whatever they came for is relatively easy to fix. I do not want to deal with another country right now. Especially after all of the threats that high priest gave me.” Liu Feng thought to himself.

The high priest had repeatedly warned him that the main church in Jerusalem would retaliate against Liu Feng for his actions and that he had to release the high priest. Although Liu Feng could not be concerned about what was happening a few thousand kilometers away from him, he was still a little tense about what would happen if the church incited the kingdoms around it.

The church was the main religion in the entire continent, and the only country that did not have another religion was the Draconian Empire, apparently. Liu Feng did not know anything about what happened so far west, but he knew that the church had enough power to command armies to invade Aegon.

“The delegation from Derail is arriving!” someone suddenly announced.


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