
Chapter 152: Strength in Unity, Tiandao Dominates!

Chapter 152: Strength in Unity, Tiandao Dominates!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sunlight had disappeared from the sky, there was only silence around the walled city. Some oil lamps were lit and brightened up the surrounding a little.

At midnight, many pairs of eyes oozing with bloodlust appeared on top on the peaks around the valley. Quietly, they stared at the wooden walled city from afar.

Occasionally, a couple of strong-looking men in black uniforms would patrol on the wall itself. They were equipped with swords, shields, and armlets, as well as carrying a shineless longsword on their backs.

These guards did not seem to notice their enemies on the peaks. They walked their own patrol routes, no one was whispering to each other, showing their strict discipline.

It was not clear for how long time had passed, but a hissing sound was sent to each of the monsters’ ears.

All the monsters started pouring down the hills, no longer hiding their tracks. Within minutes, they were already near the walled city.

At this point, a light burst out from the top of the wall, shining light onto the land as bright as day.

On the empty field in the center of the walled city, 53,600 black-uniformed men were already in formation.

“Quartet Slash, ready!”

A strict-looking man stood in front of the army with his black cape on. He unsheathed his longsword, pointed it at the sky, and barked out an order.

All of his soldiers immediately pointed their own longswords at the sky. At the same time, a white sword-shaped aura appeared behind each of them before weaving together, blasting into the clouds.

When that happened, the monsters that were charging down from the hills immediately stopped before they rammed into the wall as if inertia did not apply to them, and backed up until they were out of the archer’s shooting range.

Soon after, the sword-aura was dispersed.

A low, raspy voice echoed in the valley, seething with hate.

“Hmph, you do have the ability to detect the monsters I control, not even the blackest of night and the densest of woods could stop your detection.”

“However, that’s the only thing you could do. As the incarnate of the God of Destruction, I shall be kind and allow you your last chance to live. I did not arrange for any monsters on the north side, you can leave and return to your headquarters through there, and leave the Land of Heritage.”

“Or else, I will keep all of you here as well as occupy your headquarters. No one will come to your rescue, and you will starve to death in this valley!”

“As for the Indian entrance, don’t even think about it! The Indians would have known that you were blocking their path when they couldn’t come in, so they will definitely block the other side! This is the Land of Heritage, don’t expect any sort of heroes to come and save you!”

The voice stopped and silence fell upon the walled city. It seemed like the humans no longer had any choices when they were faced with the king cobra that can order a swarm of beasts.

Music suddenly blasted out, scaring the roosting birds to take to the skies.

“He is the hero, appearing out of the blue…”

“With a heart of gold and a breadth of mind…”

“He is a knight, a peerless one too…”

“Wielding the superb martial art of mankind…”

As soon as the song was broadcast, the king cobra could not even react. It looked like it was totally stunned by the song and could not begin to fathom what happened.

Following the upbeat music, a long dragon made of blazing flames pierced through the darkness and appeared above the walled city, emitting an even more booming voice.

“You, demonic spawn! For bullying the weak and invading another’s space, you have sinned greatly! In the name of the Heavens, I shall execute you!”

“Seal of Four Symbols, immobilize lands and skies, heed my call and rise!”

The fire dragon spoke as a yellow cloth appeared in its claws. The yellow cloth expanded as soon as it was unfurled, its coverage seemingly limitless.

It finally stopped expanding after it contained the walled city as well as all the beasts in the three directions, which then followed with strands of light trailing down from its edge.

At the same time, the fifty-thousand soldiers were also trapped in the Four Symbols Formation. The leader of the army, a man dressed in black uniform with black cape lifted his longsword as he yelled again.

” Tiandao 1 in all four directions!”

The sword-shaped aura reappeared behind each of the soldiers and hovered above the military formation, forming four massive white aura in the shape of longswords.

As soon as the longsword auras were formed, they shot upwards and landed on the four directions of the formation diagram as if they were able to ignore the effects of it.

The fire dragon hovered on top of the diagram and stared with intent as all these were happening, seemingly controlling the longsword auras.

As the four white auras settled in their spots, all of the innumerable light strands turned into shapes of longswords.

At this point, all the beasts that were trapped in the formation began to scramble chaotically as though they lost contact with the king cobra.

There was no formation to speak of as some of them chose to tackle the city wall and the others charged at the longsword aura barrier.

One after another, the defensive formations appeared on the city wall, keeping the beasts at bay.

However, the longsword aura barrier was pulsating, threatening to crumble at any moment.

Fang Ning was hiding in the System Space watching the whole scene play out. Now that he no longer needed to replenish the Aggro Bar, he could watch in excitement as the System showed off its might. The visual effects that he witnessed on the System View were unparalleled by any of the Hollywood movies.

As the monsters slowly sank into their confusion, the longsword auras suddenly fell from the air and slashed downward.

