
Chapter Ch199.2 - Sucking Blood

Chapter Ch199.2 - Sucking Blood

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Wu Jin asked the AI in a low voice, “Is this also live streamed?”

The AI cameraman nodded repeatedly and wasn’t surprised by Contestant Wang Ping’s question. Wu Jin understood the situation and closed the door behind him, moving to stand in front of the camera––

‘Wang Ping’ grinned at the camera, straightened his back, and started to act badass.

The cameraman was stunned.

Wu Jin asked politely, “Director, can I sing a little song?”

The cameraman made an ‘as you like’ gesture and indicated that Wu Jin should finish quickly, but as soon as Wu Jin began to sing, the AI immediately looked surprised.

Two minutes later, Wu Jin finished the interview and breathed out a sigh of relief. Just a few minutes ago, he’d thought of every possible way he could add more to his own story! According to Wang Ping’s current ranking, unless there was an inhumane slaughter in Rap Class 2, washing the steps leading up to the public performance with blood... without that, Wu Jin wouldn’t be able to get 80 votes.

If he didn’t add more drama to himself, he’d always remain as a little lackey.

Wu Jin sighed emotionally and patted the table.

After the interview came the talent show’s all-in-one ‘self motivation’ section. After Wu Jin read out the declaration sentence ‘I can do it, I can make it as long as I work hard, I’ll definitely be able to realize my dream and make a debut’, he was asked to leave a handprint on the white wall to the side.

Wu Jin hesitated briefly when it came to creating the handprint, but the AI soon came up to hold his wrist and forced him to press down.

“Done.” The AI sister smiled slightly and patted Wu Jin, “You sang very nicely. I hope that I can see you alive on the stage.”

Wu Jin: “......”

The handprints made with red paint was comparable to a scene in a horror movie when the lights were darkened. This dance room belonged to Rap Class 2, and the white wall on the other side of the room had the number ‘16’ written on it in the same red pigment. The blood red color made people feel a little creeped out.

It seemed to symbolize the spirit of the 16 people in Rap Class 2.

The spirit of having others die for them to survive.

Wu Jin opened up the door to the interview and switched back from being a study god to a little lackey in an instant. “The interview? I don’t know, I’m ranked 96th and interviewing me is pointless...” While the others weren’t paying attention to him, he quickly took out his wrist watch to look at the screen.

He opened up the forum and logged in with his personal account all in one go.

<Nicholas can do it! Fellow sisters, let’s work hard and send him up to the c-position [raise hands][raise hands]>

<Building a thread for the treasure twins Yu Mo & Yu Chu>

<Silver Armor––becoming popular again after 100 talent show battles!>

Wu Jin flipped through nearly three pages and finally pulled out a fan post tucked into the corner.

<I suddenly discovered that little brother Wang Ping is pretty good? His singing is very touching!>

Wu Jin secretly used his account to bump the post up before closing his watch in satisfaction.

The Crosson Show’s live stream room.

The camera swept over Wu Jin, and the scrolling comments were full of screams and chatter, “My sneaky Little Witch is so cute! Mama really wants to go across the screen into the instance and help you send posts as a fan!”, “My son’s soul really shines through, even the identity of Wang Ping can’t block it––even though, [slapping the table][slapping the table], where is Little Witch’s beautiful, stunning face?! I want to cry because I can’t see it!”

At the commentators’ table.

Ying Xiangxiang smiled broadly and expressed, “If we were to really send Little Witch to the boy group talent show, his performance would definitely be very brilliant, especially when it comes to vocal music and dance. Of course, Contestant Wu is also very good at adding extra drama for himself in a survival show.”

Blood Pigeon nodded, “His accumulated mock votes have already increased by 12 percent since he sang during the interview. Based on this trend, he shouldn’t have any difficulty entering the top 60. However.”

“That isn’t how this elimination match is played. The game hasn’t started yet.”

In the trainee practice room.

After finishing the interviews for Rap Class 2, the AI led the 16 trainees to their exclusive dormitory area.

Wu Jin bowed his head and used his memory to the extreme. In his mind, he mapped out the corridor location, room distribution, escape routes, and all the sharp items that could be used as weapons.

Soon, a map of the dormitory formed in his mind.

Rap Class 2 was quite far away from the other classes. Wu Jin was quite certain that the program team had implemented a divide in the competition field at the start of the competition, and the 16 of them were currently limited within a ‘sub-competition’ in this 100 person survival show.

“We’re here.” The AI gestured for them to enter.

Wu Jin looked up and was shocked silly for a brief moment.

There were two single rooms with clean windows that exuded an elegant fragrance. One was labelled with ‘Nicholas – #2’, and the other had ‘Silver Armor – #9’. Beside them were several bedrooms that could hold four people each.

Wu Jin: “......”

Wu Jin: “!!!” Did the little lackeys not have the right to sleep alone?!

They really didn’t.

Silver Armor took the lead and walked over to his own single room, silently closing the door behind him and locking it from inside. After that, Nicholas, who was still in a trance, followed suit. This beautiful yet useless player moved his hands and feet and entered his own room.

Wu Jin acknowledged his fate and trudged his way into the four person dormitory.

