
Chapter 530 The Beginning Of The End 1

Isadore, boosted by his mana and superior martial arts, slashed through the remaining Umbras as if they were made out of paper. The chained silver spear moved as quickly as a dragon through water while the young man who held onto the spear was as flexible as said water. Claw strikes that would reap a body in two were easily parried away while elemental attacks fell short of the agile man’s footwork.

Kanari and the twins were spellbound at the man’s expert movements. Though they’d known Isadore from the very beginning and were well aware of his superior martial arts, this was on a whole other level. Before, one would liken Isadore’s martial arts to that of a skilful prodigy that showed immense promise for greatness. Now... The genius had already morphed into the greatest martial artist there was.

"Was he always this strong?" Such explosive growth was unheard of for martial artists. It would take decades, centuries even, for someone to reach the mastery that Isadore was showing. Therefore, Ella had a hard time believing that the Isadore that was slicing down enemies at an unheard-of rate was the same Isadore that they all knew and loved.

"I don’t know..." Kanari, the one who knew Isadore the longest, was doubtful as well. "Judging from his mana coating, he should still be in the Spirit Spectre realm. However, how is his body moving like a Spirit King?! It doesn’t make any sense!"

The future Duchess of Highgarden exclaimed. She had seen many warriors dominate the battlefield, mostly using a mixture of their potent spiritual abilities and above-average martial arts. Yet, Isadore was simply using his mana strengthening and martial arts to pierce through his foes like a hot knife through butter. At his current state, even Kanari doubted if she would pose a decent match for the spear prodigy.

Kanari had always thought that her growth rate was second only to Shin. However, Isadore, a man who hadn’t been training within the Celestial Dragon’s domain, seemed to be in much better shape. These past few years have seen the rise of many prodigal talents, something that couldn’t be observed just a few decades prior. Was this a golden generation, one that appeared once in every ten thousand years? Or was it the product of the warring period that the Black Masks have plunged the world into? Kanari couldn’t tell.

"Well, isn’t it good?" Emma clapped her hands with a simple chortle. After getting used to Shin’s antics, Emma had become immune to their group showing talents beyond their years. "At least there would be less pressure on our shoulders now!"

"Yeah..." The black-haired beauty raised her eyebrow before bringing in her domain, resting the Kumiho Spirit within her soul. Every Alliance members’ battles were already wrapping up nicely. Kanari had dispensed Fred Newton, the man responsible for attacking the Alliance’s base. The Himmel Ancestor was charging forward with the intent to destroy the Obsidian Gate. The World Serpent Ao was surrounded by some of the world’s top Spirit Venerates, including the Sword Venerate Pangu.

It was safe to say that the Black Masks influence on the west was already falling apart. In due time, the Alliance would defeat every last soul within the region. However, there was still one unfinished deed that plagues all of those present.

Elrin was the first one to break the ice. She puffed up her perky chest with her arms holding both sides of her waist. "So, where’s Junius?" The white-haired maiden pouted, her gaze moving beyond the horizons.

"Unclear," Kanari replied. They had been mobilised all for the sake of dealing with the pesky Blade of Death. If the World Serpent was the gatekeeper, the golden goose was the man who had reaped Shizen’s life away. However, even after many hours of searching, the viridian-haired felon was nowhere to be seen. Kanari turned around, turning her attention to a well-dressed female butler who had been faithfully serving by her side. "Claudia?"

"Young Mistress," the butler bowed her head in servitude.

"Does Spion have any information?"

"Yes!" Claudia saluted as she took out the aether crystal attached to her inner ear. "Spion has been monitoring the entire battlefield from afar, including the mansion located at the heart of the region. However, there hasn’t been any sign of the Blade of Death. Most likely, he wasn’t located within the mansion at all."

"Not at the mansion?" The ethereal beauty pouted her lips and fell deep into thought.

"That’s right," Claudia continued her report in a tone-dead manner. "Even with our vast network of watchers, we couldn’t find the Blade of Death. However, we have overheard the Lantis Republic’s intercoms. I believe that the Prince would be heading to the Illusory Canyon once his mana is fully recovered."

"The Illusory Canyon? Wait... That actually makes sense..." Kanari, being the one who was closest to Shin, immediately connected the dots. "There’s no way the Allfather would abandon the Tree of Illusions as a resource. Since Junius is the champion of the Empyrean Wonder, he could most likely survive a few weeks within the canyon. When the turbulent winds blow over, then the Black Masks would send reinforcements to rescue Junius."

Elrin chimed in as well: "Wait... Remember Fred saying something about digging tunnels to connect the mansion to the rest of the Kori Federation?" Elrin’s merchant eyes were shining as her right index finger pointed towards the crevice located just metres away. "If that’s the case, perhaps one of these tunnels would lead us to Junius’ hiding place? All we need to do is move in the direction of the Illusory Canyon, right?"

"..." The entire group went speechless, Kanari and the twins particularly. They turned to the impish young maiden and winced as if they had just seen a peculiar ghost.

