
Chapter 126 - Misunderstanding

"What you heard was the opinion of Balor. You are far too hot-headed. If I didn't know you, I'd think you were a Klein."

Liu Feng scowled at the name. He stepped back and looked around. Finding a seat to sit down, he took a deep breath. Gathering his thoughts, he introspected and found indeed that he was at fault. He judged the others too early based on one person's words.

Standing up, he bowed down ninety degrees to his father and Damascus.

"Forgive me Your Highness. Forgive me Father. I was hastly. I hope that I did not offend you too much."

He immediately apologized to Liu Man and Damascus. They waved their hand and forgave him. Liu Man stepped forward and put his hand on Liu Feng's shoulder. 

"Everyone makes mistakes, but at a position like yours, the mistakes you make are much more impactful to more people. Because of your anger, you have lost an ally in Darv. There are many ways that you could have handled the situation, but you didn't. You let your anger get the most of you.", he shook his head.

Liu Feng put his head down in shame. Liu Man was right. Liu Feng could have simply delegated the responsibility and the guardianship of the children to Lucas. With how much Lucas had been hyped up, along with the fact that Balor got a warning from his spirit not to mess with Feng Huang, he definitely would have kept his mouth shut if Lucas had intervened. And, he would also have no reason to leave the alliance at all. Now, Liu Feng lost a valuable ally, and there was also a possibility for Darv to backstab them.

"No, Darv will not betray us. The dwarves are still in contact with the spirits. They will stand on the side of the continent.", Liu Feng reassured himself, but he was still not sure.

"By the way, how did you get that money? The eleven gold bars? I gave you ten, and you said you used five. Earning gold bars is very expensive. I myself felt a pain in my heart in giving you gold bars because of their rarity and their immense value.", Liu Man asked Liu Feng.

"Well, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, but it's mostly the tourism. Lots of people know about Dilheim now that it has become very famous. Adding on to the actual goldmine next to me, it has flourished well. The academy is full of rich students, and giving them the right nudge was enough to fill the coffers. Lots of travellers who go to the other kingdoms are also stopping by here to rest, because of our security. There are no bandits in a ten mile radius of us.", Liu Feng explained.

"But, how were you able to get so many gold bars? The conversion is not easy. The merchants do not easily give up the gold bars, which are their life blood.", Liu Man asked.

"Well, I never used the five gold bars as gold bars. I spent five gold bars worth of money. I used maybe just one gold bar as a gold bar. And, the mage tower started holding sway in the big merchant guilds after the citizens started revering them. It became a little easier working with the merchants.", Liu Feng clarified.

"Looks like you have invested heavily in your city. Aegon is so lucky, to be destined for such a good king. All I have is that brat Alderan who does nothing but laze around. You should make sure that he studies every day. A favor to your brother-in-law.", Damascus sighed.

Liu Feng nodded at Damascus. He asked, "By the way, where is Amelia?"

"She went outside to the gardens. She enjoys nature quite a bit."

"I would expect that. She is an elf after all. Isn't it in your blood?"

"Don't stereotype us. We are of many talents. The only problem elves have is the inability to procreate as fast as humans."

"And you don't see that as a problem for Aegon?", Liu Man interjected.

Liu Feng smiled bitterly, "Don't worry father. Why worry about things that will come two decades later?"

"This is a very important matter. There was a precedent when a king did marry an elf, but he did not have any offspring so the throne had to be passed on to a distant cousin. It was chaotic back then. You should understand the implications."

"I don't need the throne. I am sure that the royal family can have more than one child.", Liu Feng shrugged. It was true. He did love building the city from the ground up, but it was so big, and it felt like becoming a king had more problems than not. Liu Feng was liking the care free life that he had recently, and did not want to lose all that.

Liu Man looked at Damascus and said to Liu Feng, "We'll speak later."

"Well, that's suspicious", Liu Feng thought, and he left the hall.

He went to the gardens to find her, and saw her strolling the different plants. He went up to her and hugged her. She could smell that it was him, and she leaned against him.

"The fight went well? Any losses?"

"None. Did any demon get through the frontlines to attack you and the boy?"

"No, and even if they did, I am sure that the master of the mage tower would be able to stop them. He was just playing with the boy the whole time though. They were playing some game that I didn't understand."

"It's okay. All that matters is that you are safe. Now, let's go get a bite. I am starving."

"Where do you want to go? I don't want to climb five stories every time I want to eat."

"Well, it's morning. I know just the place for breakfast."

They went down the street and came upon this unsuspecting small store which was packed full. It had a bright letter M on it, with a red foreground.

"This is called McDolads. It is one of my own creations, and it has a very different approach for food. There are no waiters and no waiting time. The food is constantly made.", Liu Feng laughed just thinking about how he ripped off the fast food giant in Earth.


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