
Chapter 165 - Because I Love You (4)

The next day, the company began to prepare for the banquet. Stefan used the main hall of the hotel to hold the event. Stefan did not have to go to the company. He walked around to see the work in the banquet room.

Stefan was happy to work under the same roof as his love for today. When seeing everything was going well then he left the room to explore the lobby. The hotel staff was very enthusiastic to see the boss walk to see them work.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. "

The security guard at the door said to the doorman who stood together.

"Me too. I don't know how she did it. Was it Judo or Karate or Taekwondo? She kicked so high and it was extremely cool. " The doorman replied.

"I haven't got a clue but it was so damn amazing. It's a pity that I didn't have a chance to help her."

 The security guard continued.

"She definitely didn't need your help. That bastard was half dead in two minutes like that. Good job that they didn't fire you as you didn't look after Miss Wirata good enough." The doorman said to his friend.

 "What about Miss Wirata?! Tell me all about it now! "

The powerful voice ordered from behind making the security guard and the doorman jumped. They quickly turned and looked. The tall figure in the dark suit of the boss was standing there. His sharp blue eyes were deep and his face was tense and waiting.

 Both guards hurriedly bowed. They started telling the boss what happened yesterday afternoon.

Stefan was barring his teeth while listening. When finished, his eyes had lighted up with extreme anger. His jaws tightened and he clenched his fists together.

Secretly glanced up at the boss. Seeing his razor-sharp eyes had a massive storm ready to wreck everything on his way. They felt so terrified and not dare to stare. 

"Okay. Thank you. Carry on your work."

He said with his dark undertone voice in which somehow, made the two men's hair stood up.

Stefan walked to the elevator, riding it up to Wirata's office. He took the phone out to ring his bodyguard.

 "Ben, James, call the men. Prepare the cars."

He gave a short order and then cut off. The tall body walked out of the elevator straight to her office. 

Wirata was sitting at the desk when the door was pushed open. The tall figure walked in. His face looked tense. His eyes were like he was about to kill somebody!

He pulled her to hug tightly, putting his face on her hair. He was shaking. Wirata did not know what happened to him but she put her hands around him and caressing his back gently.

She knew from his reaction, he was extremely angry and there was also a scared emotion mixed within.   that trembling big body made her tightened her arms and kept touching his back tenderly, let him rest his face on her shoulder.

"God. Wine. "

He called her name and paused as he was unable to compose a sentence.

"What's wrong, Stefan? Don't do this. You scare me."

The soft voice said.

Stefan lifted his face up and looked at her beautiful face.

"Why didn't you tell me about yesterday?"

The voice trembled, full of emotions. Wirata then knew what's wrong with him. Somebody must have told him about the incident yesterday afternoon. She sighed softly.

"If anything happened to you and the baby...Oh, God...I don't want to think..."

He continued. His eyes were bloodshot, filled with anger and pain. Wirata still was quiet. She thought to give him time to calm down first and then she would talk to him.

But he pushed her gently out of his embrace.

"You wait for me here. I'm going to finish the bastard and the bitch who dared to hurt you. Whoever dares to hurt you even only a scatch. They will pay for it!"

His voice was so tensed as he gnashed his teeth, trying to control his furious emotion.

 Then he just walked off the room. Wirata blinked and rushed after him!

"Stefan! Wait!"

Wirata shouted. The tall figure strode to the lift. He stopped and turned back to see her running.

Then Stefan hurriedly walked back to her and pulled her in his arms again. 

"I told you never to run like that. When will you listen to me? "

He scolded her but with his gentle tone. tightened his arms and kissed her forehead.

"If you stumble... Oh, God, Wine. I can't think about it."

His trembling voice made Wirata felt pain in her chest. Seeing that he gritted his teeth trying to suppress his anger.

It was a reaction that she thought he would have if he knew she had a fight and nearly got stabbed yesterday. Wirata raised her hands to touch and hold his face and then gently kissed on his chin.

"Stay with me. Don't go."

The clear voice spoke softly. Stefan was staring at her beautiful face with mixed emotions. he did not want to think that if she was not quick enough or if she did not know how to protect herself, what would happen? Stefan felt so much pain in his heart and his stomach clenched when he thought about it.

 "I won't take long. You go to wait for me in your office."

Said, the dark voice.

"In fact, I feel a little dizzy. Please take me up to the penthouse. "

The voice softened, her eyes were begging. Stefan sighed and then nodded.

"I will call a doctor."

"No need. I just want to rest for an hour." Wirata said.

Stefan took her up to the penthouse straight to the bedroom. Let her sit on the couch.

"Are you feeling sick? I will get you some juice."

He spoke to her gently and walked out to the kitchen, brought some water and juice back to the bedroom. He put them on the low table in front of the couch.

Wirata pulled him to sit next to her. He handed her a glass of water. She sipped it a little. Then he gave her juice.

"Orange juice is good for you. It helps with dizziness and morning sickness. It works for me every time."

He said to her, making Wirata smile lightly and drank some orange juice to make him happy.

She saw his face still looked tense and anxiously. Wirata leaned her head to rest on his wide chest. The strong arms then wrapped around her. 

"It probably because I didn't sleep well last night. I had a dream. It was so scary."

