
Chapter 29 - Battle Is On (11)

Wirata woke up at six o'clock in the morning. When she was aware of someone's mouth and tongue sucking and licking her breasts. She jerked up.

"Stefan ... Stop!"

Wirata thought she was shouting out loud but she was surprised to hear that her voice was hoarse. That must have been because of all the shouting she made last night. Her face went stern immediately.

Wirata felt pain through her body when moving, especially, the delicate part, reminding her that thing was not the same anymore.

Wirata looked at the face of the man who she was having a bad dream about. In her dream, he was chasing you like a boogyman and she ran for her life.

And here, the dream came true!

She just saw clearly that the colorful tattoo on his chest was an eagle, on each of his arms was a dragon. He also had some more on the back of his neck. She thought it looked like the sun and the infinity symbol.

Stefan lifted a corner of his mouth. Satisfied that he could get her mad for the start of the day. He pressed his weight on her slim figure, sinking her deep into the mattress.

"Had a good sleep hah? You were snoring very loudly."

Stefan said with a straight face and it made Wirata blushed. She widened her eyes and pushed him off her.

"You're an idiot! I never snore, get off me now! You are as heavy as a bear."

Wirata snapped back. Stefan smiled at her ruddy face. She tried to hide her awkwardness under her angry expression. She looked so cute in an unexplainable way. Messy hair, her lips were a bit swollen from his kisses. She also looked worn out and tired and Stefan knew it was because of him. She winced when moving. He lifted his brown, got off her slender figure and put his arm on her belly.

"Are you hurt?"

Asking with a bit of concern in his voice. Wirata chose to stay quiet, she felt angry with what he had done to her and did not want to talk to him but wanted to strangle him instead.

Stefan sat up and moved down, reached to widen her legs. Wirata jerked and yelled and kicked.

"What are you doing?!!"

She shouted and pulled her legs away but he didn't let go. The big hands held her thighs. He lied down between her legs and Wirata screamed when he stared at her! Very closely!

Stefan looked up with an irritated gaze when he heard her screaming.

"Hey! Stop behaving like a child. I'm going to see if you're hurt or have any severe damages there." He scolded like she was a child and was silly to scream. This man was beyond unbelievable!

"I AM OKAY! Let go of my legs. Don't look, No. No. Don't touch."

Wirata shouted and tried to close her legs but he was so strong. She got up and hit him with her fist on his shoulder. He sent her an annoyed and edgy look.

"Don't try me Wirata. If you don't stop yelling, I'll make love to you like I did last night."

He threatened and that seemed to work because she stopped immediately. Wirata flung herself back down on the mattress covered her face with her hands, couldn't look at him and the way he was lying down there.

Stefan was staring at her beauty. Pure beauty.

"Let me see."

He murmured then lifted her legs up in an M shape to have a better view. The view that made his heartbeat quickened up. She looked...Hm, pink and, yummy.

Stefan pushed his lustful thought away as he knew she was not ready yet. He knew a woman's body and he wasn't a cruel man after all.

Felt relief not seeing any torn wound. Saw a couple of mild red spots on the bedsheet. He knew she was painful inside. Somehow he could almost feel her pain he looked up at her. A smile spread through his face with amusement when seeing she covering her face like a little girl.

Stefan felt like teasing the little girl, so he blew air into her pink and that made her body jerk up. As a result, her leg kicked his shoulder. He flinched a little and grabbed her legs again then held them down.

"Stop being a bully Stefan! I want to take a shower and go home. You can't keep me here without my willingness. It's against the laws!"

Wirata said angrily, her face was sulky and her eyes were full of hate. Stefan raised his brow.

"I thought we had a deal?"

Stefan reminded her. Wirata bit her lower lip. Her brain still blurred and couldn't think straight. She needed a shower, a big cup of strong coffee and then to find a way to get out of here.

Wirata eventually remembered that who she was dealing with. She couldn't win this mad bad-ass Stefan with force and with an argument. But calmness might give her a chance.

"Look! I am tired and I need a shower and a cup of coffee, or I won't talk to you about anything at all!"

She managed to say in a calm voice.

"You seem to forget who is the boss here and who's an employee."

The harsh voice said, then he shrugged.

"Well, anyway, I sacked you. You're fired. You are not working at my company anymore."

Stefan continued and made sure she got it. Wirata gasped with a shocked face.

"What games are you playing now?"

She couldn't get her head around where this statement came from. What had to do with her job?! She had just started and if he was clever enough, he should have let her work her socks off for him to pay her step-father's debt.

"Playing games? Me? Listen. I don't play games. And what I say, it means what I say."

Yeah. That was very clear, as clear as a smoky cloud! Wirata shut her eyes and rubbed her forehead. She definitely needed a shower and a giant cup of very strong coffee! Before she had the second round of fighting with this idiot jackass Stefan Mackenzie.

While they were arguing, Wirata seemed to forget that he was still lying down between her legs, so when the fresh air was blown into her very center from his mouth, she jumped and yelped with the unexpected move he created, again.

Wirata opened her eyes widely, seeing the smirking face of the mad man who caused her creepy goosebumps all over her body.

"I haven't finished checking you up for your health and safety yet."

