
Chapter 317 - The Heartfelt Reunion.

"She sure grew up into a fine young woman." Ling Chen murmured with a slight smile on his face while peering at little Mei below as he stood above the Sky of the Akasha Spiritual World.

Ling Chen softly sighed when thinking about little Mei. Back then, she was only a little homeless and abandoned little girl taking care of her mentally ill mother by herself.

No one was willing to look out for her and giving her a helping hand. Nonetheless, despite being abandoned and rejected by everyone along with her sick mother, she never resorted to stealing or do any bad thing to survive.

Anyone in her position would have had her heart filled with hatred towards the people who abandoned her and ignored her suffering. However, it wasn't the case.

Despite being outcasted and rejected by the whole world, there wasn't a trace of hatred in her heart. Her eyes and her soul were still pure as the driven snow.

"Aren't you going to meet her?" Suddenly asked Akasha.

Even though Ling Chen didn't tell Akasha anything about little Mei, she already knew everything about little Mei's past.

This was one of her powers. The moment someone entered the Akasha Spiritual World, she was able to read all of that person's memories without his or her knowledge.

"No, it's not time yet. Let's wait until she's done with the tutorial." Answered Ling Chen as he was staring at little Mei. At the same time, he couldn't help but smile. It was a smile that even he couldn't describe.

"One more thing, I want you to give her access to all the fourteen domains as well as free access to the Akasha Spiritual World." Said Ling Chen.

Normally, a person only has a hundred days free in Akasha Spiritual World. After the hundred days were done, one has to pay for every day spent in the Akasha Spiritual world with contribution points or Spiritual Coins.

The spiritual coin was a new currency invented by Akasha. The reason she came up with that new currency was to counter the lack of missions for the new recruits.

The creation of the spiritual coins was fairly simple. One only has to use his consciousness power or spiritual power to create it. The spiritual coin was like a shiny and glimmering quicksilver droplet of water.

Due to the fact the creations of spiritual coin reduced and decreased one's spiritual power, its value exceeded that of the contributions point. As such, one spiritual coin was equivalent to ten contributions points.

Furthermore, Ling Chen didn't want her to confine into one single domain which was why he asked Akasha to give her access or residency to all of the fourteen domains.

Meanwhile, as Ling Chen was chatting with Akasha, Little Mei has already followed Fairy Lily into the Akasha Castle to finish her registration.


As the Light Primordial Shura Goddess of Nature and Healing, Thalia's domain was like a giant and boundless immortal garden.

Looking ahead, one could see the undulating waves of changes in sceneries, including different types of trees, mountains, ponds, and even odd flowers and strange grasses were in full bloom.

The entire domain was like a paradise and was encompassed in a thick and powerful life energy.


At this moment, the figure of a beautiful young woman suddenly materialized on top of one of the mountain peaks of the Light Primordial Shura Goddess Thalia's domain.

She wore a Snow White dress that accentuated her kingdom-toppling beauty! She was so stunning that anyone who met her would immediately think that she was a celestial being. Her pretty eyes with spirited glimmers were even more radiant than the stars.

She didn't have an oppressive and arrogant aura either, but humility was not the right way to describe it. Her temperament gave the sensation of perfection.

"So, this is the Domain of the Light Primordial Goddess Thalia." Murmured the young lady as he was observing her surrounding. On top of her shoulder was a little beautiful male fairy.

"It's the first time I've seen a person get unlimited access to the Akasha Spiritual World as well as access to all the fourteen domains. Master must be related to one of the Primordial Shura Gods." Said the little male fairy with a surprised as well as a delighted expression on his face.

As his master's guide and Fairy, the stronger and powerful his master was, the easier it would be for him to increase his rank in the future.

While the little fairy was celebrating for entering into a contract with such a powerful and resourceful contractor, little Mei was also shocked.

She already knew just how lucky and fortunate she was to be able to gain unlimited access to the Akasha Spiritual World.

However, that wasn't the most important. Even though she didn't know how, she had the feeling that everything that just happened including the fact that she was invited to the Akasha Spiritual World was related to her Father Monk.

At this moment, little Mei couldn't help but feel ecstatic and elated as she was thinking about her Father Monk. At the same time, her eyes were filled with yearning.

As little Mei was lost in thought, a soft and caring voice suddenly rang out in her ears." I can't believe the little cry baby has now turned into a full-fledged young woman."

Hearing this voice, little Mei felt as though her entire body has been electrocuted. This was the voice she has been dying to listen to for hundreds of years. To her, This was the warmest voice in the entire universe as it belonged to that person.

As little Mei turned around, she saw a handsome young man looking at her with a bright smile on his face.

At this moment, It was as if time has stopped. Looking at the young man's face as well as his bright smile, little Mei was unable to hide her happiness. She felt as though she was dreaming.

She just stood there, unable to take another step. She was so overwhelmed with happiness and joy that she forgot how to walk or even talk like a newborn baby.