"It’s amazing how a few years can change a person... First, it was Isadore... Now Elrin..." Emma rubbed on her forehead, amazed by the scene that unfolded.

"To think that a mere Elrin could think of that..." Kanari’s face turned aghast. She was the one most taken aback among the three. Typically, Kanari was the sharp one of the group and yet... She had lost out to the short and petite merchant.

"Time sure does miracles..." Ella whistled in wonder.

"Hey, aren’t you guys being a little too harsh?!" The white-haired girl yelped in protest. "We haven’t seen each other in god knows how many years and this is how you treat me? Your token genius?! Hick..." Elrin covered her eyes with her sleeves and began to sniffle. She was really adamant about playing the part of a woman that was hurt. Though, her long-term friends were able to see through her act in a heartbeat.

Kanari rolled her eyes while the others started to giggle. Isadore, who had just wrecked the final Umbra in the area, floated back towards the four girls like an Immortal descending from the heavens. His androgynous features had morphed into a dashing young man, one that wouldn’t lose out to either Shin or any other Prince. In fact, with his superior build, the spearman had a claim as the most eligible bachelor in all of the three superpowers.

"Are any of you hurt?" Isadore asked, genuinely concerned about the well-being of his bosom friends.

"No," Emma was the first to reply. "Thank you, Isadore. You really helped us out here."

"Haha, no worries!" The silver-haired man shrugged his shoulders. "I should be apologising. If not for my Master, I would have met up with all of you much sooner." Isadore lamented his lack of ability.

"Oh?" The rest may not be perceptive enough, but Kanari could tell that there were greater shades to Isadore’s words. "Have you convinced the Himmel Ancestor to release his hold on you? Are you now free to move on your own?"

Due to him awakening the legendary Spirit of Himmel, Isadore had been locked in the Imperial Palace for a large portion of his childhood. Everyday, his movements would be under constant surveillance, and any notions to escape were all foiled by Spion and the Imperial Family’s servants. When Isadore reached fifteen, he was allowed to attend the prestigious Imperius Academy, to bolster his ability to interact with his peers. However, even though he was far from the reach of the Himmel Ancestor, the invisible eyes of the Spirit Saint were following Isadore wherever he went. In the end, Isadore was just like a caged bird in a controlled environment. Never truly free.

"No, I’m not freed completely, but I do have some autonomy now that I’ve mastered ten-thousand martial arts and improved my Spirit to a certain extent." The silver-haired Prince didn’t bother to hide his identity anymore. In front of these few, there was no more need for secrets. "I don’t want to lose any more of my friends..."

The mood instantly turned heavy. Everyone was promptly reminded of the real reason why they’ve come all the way to the west as a childish face popped up within their memories.

"When I first heard the news, my heart felt like it was being broken into a million pieces. The feeling of ineptness... The incapability to do anything while my friend perished in a land that I could never reach... That haunted me for many days... No, it’s still haunting me to this hour." Isadore steeled his flinching face. "So, even if I had to make a pact with the devil, I swore to never let my friends perish ever again."

"Isadore..." Kanari dropped her shoulders. She wanted to comfort the broken man but was promptly stopped by his extended palms.

"If I felt this way, I can’t imagine the grief that Shin is going through... Not to mention, the man who killed Shizen was the one he once called his brother!" Clearly agitated, the silver-haired man tightened his grip on the spear until a red fluid started to flow. "I can’t let Shin suffer anymore from Junius’ terror. That cockroach... That nightmare that continues to haunt Shin... I will be the one to end him!"

"Hmph! Get in line!" Ella stepped forward, her Ice Bow sending out crystal bits floating down onto the snowy floor. "Shin is my brother, and Shizen is my... Shizen is my friend! Furthermore, I’m part of the orphans that Junius ripped apart! If it’s anyone that’s going to claim Junius’ head, it’s going to be me!"



Isadore and Ella stared at one another, neither of them willing to back down from their convictions. They both had noble hearts, however...

"Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves... We have to first find Junius, right?" Emma interjected with a bitter smile. Their desires were admirable, however, what good was convictions when the goal was nowhere to be found.

Instantly, the pair flushed and dropped down their heads in embarrassment. They were both in their twenties now, but they still managed to argue over such a small detail.

"Hahaha, looks like some things really don’t change..." Kanari chortled, her gaze was as warm as a cosy fireplace. The group had often bickered like this back in the days of their travel. Ella, Isadore, Elrin and Shizen would often argue over minor things while Emma spectated with a warm smile. Shin and Kanari, being the ’leaders’ of the girl and boy groups, had always played the mediator, bringing peace back to the team. Still, even with their numerous disputes, the seven young heroes were hailed to be the greatest team ever assembled in Imperius Academy history.

Of course, now there was only six...

"Guys..." With Shin still recovering, it was up to Kanari to take charge. Her eyes turned dead-serious as if she were now a general that had battled a thousand battles. Kanari threw her fist into the centre of the five cultivators and easily brought her companions’ hands together.

"If we’re going to avenge Shizen... Let’s do it right..." Kanari declared. "Let’s... Kill Junius... That bastard that continues to haunt our dreams!!!"


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