
Chapter 199: Respectable elder!

Chapter 199: Respectable elder!

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

The weekend would always pass by so quickly. It was already Sunday night despite very little having happened on the weekend.

Ma Wentao’s new hospital had yet to open. Zhang Fan was in no hurry about this. He figured that such a thing had to be taken slowly.

Shao Hua had also been incredibly busy over the past few days. Her best friend Jia Suyue was crying every day at home. Jia Suyue’s parents couldn’t do anything about it, so they kept calling Shao Hua over to console her. Jia Suyue was rather angry at her boyfriend Le Jie after the incident where Zhu Bing was stabbed, since Le Jie had been too paralyzed to even try and help.

This was simply human nature. When someone else was rough and brave, maybe the person would prefer a smart and gentlemanly type. But later on, the person would then prefer the rough and brave type in a different situation. People would never be satisfied.

“I just scolded him a little and walked off while pretending to be angry. But, Le Jie didn’t even try to console me. He kept the same expression even from start to finish, without even a sign of a reaction! Three days later, I couldn’t help but go look for him, but then I discovered that he was having coffee with another woman!”

“Oh! Did you go up to him and slap him?” Shao Hua worriedly looked at Jia Suyue’s face, but saw no signs that the latter had gotten into a fight.

“No. I just secretly left!”


“I don’t know! Hua, have you ever had an argument with Zhang Fan?”

“Not yet. He’s always incredibly busy every day, so he’s super fatigued when he comes back home. He just lies down on the sofa and does nothing at all, as if he’s a landlord. Sometimes, I do get angry at him. But, I feel like I shouldn’t get angry at him whenever I see how exhausted he is!” Shao Hua answered gently while caressing Jia Suyue’s hair.

“Hua, what do you think? Should we women strive for our ideal love? Or should we women simply make do and get married and have children with a so-so man?” Jia Suyue asked as her eyes reddened.

“Of course we women should strive for ideal love. But, Yueyue, have ever thought about how love will always have to face daily life? What will you do then? The countless matters of daily life can be so stressful. How can we still strive for our ideals then? I’ve also dreamed of holding hands with Zhang Fan while taking walks outside, going to view peach flowers in spring, walking in the forest with him in summer, picking grapes in autumn, and curling up in his lap like a kitten in winter. But right now, even having the time to chat with him is an extravagance.”

“Do you regret things?” Jia Suyue asked.

“What is there to regret? Although Zhang Fan isn’t romantic, and he’s a bit dense, he feels really reliable. My dad’s always sighed so much about not having a son. Ever since Zhang Fan started coming over to my family’s place, my dad’s attitude has been so different,” Shao Hua said rather proudly.

“Then what do you think I should do? I really do like Le Jie!”

“Only you can decide this, because you’re the one who will be spending the rest of your life with him. But, look at the current situation. It seems that Le Jie doesn’t care all that much about you. You really must consider things carefully. Otherwise, you really will regret things after marriage.”

“Hua, I want to leave Chasu City now!” Jia Suyue said rather pitifully.

“That’s enough. Don’t say things like that. If you leave here, you won’t even be able to support yourself. Your parents will also be really worried. Come, let’s wash your face! Is my young and beautiful Yueyue really afraid of such a small setback? You should clean yourself up, stand in front of Le Jie, and loudly tell him to get the hell out of your life!”

“Hahaha!” Jia Suyue was amused by Shao Hua’s suggestion!

Tang Yuan was now at the most difficult stage of losing weight. She had lost an obvious amount of it by now. However, she kept feeling hungrier and hungrier. Her bad eating habits gained over the past three years threatened to take over her yet again. She was no longer able to control her mouth. Sometimes, just emphasizing self-discipline wouldn’t be enough, as not all people would have enough self-discipline.

Zhang Fan observed this for two days before deciding to treat Tang Yuan with some medicine. In internal medicine, the important part was prevention, not treatment. But due to various factors, hospitals were the opposite of this, focusing far more on treatment than prevention.

Television would have plenty of weight loss product commercials. There were also large weight loss hospitals that seemed magnificent, but they wouldn’t even have a proper or professional health lecture available. Instead, they would hold all sorts of classes on so-called health foods, health equipment, medical equipment, and so on. They would scam away many older people’s retirement money, in addition to causing them more physical problems.