The husky voice said and without further warning. He held down her legs and bent his head down, his tongue stroked her pinky center.

Wirata screamed and wiggled, kicked and flicked, did whatever she could to stop him. She got up and gave him fists on his shoulders and his back.

"No, stop. You! Bad evil. Stefan!"

She shouted and gave him some good punches.

But he decided not to stop. So it was an awkward fight, one was licking and sucking hard and the other one was punching and beating hard, too.

His wet tongue was flicking on her rapidly, Wirata was fighting off the feeling of burning desire she had just tasted last night. When he refused to stop but using all his tricks as an expert in bed to allure the innocent prey, not for long, the punches were slow down and her breathing was quickening, she stopped beating him and flung herself down on the mattress. She gave herself up and cried out, completely lost to him. Lost.

Stefan felt satisfied to win her. He tasted her sweetness as his winning prize. Now she should remember who she was dealing with.

The soft skin and flower-scented body made him feel the lustful desire. Felt the heat went through his veins and it got higher and higher. His erection throbbed and he ached for her. Looking up at her soft figure. She was not ready for him, he shouldn't bother, should just do what he wanted. But Stefan got off the bed, gathered her up into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

She asked with a hollowed voice, still hearing her heart beating in her ears which sounded like big drums playing in there. Felt her whole body boneless, which made her cling to him helplessly.

"I thought you want a shower?" He said then carried her to his massive luxurious bathroom.

Stefan put her down standing under the rain-shower, pushed a button and the water pouring on her. He soaped her.

"Your hair,...want me to wash it for you as well?"

He asked and then realized that he not supposed to ask and do anything for her. Stefan had never done this to any woman. In the shower, he just had sex, not washing and soaping a woman to waste his time.


Yeah, he hated the word BUT...

But this woman. She was... She was...hmm, yeah, she was Sam's friend. That's right. That was the reason he treated her differently. Stefan sighed, feeling relief to find a good reason to support his behavior.

Wirata let him did what he wanted. She decided not to speak to him. He let her lean on his chest, soaked her with shampoo on her head and rubbed it into her hair, not so gently. His hand grabbed a sponge, put some shower cream on it and rubbed it all over her back. Then he rubbed on her breasts.

Stefan got so hot and so hard with her soft body leaning against him like this. His erection was throbbing and rubbing on her lower back. He used the sponge stroke her nice pair of breasts, her nipples getting hard and her head leaning on his chest. Her height, when stood up tall, was about under his chin.

She was slim from outside, but when taking all the clothes off, she was so beautiful in every inch, full rounded breasts, small waist, nice buts, smooth flawless skin and she smelled like unknown flowers. It was a mysterious charming scent he had never forgotten from four years ago.

"Ouch! My eyes. The shampoo got into my eyes. Ah, water. Please, ouch...hurry!"

Her voice pulled him back to reality. Stefan did not realize he was carried away by her sexy figure under the shower.

Hurried to grab the showerhead to spray water into her face.

"Why are you so stupid? Why didn't you close your eyes hah?"

He scolded at her. It was his style to shout because he had got the right to do so. But his big hand lifted up her chin and sprayed water on until she made a stop signal. Stefan passed a towel to her. Wirata wiped her face then he helped to rinse her body.

Wirata bent down and accidentally saw his erection. She turned away hurriedly, her face was flushed. She stepped out of the shower, used the big towel to wrap herself.

"Coffee." He said.

"What?" She acted like she was floating somewhere. Wirata tried to pull herself together. She blinked rapidly without knowing.

Stefan turned to glance at the way the slim figure wrapped in a big towel standing blinking like a little girl. She was...cute.

"You said you wanted a coffee, did you? Go to the kitchen and make some for me as well."

The bossy voice ordered then turned back to face the wall again and showered, didn't pay attention to her anymore.

Wirata was fully alert at this minute after listening to his words. He was still showering, so it was her opportunity to get out of here!

"Don't even think about it. To escape without my permission, you will face the consequence and you won't like it. We have a deal to discuss."

The dark voice said without turning to look at Wirata. She pulled her face then walked out of the bathroom.

Wirata hurried to gather her dress. the reflection in the mirror showed some red marks on her neck and her breasts Her face got hot from the shame toward what happened last night.

A deal to be his woman for one year? That was not going to happen! She couldn't stand to be in the same space with him and breath in the same air. What she felt about him four years ago couldn't compare to what she was feeling about him right now.

But she wouldn't say much. The goal for her now was to get out of here and disappear forever. Wirata put the dress on quickly and walked out to the living room. This place was spacious. She didn't know where he put the keycard. Wirata opened the cabinet draws near the door.

"Are you looking for this?"

The dark voice spoke from behind, Wirata jerked and spun to face him. The tall masculine figure with colorful tattoos on his chest and his arms was standing there, had only a towel wrapped around his waist. In his hand, showing a keycard. Wirata's face turned sullen.

"I'm looking for... the kitchen!"

She said. Stefan raised his eyebrow up, trying to hide the amusement under his dark look.

"Definitely not in there. Walk to the back, you'll find it there. I'll be with you in five minutes."

Stefan gave her I-know-what-you're-thinking glance then walked back to his bedroom.

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