
Chapter 117 - A Step Back In Time(4)

-After the end of the Titan War-

The Olympians were overwhelmingly victorious in the war, and after the end of the warfare, most gods had found their place and status in the pantheon.

However, not everyone was as fortunate, and one such unfortunate god was still seeking to find himself.

Large wings unfolded from his youthful body and aimlessly flapped around.

It was Hermes.

During the war, Hermes acted as a messenger for Olympus thanks to his speed and charisma.

Due to his overwhelming success in this task, Zeus officially granted him the position.

Nonetheless, Hermes found himself in a mental dilemma.

"I don't have any other traits than those related to Olympus!" Hermes rubbed his head in frustration.

Sophus, who used to guide him, was now gone, and he and Athena had to accept that and forge their own path ahead.

The latter, however, started helping around Prometheus and Hephaestus in teaching the mortals and had found her own place.

Ares roamed around the mortal world and led a fulfilling life.

"Even that strange woman, Urania, is gaining much influence among the mortals," Hermes felt somewhat empty.

On top of that, Olympus was a lonely place, and everyone was rather busy.

Whenever he felt this way, Hermes made his way to Arcadia.

Arcadia was a grassy plain shielded by mountains from all sides, hence it was secluded and untouched by mortal civilization.

Hermes observed the endless green plains below him and slowly landed down on the sharp and healthy vegetation.

The only contrast in the nearby scenery was a smooth and big rock, which Hermes always sat on.

Suddenly, a herd of sheep approached him.

The grass here was low, and the sheep had already consumed it.

Hermes stood up and guided the herd to a greener side of the plain, where they could wholeheartedly feast on the grass.

He learned how to guide sheep from a man who lived nearby.

"Speaking of, I wonder where he is....?" When he felt lonely, Hermes developed a habit of speaking of himself.

Suddenly, a harmonious melody flowed into his ears.

It was a high-pitched, and then, it turned into a deep tone, and the pitch changed back and forth.

When he heard that sound, Hermes' body jolted and he flew in the direction of the melody.

"When pan pipes are audible, it means Pan is here..."

Pan was a god that Hermes met in Arcadia.

He lived on the land, foraging and hunting for food, and playing the pan-pipes and shepherding when he was not hunting.

Strangely, he wasn't related to Zeus, or any of the other Olympians.

Hermes kept on following the melody until he stumbled upon a cave.


Inside the cave, a large fire illuminated the small crevice.

A man sat around the fire, blowing air into a strange musical instrument.

"Pan!" Hermes greeted the god.

Pan turned around and greeted Hermes.

"Young boy!"

He had brown long hair and a beard, and brown wool clothing covered his body.

Inside the cave, an aromatic smell diffused into the tight cave.

Over the fire, a simple stew was simmering, and although the food was simple, the aroma was rather alluring.

Pan had taught Hermes how to shepherd and play the pan pipes.

Although the god couldn't replace Sophus, it helped him somewhat feel less empty.

The two then played the pan pipes and shared a simple meal.

Pan lived a frugal and rustic life, but he was happy with what he had.

"Cybele wants to meet you again, should I guide her here?" Hermes asked Pan.

Pan replied, "Cybele? The woman who sows food from the dirt? I'd like to learn how she does it,"

"I'll tell her where Arcadia is then."

After that, they spoke for a short time, and when it was the afternoon, Hermes left and flew away.

Another habit of his was to visit Delos, a remote island in the middle of the sea.

"I wonder how Leto's doing...." Hermes visited the island for a reason.

Recently, his father, Zeus, had taken in a new lover, the Titaness Leto, and from their conquests, she would have a child.

"I remember Stepmother's face when she heard of the news!" Hermes laughed out loud.

Hera was furious and tried to kill Leto.

However, unbeknownst to her, Leto had requested Hermes for help, and the latter brought her to Delos, where Hera could never find her.

Hermes swiftly reached the sea, yet the infinite expanses of the water did not disorient him whatsoever.

The sextant that Sophus gave him as a gift helped him to find direction in his travels.

Soon enough, a rocky and barren island was visible below him.

A single tree sprouted from the desolate land, and a tall woman sat under the shade of the said tree.

Hermes landed and greeted the Titaness, "Leto!"

The woman turned in his direction, and Hermes perceived something strange.

In her arms, two babies slept soundly, and they were almost identical in appearance.

Leto was crying, but they were tears of joy.

She then exclaimed, "Look at these two, I called them Apollo and Artemis!"

Bewilderment overwhelmed Hermes, and Leto continued.

"Your father gave me children of sin, but I hope they can grow up to be happy and strong..."

Her tears, which were previously joyful, suddenly turned melancholic.

"I can't keep them, Hermes, I can't keep them-

"I will," Hermes made a swift decision at that moment.

However, he still found it truly strange.

Some gods, like him and Athena, woke up fully formed and in adult shape.

Others, like Pan and Cybele, were born directly from Gaia.

Yet, these two, Artemis and Apollo, were like mortals, weak and vulnerable.

Hermes took them from Leto and gently caressed the two.

The twins seemed to feel it and their eyes slowly opened.

While they were identical in appearance, their auras were drastically different.

Artemis had strong and determined hazel eyes, whereas Apollo had sharp eyes that seemed to see through everything.

After that, Leto escaped from the island, leaving him with the two babies.

"Well, you two, let's go to my house," Hermes slowly hovered over the ground.

Out of a sudden, a voice entered into his ears.

"Hermes? That is your name, child?"

Hermes' eyes widened and he looked around everywhere, but he couldn't find the owner of the voice.

"You can't see me, child."

"Speaking of sight, would you like to be one of my eyes, to allow me to see the world?" The voice uttered out an unusual request.

"What do you mean?" Hermes frowned.

The voice chuckled and said, "I know you want to find yourself, and I can help you if you accept my request."

"Here, visit this goddess, she might have something of your interest."

Hermes noticed a strange phenomenon.

The rocks of the island were slowly carved into letters.

When this stopped, a name could be read.

"Hecate..?" Hermes was curious about the owner of the voice and the unfamiliar goddess.

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