
Chapter 222


Joey was silent, as if to isolate everything from his own world, perhaps listening to Mo Jincheng\'s advice, or perhaps did not hear.

Mo Jincheng sighs in his heart. It\'s a special trouble. Let\'s just say that people\'s feelings are so easy that they can\'t be taken seriously. Otherwise, it\'s really hard to make them.

Ruan Xiaoxiao quickly took the bag, picked up some things and got on the bus, and the car directly arrived at the airport again.

Buy a good plane ticket, give it to Ruan Xiaoxiao and Joey. Looking at the two people walking into the security check, Mo Jin Chengcai calls Lu Jingyun.

"They just went in and took off in an hour."

"I see. I\'m already in it." Lu Jingyun saw Ruan Xiaoxiao and Joey\'s figure, but hesitated, or hid the figure. He knew that now Joey saw that he was going to be in a worse mood, so he had to keep away from her.

"Don\'t worry, woman. Just let out your anger. When you coax your sister-in-law, you\'ll be fine soon." Mo Jincheng\'s mouth is so comforting that he has always been treating women like this. However, in fact, his mind has been uncertain now. Other women are good coax, how he and Lu Jingyun are so sad, the women they meet are so difficult to do?

In fact, he had some sympathy for Lu Jingyun. He was really not sure that Joey, a stubborn little girl, would soon get angry.

But good brother, how also want to comfort him, can\'t fall into the well stone.

"Yes." Lu Jingyun watched Joey sit down with Ruan Xiaoxiao. His red and swollen eyes were still so obvious, but his small face was pale and bloodless. Ruan smile around her shoulder, let her rely on themselves, pat her on the shoulder, as if in pacifying said something.

Joey didn\'t react. His eyes didn\'t focus. He just closed his eyes and looked weak.

Lu Jingyun stroked his chest, where the pain was so severe. The baby in the palm of his hand is not willing to see himself at the moment, even to see that he is still a kind of heartache torture. Even if his heart to Yi Yi at the moment so fragile, heartache want to hold hard to comfort her, but also can only endure pain far away.

If the love of people become their own pain, this is the most cruel thing in the world.

His mother was right, and Lu Jingyun did not expect to have a day to taste such cruel things.

But he, Lu Jingyun, will never let this cruelty last too long.

Now Joey, he can only slowly let her calm down, and then find another way to slowly soften her heart and seize her heart again.

He never let go of what he wanted.

Ruan Xiaoxiao takes joy to the plane. Because it is first class, there are not many passengers. Ruan Xiaoxiao sees Lu Jingyun at a glance. It\'s just that she didn\'t tell Joey.

Joey is sitting by the window, her eyes are always staring out. Except for Ruan Xiaoxiao, she seems to be isolated from any feeling from the outside world, and she doesn\'t even notice the existence of others.

Lu Jingyun did not rush past, and Ruan Xiaoxiao did not say anything at this time.

Give Joey a glass of water, Joey held it in the palm of his hand, and the plane was flying through the beautiful clouds outside the window, but Joey didn\'t have any appreciation.

"Joey, I don\'t say much. You are angry or sad, but you should remember that you are still the Joey who can go on strong anyway. It doesn\'t matter whether you decide to forgive the man or not. Man is not the main body of your life, if you really can\'t leave him, then cool him for a few days and then forgive him. If you really can\'t accept living with him in the future, cheer up and live your own life. Didn\'t you live well without that man before? If it\'s a big deal, find another one. "

Ruan Xiaoxiao, no matter how Lu Jingyun is, she only cares about Joey\'s feelings.

From the beginning to the end, what she needs is how Joey decides, whether it\'s a draw or a point. Although Joey may be different from her attitude towards feelings, if Lu Jingyun really makes Joey can\'t accept it any more, there\'s nothing that can\'t be abandoned.

Who doesn\'t live in the world. She also knows Joey, she won\'t seek for life and death, and her strength is unimaginable.

"Smile, I\'m in a mess. I don\'t know whether to divide or not: "Joey opened his mouth in a daze, his eyes glued to the paper cup in his hand, and the calm water rippled from time to time.

Like her now at a loss of heart, has been unable to calm.

"Then wait until you know it and make a decision. Don\'t worry. It\'s others who should be worried. "

Ruan Xiaoxiao\'s last sentence was deliberately raised very high, I believe that eavesdroppers will certainly hear it.

"You go home and have a good rest. You can play as you like and do what you want. Anyway, you don\'t have to worry about spending money. Even if you divorce that man, he has to pay alimony. You just do what you want to do, and then think about how it\'s decided

Ruan laughed and patted Joey on the back of his hand and said placidly, "if you feel lonely, I can accompany you at any time.""Smile, it\'s nice to have you."

Joey finally pulled out the first smile for a long time. Although it was not obvious, his eyes were no longer so helpless and fragile.

Ruan Xiaoxiao finally reappeared as the queen. "I am the noble man sent by heaven to save you."

Joey had a silent smile and said nothing more.

The plane soon arrived in Jiangcheng, and they took a taxi back to Joey\'s cabin. In the room, the house that had been closed for a long time and no one had lived in smelled of sultry heat. Joey stood at the door for a moment.

"Why are you still standing at the door? I went to open the window to get angry... "

Ruan Xiaoxiao walked into the room to open a window for ventilation, and Joey came back to help.

The furniture was covered with a thin layer of dust. Joey changed the sheets and covers from the bed and began to clean up the house.

Ruan Xiaoxiao is finally not so lazy to help clean up, perhaps, so busy with the housework, to let Joey peace of mind. Either way, as long as it works.

After a long time, Joey put the mops away and dried all the clothes in the washing machine, and finally finished the cleaning work.

"Are you tired? Come and have some water. I\'ve already called for takeout. After dinner, have a good rest. "

Joey just sat down on the sofa and looked at the neat and clean house. The sadness of forgetting the work just now became more and more intense.

"Well, Joey, if it\'s too hard here, let\'s go to the hotel. There are people to serve, do not need to clean, will not look uncomfortable

How can Ruan smile not see joy\'s touching scene? I can\'t help but propose so.

Joey shook his head. "This is my home. I can\'t leave my home because I feel bad."

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