
Chapter 201 Ideas (1)

Chapter 201 Ideas (1)

Chapter 201 – Ideas (1)

Translator: Atlas / Editor: Regan

Leah did not answer hastily. Ishakan had spoken lightly of death, but there was no hint in his eyes that he was joking. If she made a mistake, even a single word, something terrible could happen. As she kept her silence, his eyes slowly narrowed.

His fingers gently brushed her reddened eyes, and her eyelashes trembled at the tingle of his touch.

“…I have been very fierce,” Ishakan murmured, looking at her watery violet eyes.

Leah didn’t deny it, but she didn’t agree either. It was certainly frightening when he raised his voice and acted violently, but somehow she had a strange, unfounded confidence that this man would not harm her. She had only met him twice in her life, so she didn’t understand why she felt that way.

Just as she was wondering whether or not to tell him that it didn’t matter, she heard a distant whistle.

“The thief has good timing,” he said, with irritation in his golden eyes. Bending, he kissed her forehead, so quickly that she didn’t have time to reject him. “Remember me, Leah.”

With those brief words, he seemed to merge into the darkness and disappear, and Leah’s hand reached out unconsciously to the place he had been.

“Leah!” The door to the lounge abruptly opened and Blain entered, very drunk. Since she had not returned to the banquet hall for a long time, he had come to fetch her.

For a moment, his eyes went over the lounge as if he were inspecting it, checking to make sure no one was hiding there. Leah glanced discreetly at the door, worried that there was some evidence of Ishakan’s violence against it, but it didn’t appear to be broken.

“Why are you alone?” Blain asked, after he had confirmed there was no one lurking in the lounge.

“Countess Melissa is running an errand,” Leah answered without hesitation. Actually, she didn’t know where the lady was, but she was sure if she said that, Ishakan would take care of everything. Blain smiled at her reply and hugged her.

“Leah.” He smelled strongly of alcohol, and her stomach, which had just settled, instantly began to churn. Leah tried to hold her breath. Blain was oblivious to her discomfort. “You like peaches.”

Really? She liked peaches, but no more than any other fruit. But when Blain said that, it was best to pretend it was true. She didn’t want him to get angry with her for contradicting him.

“I won’t give you a quill. I’ll give you peaches. No, I will give you a peach orchard and turn it into a villa.” His voice quickened as he spoke excitedly. “And flowers. You like flowers, don’t you? I’ll plant all the flowers you want.” He smiled like a child. “We’ll take a vacation when the villa is finished, and cover everything with new memories…”

He looked happy, imagining his future with her. He was drunk and filled with dreams. But Leah didn’t share those dreams. Her mind was occupied with other thoughts.

A rough man, fierce, but warm and comfortable. The heat of his body had made her feel light, and she would never weary of the fresh scent that clung to him.

Thinking of Ishakan, Leah closed her eyes. Only a fool would risk their life for a forbidden love. But she was doing that right now, even though she would soon marry a person that she had loved for a long time.

But she couldn’t fight it. The presence of Ishakan, outside all logic and reason, was ruining her life.

Suddenly, her left hand felt heavy. The engagement ring on her finger bothered her as much as if she had been handcuffed. Leah squeezed her hands together.

A man who claimed to be her husband. A man who was trying to get her to retrieve memories that had never occurred. She didn’t even know what memories he was referring to. But she was sure of one thing.

She was so attracted to him, she couldn’t deny it.


Haban, Genin, and Morga sat around the unconscious lady-in-waiting. Morga had given her a potion to cloud Countess Melissa’s memory, the same strange brew he had used on Byun Gyeongbaek so long ago, when he came to Estia.

As Morga worked rapidly, Haban and Genin sat with grim expressions on their faces. The sorcerer couldn’t help clicking his tongue.

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