Seeing her reaction, Ling Chen slowly walked toward little Mei and said." It seems like you aren't that happy to see me."

Before Ling Chen's voice could even fade away, little Mei's suddenly burst into tears as she pounced into his embrace.

At this moment, she didn't look like the revered Battle Empress Mei of the Great Luo World anymore, but a little baby as she was crying loudly.

Meanwhile, Ling Chen didn't know what to say or what to do. He just stood there like a dummy why stroking little Mei's silky hair with a slight smile on his face.

He already knew that little Mei wasn't crying because she was sad or hurt, but because she was simply too happy to see him.

After about two minutes or so, little Mei finally stopped crying.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked as wiped away the remaining tears on little Mei's face.

"Father Monk, I finally see you again."Little Mei said with a joyful expression on her face as she was looking at Ling Chen. At this moment, little Mei was truly happy. She felt as though she was over the moon.

"Even after knowing my identity and seeing my true appearance, you still call me Father Monk."Ling Chen said as he was looking at little Mei with a tinge of happiness and doting.

"To me, you will always be my Father Monk and my savior." Happily stated little Mei as she was looking at Ling Chen with a mischievous smile on her face. Her mischievous smile became the most beautiful and captivating smile.

In front of Ling Chen, little Mei didn't have the demeanor of the powerful Battle Empress anymore. She was still the little girl back then.

"You were the only one who did not look the other way and saved me. Only you didn't discriminate or look down on me." Little Mei spoke calmly.

Indeed, Ling Chen was the only one who didn't discriminate against her and pulled her out of this abyss that was her life back then.

Now, even a more painful experience would be nothing to her. She was no longer affected by them; her childlike innocence still remained and made her even happier.

Ling Chen also felt a little sad after hearing this. First of all, he didn't selfishly save her. He only helped her at that time to gather karmic energy for his cultivation. It was only after hearing her story that he felt a little sorry for her and decided to take off her to kill time. He did all of this on a whim.

"I already broke through the Demi-God rank. Once I break through the Martial God rank, I'll leave the Great Luo World to come looking for you just like I promised you all those years ago." She added with a solemn expression on her face.

Hearing little Mei's words, Ling Chen immediately fell into silence. There was indeed such a promise but Ling Chen didn't think too much about it back then.

It was just something he said to console her. He always thought little Mei would eventually forget about it as time passed. He didn't really think that she was going to take it seriously.

While looking at her strangely attractive face, he eventually answered her: " Little Mei, you should know by now what kinda person I am as well as my strange power. As such, even if I don't want to, wherever I go shall be doomed with rivers of blood and mountains of bones."

"I know." Answered little Mei as she still buried her head into Ling Chen's embrace." I heard a lot about Father Monk's story from grandpa Heavenly Demon God, but I know that you are not a bad guy."

Listening to little Mei's words, Ling Chen couldn't help but burst out into laughter." Well, I might not be a bad guy to you but I a big devil for many people."

"I don't care if all the world sees you as a big devil or how many people you've killed, you all always be a good person in my heart." Little Mei smiled faintly in relaxation as she said. At the same time, Her answer carried quite an implicit charm.

The mood between the two was quite good. Ling Chen gently smiled as he stroked her and said." I am happy that you think of me that way, but my world and yours aren't the same. Also, over time, you'll understand that I am indeed a big devil. To accomplish my goal or save my people, I wouldn't bat an eye even if I have to destroy an entire planet, annihilate an entire race and even an entire Galaxy."

Ling Chen wasn't lying, even if he were to destroy an entire planet with endless innocent people to accomplish his goal, he wouldn't bat an eye nor felt guilty about it.

Just like humans viewed animals as food and thought that they have every right to slaughter them to satisfy or quench their hunger, Ling Chen also had a similar view about other people aside from his children and his people.

At this moment, little Mei tightly held into Ling Chen's hand with her soft snowy white fingers and gazed at him with her pure and unwavering eyes and said." I don't care about any of this. I still want to accompany Father Monk even if have to give up on my humanity. Where you are is where I shall be."

Little Mei's determination was made apparent by her tight grip of his hand. Even though she spoke in a rhythmic and soft voice, each of her words was full of power.

Ling Chen fell silent once more as he was pondering over little Mei's words. This young woman before him was no longer the little brat back then.

Even though her power was nothing in his eyes, she has grown up to become a powerful existence in the Great Luo World.

After thinking for a while, Ling Chen finally exhaled and said." You aren't a little girl anymore. I can't tell you what to do. You have the right to pick your own path. Whether you want to live a peaceful life or chase after me, it's all up to you. However, don't think I'm gonna make it easy for you to find me. I'm not going to stop even for you and will keep on moving forward. Whether or not you'll gain enough power to catch me, it's all up to you."

Even though Ling Chen didn't directly answer her, Little Mei already received her answer. She didn't care about anything. To her, Ling Chen was her entire world and she will follow him to the end of time.

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