Splurt! Splat! The longsword auras found their target, but they dispersed like tofu pieces smashing on a boulder without leaving any marks on the beasts.

Fang Ning shook his head regrettably, ‘Pond-level powerhouses are strong! If these longsword auras were not strong enough individually to harm the beasts, not even the Four Symbols Sealing Formation could hold out for long.’

‘The monsters down there were violent and bloodthirsty, but without rationality, they couldn’t utilize their full power as Pond-level powerhouses. Even though they only charge around and don’t use spells or skills, they still have the defense of Pond-level powerhouses.’

Fang Ning was pondering when a tall, tough man jumped onto the city wall.

“Hah hah! I shall slay beasts to my heart’s content tonight!”

Finishing his sentence, a bloody aura shot up into the sky as a dozen-metered blood-colored longsword aura appeared, slashing at the beasts that charged at the wooden wall.

The defensive formation only stopped outside forces from getting in, but not the other way. The blood-colored longsword aura found its mark on the beast’s head without facing any obstruction.

Fang Ning glanced over and recognized the beast that got hit as a giant lizard. Every part of its body, including its spotty, rock-solid skin and its eyes that glowed a sanguinary red, was emitting its toughness and wild, barbaric nature.

The blood-colored longsword aura collided with the lizard’s head and forced it a few steps back, but other than that, it only shook its head as though nothing happened.

Fang Ning rolled his eyes, ‘ Ol’ Qiao was overestimating his own strength, did he think he could one-hit a Pond-level powerhouse?’

Qiao Anping grinned in disappointment and barked, “Venerable Dragon God, Chief Hu! Combine the auras and empower it with Dragon Force!”

The black-caped man commanding the army heard it and pointed his longsword again. A second longsword aura appeared behind each of the soldier’s backs. However, many people visibly shuddered.

In the temporary command center in the walled city.

As people were watching the scene, they were worried.

Elder Xu shook his head, commenting, “Looks like they were still not quite there. With only a dozen or so years of cultivation base, this had been the limit for the fifty-three-thousand-odd army. We have to depend on Captain Ren’s plan to expand the army in the future.”

Elder Hai said, “We should still have enough power to handle this. With the Venerable Dragon God maneuvering the longsword auras, we should be able to intimidate these monsters, stopping them from wreaking havoc.”

As the two were conversing among themselves, the black-caped man yelled into the sky.

“Combine the Tiandao!”

In that instant, the second longsword aura behind each of the soldiers leaped into the sky, forming a gigantic, white, shining sword in the sky. The Tiandao that was formed with more than fifty thousand longsword auras looked menacing in that it could easily cut through most things when it was brought down.

Qiao Anping closed his eyes and concentrated, summoning a stronger blood-colored aura that lined up with the Tiandao.

Before long, a dragon roar rang before a thick dragon-shaped vital energy appeared inside the formation. It charged into the Tiandao as soon as it appeared.

Almost instantly, the Tiandao was adorned with a dragon head on its handle and immediately looked alive and lunged at the blood-colored aura.

The dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the aura whole. Promptly, the Tiandao was painted blood-red, releasing a murderous intent that shot into the sky and a Dragon Force that filled the whole area within the formation diagram.

All the beasts stopped as they experienced the daunting display. In their berserk state, they could not rationalize anything but to fear to the powerful.

They fear the king cobra’s venom and only listened to its commands, intimidated by its cultivation base.

Now that the Tiandao had emerged, they could feel a similar intimidation on it to the one on the king cobra.

“Fiend! You have terrorized the land and caused chaos to the lives living in this place! I shall educate you about the height of the skies and the width of the earth! Vanquishing Slash of Tiandao!”

The Tiandao took a swan dive.

It slashed at the giant lizard that Qiao Anping attempted to kill.

The lizard’s head spun around. However, as it spun around this time, its head was split into segments and fell from its neck…

Seeing that, the beasts started retreating toward the four directions. At this point, it was noticed that the longsword auras that formed the barrier had already disappeared.

Without the barrier, the beasts began turning around, disappearing into the night before long.

Fang Ning was not completely satisfied with how the battle turned out, but he was no longer a newbie in combat, and he knew that was almost at the limit of what they could achieve. After all, one-hitting a Pond-level powerhouse was no easy feat. As long as it could intimidate them, it was enough. They could not ask for a better outcome.

Can we really depend on that one Tiandao to sweep the battlefield, what with almost a thousand of Pond-level berserk monsters around? That has got to be a dream…’

The king cobra did not say anything else in the whole process. It seemed like it was observing the power of the blood-washed Tiandao and had left soon after.

The combat ended for now, and the System had finished its display of badassery. Fang Ning immediately checked the System Notification. Because he had been chatting with Long Fan, he had yet to check the ones from before when the System upgraded the Atmospheric Morality Technique, so it was a good time to do so.

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