Said, the soft voice. Stefan raised his eyebrows.

"What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that I was so pregnant. My stomach was massive. And I felt pain, a lot of pain. Then I couldn't hold it anymore. So I called a taxi to take me to the hospital. There was only my mother with me there." 

 "Oh ... And where was I? ... You're pregnant. I am sure I would be with you there. And why did you take a taxi? Ben will drive us when the time comes. "

The dashing voice immediately interrupted as Wirata expected.

Wirata made a sad face and sighed softly.

"In the dream. You weren't there because you died. You got shot and left me and our baby alone."

The sad voice replied. Stefan gasped.


He exclaimed in a shock. She nodded.

"Yeah, you were attacked by the enemy. In the dream. You killed this guy's brother and his young brother was so angry with you. He then shot you while you were getting off the car. You died."

 She told him her dream story that made Stefan continued to gasp.

"What?!!! I was DEAD?!!!"

Stefan was still shocked. He had completely forgotten his anger.

"Yeah, I was so suffering. In the dream, it was terrible torture. I was crying so much that my baby was born without seeing his father. ... Our baby didn't even have a chance to see your face. I couldn't bear it."

Wirata said with a sober voice. Stefan was thinking along and picturing it in his head. He felt her sadness so he tightened his arms and kissed her hair. 

"It's just a bad dream. Don't be sad."

"But there is a chance. It can happen. Now, you are not alone, but you have me and our baby. You cannot do anything impulsively without thinking anymore. In life, there are consequences in every action we take. It's called karma. What do we do if we have to live without you? Just thinking of it, my heart is aching. And I don't want to live without you. "

Wirata said with a trembling voice. She felt really sad this time to think about if she did not have him in her life.

Stefan bent to kiss on her cheek.

"Don't be silly. I am still here. I will be with you and our children forever. Stop talking and stop thinking like that now. "

He ordered, cuddled her tight and rocking her back and forth to soothe her feelings.

"Please promise me that you will be with me and children forever."

"I promise. I will live till our great-grandchildren grow up and married, okay? I think that would be long enough, what do you think?"

The teasing voice made Wirata smiled.

"Yes, that will do me."


Stefan said and they cuddled one another on the couch.

Wirata sat up and looked at his face. Her huge dark brown eyes were soft. Stefan kissed on her forehead. He now felt calm down as he thought about what she said. Stefan could see a very clear picture if the future she had to live without him. the statement 'He was DEAD before seeing his child' scared him to death! It really shocked his system and it made him instantly get his sense and consciousness back.

The extreme anger that was about to explode earlier had alleviated and faded away. There was no way for him to let her be unhappy and the children were born without a father. Stefan gathered her slim body to hug again.

"You should tell me about yesterday," he said with a sigh.

"If I told you, then you would be angry just like ten minutes ago. So I don't see any benefits from telling you that. Everything has ended well. The police are proceeding with the criminals. We should let it be their duty. If you don't let it finish and go to hurt them. The story won't end. If the person you hurt has become angry, they will take revenge. It will be a cartwheel of karma going round and round endlessly.  If everyone keeps vengeance on each other, then there won't be happiness and peacefulness in the world. "

"But I hate that you were attacked and hurt. If you were defeated, I don't want to think about it. "

"Then don't think. It's wasting time to think of the past. It's gone. The fact now is I am fine. Bad people are paying for the karma they had created. We need to think ahead. Don't think backward. We can learn from the past to make a better present and for the best future. "

Stefan sighed after listening to the long lecture.

"OK, has your dizziness gone yet? I think you are fine now if you can make a long sermon like this. "

The hissing voice asked sarcastically. The big hands caressed the slender arms back and forth. His mood had cooled down this time. And he knew that she determined to persuade him to be conscious. Stefan sighed, pressing his chin on her smart head.

"Yes. I feel a lot better after drinking your juice. Thank you."

She said with her sweet smile and shining eyes.

"You are a crafty woman, you know that?"

He mumbled with a knowing tone. Wirata widened her smile gladly to know that he got what she was trying to tell him. 

Stefan's phone made a noise. He picked it up. It was James who was calling.

"We are ready, boss."

James's tense voice reported. Stefan sighed.

"Call it off, James."

The powerful voice ordered into the phone and he heard James sighed with relief before the line was cut off.

Wirata smiled sweetly at the big man. He stared into her eyes and made a fierce face.

"I will be honest with you. I still feel very angry. The bastard and the bitch who hurt you, don't let me know when they come out of jail. I might pay them a visit!"

The godfather was not throwing away his style easily.

But just this, Wirata was satisfied and happy that he listened. Showing how much love he had for her and their baby. She kissed on his cheek gently.

"You are a smart man."


"Also a good man."


"Hm, reasonable as well."


"Very handsome and very strong. You have the potential to be a very good family man."

The handsome face then smiled broadly.

"I like that one. And now let me comfort and soothe my baby. He must be scared since yesterday."

The man said and knelt down on the floor. He kissed her stomach all over.

"Don't be afraid, baby. Daddy is here. When you come out. I will teach you to shoot, to fight and to kick ass. You don't have to fear anyone. You are Stefan Mackenzie's son."

The father's messages to the baby!

And now he started to think that his first offspring would be a baby boy!

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