
Chapter 192: Sorry, I need to go perform a surgery!

Chapter 192: Sorry, I need to go perform a surgery!

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

When it came to street fights, youngsters who weren’t even 20 years old yet or strong middle-aged men past 40 would actually be the scariest opponents. The first type would still be immature and unable to control themselves. They would likely cause serious injury to others in a fight by accidentally using too much force. However, the second type was scarier, because those middle-aged men past 40 years old would have experienced many dark things in society already. They would have darker hearts and care less about society, not caring about what happened to themselves or others. That was why this second type of person having a fight would usually end in a major incident, since they would always attack fatal spots in the most violent and direct manner!

This was easy to tell just by looking at people who were injured and hospitalized after fights. Fight injuries between young people would appear quite vicious, with a swollen face, black eye, or blood all over the body, but those would actually only be lighter superficial injuries.

Meanwhile, fights between older middle-aged men would have fewer superficial injuries in the end. However, the injured locations were often quite fatal. Older men would have a lot more fighting experience, even if their bodies weren’t as strong as younger people’s bodies. When fighting, it would be no accident at all if such a person killed another during a fight, because they would know exactly where to aim to cause maximum damage!

Zhu Bing was a policeman. He had to participate in martial arts training on almost a weekly basis. About four or five hoodlums came after him. In normal circumstances, these hoodlums wouldn’t be enough to deal with Zhu Bing, as even if he couldn’t win, he would be able to run away. However, today he couldn’t run away, because his goddess was behind him! He had also drunk several beers already, so his movements were a bit slower than normal.

The hoodlums didn’t talk, but they were quite vicious. They immediately started attacking Zhu Bing without saying a word. The fight lasted just under a minute. Zhu Bing managed to knock over several of the hoodlums with his punches and kicks. However, the hoodlums still greatly outnumbered him. The first hoodlum who had been molesting Lu Renjia and then knocked over by Zhu Bing’s lightning kick had recovered. He took advantage of an opening while Zhu Bing was busy fighting his friends and stabbed his dagger into the left side of Zhu Bing’s chest, aiming straight for the heart! He and his friends then immediately ran away without even looking at the results! To them, Zhu Bing’s life didn’t matter at all. The most important thing to them was to immediately run away from the scene of the crime!

Lu Renjia hurriedly ran into the karaoke room. She was panting heavily. As she ran, she started to phone her father’s personal secretary. When she entered the karaoke room, she immediately said, “Zhang Fan, someone tried to molest me. He and his gang are trying to attack Zhu Bing right now. Hurry and go help Zhu Bing.” She then spoke into her phone to the secretary, “We’re at Scenic Kingdom Karaoke. Hurry! There’s many of them.”

Zhang Fan immediately exited the karaoke room when he heard this. Although Zhang Fan’s fighting skills were only average, he figured he could try to mediate the fight. The women also followed after Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan swiftly walked out of the karaoke room. By this time, Zhu Bing had already collapsed in the karaoke bar’s hallway with a visible pool of fresh blood spreading out from around him. Several of the karaoke bar’s servers and various other customers were standing around Zhu Bing, shouting for others or making phone calls. These people all knew that it would be dangerous to just try and move someone with a serious injury since they had often been in entertainment venues before.

Zhang Fan saw that something seemed to be wrong, so he hurriedly ran over. Lu Renjia saw Zhu Bing at this time as well. She screamed his name at the top of her lungs.

Zhang Fan went over and instantly saw a dagger buried in the left side of Zhu Bing’s chest. There was already a significant amount of blood.

“Damn!” Zhang Fan immediately became nervous. The left side of the chest housed the heart as well as major blood vessels and a lung. These were all vitally important. If one of these was struck, then there wouldn’t even be a chance to save him! Every single minute would be critical.

Shao Hua’s and Jia Suyue’s face was going pale. Lu Renjia was so scared that she didn’t know what to do anymore. She kept muttering, “How could this have happened! How could this have happened!”

Le Jie stood next to Jia Suyue. His face was also incredibly pale as he watched what was going on. Someone like him with a rich upbringing and proper lifestyle had never seen something like this before.

Zhang Fan immediately checked the pulse in Zhu Bing’s neck. “Heavens! He still has a pulse!” Zhang Fan couldn’t bother right now about all the blood as he immediately kneeled by Zhu Bing’s side, tore off Zhu Bing’s clothes, and shouted towards Shao Hua and the other women, “Call for an ambulance immediately!”

When it came to such knife injuries, it would be dangerous to remove the dagger. It would also be dangerous to let the dagger keep moving. He couldn’t count on Jia Suyue or Lu Renjia for any help here, as both of them were too scared by what they saw. Shao Hua was doing better, but only slightly. Her hand trembled so much that she had trouble dialing for an ambulance on her phone! Although Le Jie was a man, he wasn’t very brave. His mouth was now so dry that he was unable to speak. He felt as if his tongue had fallen down into his stomach. A new friend that he had just been eating and drinking with was lying in a pool of blood a few minutes later. This all seemed so scary!

In the end, Shao Hua managed to successfully call 120 1and stutter out the karaoke bar’s address! Zhang Fan immediately began emergency treatment for Zhu Bing. For a knife injury like this, the first step would be to stop the bleeding and close the lung injury.

Zhang Fan swiftly removed Zhu Bing’s clothes. The dagger was incredibly sharp. It had stabbed directly into the left side of his chest, in between the rib bones. Large amounts of blood with air bubbles were pouring out from his injury. Not only that, Zhu Bing was beginning to choke as he kept coughing out blood from his mouth.