When entering, his roommates commented, “The rooms for the top ten can be locked from the inside, and security is guaranteed. Can this be considered as a benefit that the rules provide them with? However, it’s really dependent on good luck for them to be able to draw identities in the top 10...”

Wu Jin chatted with them on and off while pondering over his current popularity.

The small song he’d sung during the interview could only serve to raise up his popularity for a little while. If he wanted to really absorb fans, he’d have to think up another way...

There was a gentle knock on the door from outside the bedroom.

They all looked towards the door.

The door wasn’t fully closed, and a small gap had been left open. Wu Jin could see a figure on the other side. He got up.

“I’m going out for a moment.” Wu Jin gave his roommate a vague explanation.

He went out into the hallway and closed the door behind him.

Nicholas stood outside the door.

The two of them looked at each other and said nothing, “......”

Wu Jin pointed to the stairs and spoke gently, “Let’s go downstairs to talk.”

The beautiful waste Nicholas nodded, and the two of them walked into the fire passage. As soon as the iron door closed behind them, Nicholas immediately spoke up in a trembling voice, “Evening show male model?”

Wu Jin quickly provided the other part of the secret code, “Black history?”

Nicholas: “Rich woman?”

Wu Jin: “... Drinking companion?”

Nicholas was overjoyed. He took out his wrist watch and showed it to Wu Jin.

It was as alike as two peas in a pod. Wang Ping, with his explosive hair, was seated next to the handsome, young Nicholas.

––Prop: Black history video. When you release this video, all the trainees involved in the video will be attacked by the ‘black history hammer’, and their popularity will be cleared out simultaneously.

Nicholas breathed out a long sigh of relief. His eyes brightened, “Fellow brother, let’s form an alliance. I won’t be able to continue on if you decide to self destruct, but you also won’t be able to do anything if I self destruct, either!”

Wu Jin looked at him like he was looking at a fool, “You came to find me just like this? Aren’t you worried that I’ll eliminate you?”

Nicholas pleaded, “Big brother, I don’t have another way. I’m ranked 2nd, and I’m sitting on everyone’s votes, so nobody else will look to form an alliance with me. Besides, our strength levels should be about the same...”

Wu Jin: “Our strength levels are about the same?”

Nicholas nodded repeatedly. Even before he could speak again, he suddenly hit the back of the wall, and his shoulders and arms were restrained. He was forced into a twist from his neck down to his waist, and a terrifying force pressed against him from behind.

He hadn’t even seen how Wu Jin had attacked.

However, the person behind him was definitely no weaker than any trainee that could be found in the Stardust Cup.

Nicholas was horrified, “!!! Big brother, big brother Wang Ping, don’t, don’t, don’t do it. I’m just a little trainee from a wild card team who can’t really fight or resist. I’m just taking part in survival competitions everywhere in order to take advantage of the business travel expenses...”

Nicholas had broken out in a sweat, and his back was cold when he turned back. Wang Ping’s face was still the same, but the cold light in his eyes was like a knife that people didn’t dare to look at directly.

Wu Jin thought it over.

Nicholas was indeed very weak, so weak that... he probably wouldn’t be able to get a clean win against Wu Jin when he was still just a lead dancer. All those muscles on display were useless!

Wu Jin slowly started to speak, “Delete the video.”

Nicholas stiffened.

Wu Jin leaned over. His aura was cold, and when it hit Nicholas, it made goosebumps break out on the back of his neck.

After spending half a year in Crosson and two months in Floating City, Wu Jin’s close combat ability had been promoted from F to A+. After receiving Wei Shi’s hell-style training and guidance, he now had the power to fight against Thin Fire.

The Crosson Show’s live stream room.

The first fight that had broken out in the seventh elimination match caught the attention of all the spectators.

“He’s made great progress.” Blood Pigeon looked at the fight for a long time, then finally gave a happy nod. “Well then, let’s turn the lens to the King of Hearts...”

In the student dormitory fire escape passageway.

Nicholas was forced to delete the ‘black history’ video, leaving the only copy on Wu Jin’s watch.

“Alright.” Wu Jin was satisfied. There was finally nothing left of that prop that could threaten a little lackey like him!

Wu Jin: “Let’s form an alliance.”

Nicholas was stunned.

Contestant Wang Ping looked ordinary, but unexpectedly, he’d been a tough nut to crack beneath this skin. Nicholas hadn’t expected that not only would Wang Ping not eliminate him, he’d also propose an alliance.

“An alliance is possible,” Wu Jin spoke again, “But I have a condition.”

Nicholas was overjoyed, “Oh, oh, just say it!”

Wu Jin opened up his watch.

On the fan forum, the home page was filled with threads being made for Nicholas. There were praise posts, girlfriend fan posts, wife fan posts, mama fan posts.

“You’re very popular.” Wu Jin looked at this player who was ranked second like he was looking at a huge blood bag that held a million fans! At this time, talking about any kind of mutual benefit or gaining fans together would all be empty talk!

“Help me lift my position a bit.” Wu Jin spoke bluntly, “Let me suck some blood.”

Juurensha: Ruthless Little Witch!

xiin: he’s really grown up from the little innocent rabbit at the start...

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