The endocrinology department received such an older patient who had been scammed. This patient was even a fairly high-ranked government leader. A group of scammers from another province had come to Chasu City and reserved the most expensive suite in Chasu City’s best hotel as their workplace. These scammers then sent out advertisements to older people at retirement homes and treatment centers. The scammers claimed to have invited an expert doctor from Beijing to specially come over to Chasu City to treat retired government leaders. However, this treatment would only be available for government leaders who had sufficient ranking. Otherwise, the doctor wouldn’t even treat you.

This instantly helped the scammers to gain great popularity. Government leaders would really care about hierarchy amongst themselves. Those who were lower in rank would definitely try to gift more money to the “expert doctor” in order to receive treatment as a way of gaining face. There were even some who claimed to have an illness even though they were perfectly well in order to have the expert doctor see them.

In just one short week, the scammers successfully obtained several million yuan. They then immediately ran off with the money. Several years later, this scammer group was finally captured in another province. Only then did everyone learn that this had been one of their higher-level scams. Their low-level scam was aimed at ordinary older people, luring gullible older people with an offer of free eggs and then brainwashing them!

If only local hospitals would organize large-scale lectures on how to take care of your personal health by expert doctors on a regular basis, surely such scams would greatly decrease in number! However, nobody cared to do such a thing. Thus, the Chinese people would waste several billion yuan per year on treatments and health products that they didn’t actually need.

Tang Yuan was no longer able to maintain her diet, but Zhang Fan couldn’t allow his previous hard work to go to waste. Thus, he started a level two preventative measure for Tang Yuan. He prescribed a weight loss medicine for Tang Yuan. This weight loss medicine would only be used to treat patients with obesity rather than being used to try and make anyone beautiful.

This medicine was Orlistat, a weight loss medicine with rather minimal known side effects. Orlistat would promote weight loss by decreasing the amount of dietary fat absorbed in your intestines, doing so by inhibiting lipase, an enzyme found in the digestive tract. Although Orlistat was one of the weight loss medicines with the fewest side effects, one unfortunate side effect it did have was that you would have to poop more often.

“Tang Yuan, I’m prescribing this medicine for you today. However, this will be your final chance to be treated through internal medicine. If you’re still unable to control yourself, I’ll have to meet you at the surgical department next time.”

“Doctor Zhang, I’ll definitely listen to you! I absolutely won’t secretly eat anything again! I won’t secretly eat anything even if I starve to death!” promised Tang Yuan.

“I hope so!”

An entire arduous month then passed. Tang Yuan found it quite difficult, but Zhang Fan found it even more difficult. The two of them finally overcame Tang Yuan’s poor dietary habits together. Tang Yuan’s weight was finally decreasing steadily again.

“Thank you, Doctor Zhang. I might really have died of obesity without you.”

“You’re exaggerating. Any other doctor would help you as well. You absolutely must continue to maintain your diet and exercise after you leave the hospital. I’ll even go support you the next time that you’re on stage as a model! I’ll be able to brag that I know you! Good luck.”

“Thank you!” Tang Yuan hugged Zhang Fan with tears in her eyes. Zhang Fan stood at the entrance of the endocrinology department as he watched the still round Tang Yuan walk off, albeit she now had much lighter footsteps than when she first arrived.

“How were things? Did you learn anything?” Director Dilibaer suddenly appeared right next to Zhang Fan as if she was a ghost.

“Oh, Teacher! Yes, I’ve learned so many things.”

“Have you ever considered fully focusing on internal medicine?”

“Not for the time being! I feel that my personality isn’t suited for internal medicine!” Zhang Fan hurriedly made his attitude clear.

“Sigh! That’s such a pity. You can go now. You’ve officially graduated from the endocrinology department! I hope that you’ll have a bright path ahead of you!”

“Thank you!” Zhang Fan decided to imitate Tang Yuan as he hugged this lonely old woman. Director Dilibaer was someone who acted cold but actually had a warm heart. Her own difficulties in life hadn’t wiped away the kindness in her heart!

She was a respectable elder!

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