There was no other good method available, so Zhang Fan stopped the bleeding by placing his hand on the injury. He then told the karaoke bar employees to immediately go find scissors and clean towels for him. However, not a single person would listen to him.

“Hurry! If he dies here, all of you will be to blame as well.” However, Zhang Fan’s words were unable to scare any of the onlookers into moving. The onlookers were all either ordinary employees of the karaoke bar, or the karaoke bar’s other customers. They were all the type who wouldn’t care about such a major incident. Only the karaoke bar’s boss would care, but the boss wasn’t present. In the end, the karaoke bar manager was the only one who hurriedly went to find what Zhang Fan requested.

As for the others? They had seen far too many similar incidents before. They were all on the lowest rungs of society. They would prefer to hide from such incidents rather than get involved in any way. If the victim here had died, then they would be able to help out a little because a murder case would mean that the perpetrator would likely be executed or severely punished. But if the victim didn’t die? Well, who could guarantee that the perpetrator didn’t have some friends among the onlookers? What if the gang of hoodlums came back to take revenge on those who helped out? The people here at the karaoke bar knew that it was likely for criminal organizations to appear here. Not only that, the karaoke bar manager had told the employees before they were hired to try their best to avoid getting involved in fights between customers here. This was part of common scene in China; people would often be cold-blooded since they didn’t want to get involved and land in trouble.

The karaoke bar manager ran quickly and brought several clean towels and a pair of scissors. “Could you please cut those towels into long strips for me?” Zhang Fan requested as he continued to block Zhu Bing’s injury with his hand while clearing out the blood from Zhu Bing’s mouth. Currently, Zhu Bing was only semi-conscious.

The karaoke bar manager was someone who had seen major incidents before. He also knelt next to Zhu Bing and started swiftly cutting up the towels while also saying, “Bro, are you this person’s friend? It seems that you understand some medical treatment? I’ve already called the police, so don’t be so worried!” For incidents like this, the manager would always call the police first, and only call for an ambulance second.

“I’m a surgeon from Chasu City Hospital.” Zhang Fan had to explain this to the karaoke bar manager, who was trying to determine Zhang Fan’s identity. If Zhang Fan didn’t explain things clearly, it was likely that the karaoke bar manager wouldn’t actually give the cut towel strips to Zhang Fan.

“Hurry and come help me. Should we cut all of the towels?” Only now did the karaoke bar manager order his employees to come and assist upon confirming that Zhang Fan was a doctor.

“Yes, cut them all into connected long strips.”

Since the employees were all helping out now, the process took only a few minutes to complete. “Bro, come help support my friend. Have his back slightly leave the ground. You absolutely must be gentle and steady,” Zhang Fan asked the karaoke bar manager. None of the other people were willing to come forward and get involved, so the manager was the only person he could rely on.

Jia Suyue and the other women had recovered slightly by now as well. Jia Suyue lightly pushed Le Jie, who was standing next to her. Although she didn’t say it out loud, her meaning was obvious. She wanted Le Jie to go and help Zhang Fan. Le Jie also wanted to help out, but his legs had lost all energy, and he was unable to take even a single step. Although Lu Renjia and Shao Hua’s faces were still pale with fright, they had also recovered a bit by now, and immediately went up to go help Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had been especially worried that the dagger had stabbed the heart or a major blood vessel. However, even though the dagger had clearly stabbed into the 4th intercostal space, Zhu Bing’s pulse was still quite strong and he kept coughing.

Zhang Fan touched the area slightly and instantly learned the reason why. He had been so scared for Zhu Bing that he had been breaking out in a cold sweat before this. Zhang Fan used the towel cloth strips as makeshift bandages around Zhu Bing’s injury, finally finishing up with a knot on Zhu Bing’s chest before heaving a long sigh of relief.

Not long after, a man who appeared to be in his late 30s arrived together with a group of policemen. “Brother Weijun!” Lu Renjia finally started crying uncontrollably as she grabbed on to the middle-aged man’s arm.

“Jiajia, let’s not cry. Hurry and get on the car to go to the hospital.” This middle-aged man was Zhang Weijun, Lu Renjia’s father’s personal secretary. That was his first response to Lu Renjia, whose hands were all bloody from helping Zhang Fan with Zhu Bing. Zhang Weijun was under the impression that Lu Renjia had been injured.

“I’m fine. Hurry and help Zhu Bing! He did it for my sake! For my sake!!”

Not long after, the ambulance arrived as well. When Chasu City Hospital’s emergency doctor saw that Zhang Fan was here, he immediately asked, “What happened, Doctor Zhang?”

“The patient was stabbed in the left side of the chest and requires immediate surgery. First put on a mask and open up the vein channels and administer intramuscular injection of morphine.” Zhang Fan immediately spoke to the policemen after that. “Hurry and come help out here by lifting the patient up onto the stretcher.”

With Lu Renjia, who was the daughter of a politician, present, the policemen were highly cooperative. Zhang Weijun went over to the side to make a phone call.

Zhang Fan got onto the ambulance as well, not caring that his clothes were now covered in Zhu Bing’s blood. Before he got on the ambulance, he told Shao Hua, “Sorry! I need to go perform surgery now. You should hurry home! Definitely be careful on the way back!”

“I’ll be fine. No need to worry about me. You should be careful yourself!”

The ambulance then turned on its sirens as it left!

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