
Chapter 225 - Gathering Resources Part 1

"Lady Raven," an elegant voice called respectfully to the crimson-purple haired girl that was standing under the night purple sky of this strange planet.

The little girl and her subordinates have been clearing out portals relentlessly in order to ensure that planet Earth, Gaia, gets powerful enough to withstand the coming war.

"Lady Raven," the voice repeated after realising that the girl was not paying much attention, but rather was staring at the sparkling night stars above her head.

"Hm? Ah, Abbadon, what is it?" The girl asked while keeping her eyes focused on the cosmos above.

"I was wondering, are you planning on sharing the news of war with the human governments and organizations?" Abbadon asked calmly.

"Uhm," the girl nodded absent-mindedly. "I guess I should…"


The girl sighed before lowering her gaze from the night sky and instead focusing at the strange castle in front of her with the countless alien soldiers staring at her warily.

"But what good will that do?" Her eyes seemed to be full of pity and uncertainty. "Humans are weak. Even the EDA that is the most powerful organisation on Earth… they're all pitifully weak…" she subconsciously brushed her plushy hair to the side, away from her eyes, as she let out another sigh.

She was nervous. This little girl that was feeling the weight of the near future crushing down her shoulders… 

Although she didn't admit it openly, she was scared.

"Abbadon, how do you think people will react when realising that the angels of judgement, whom they some even worship, have deemed them unworthy of living?" The girl asked while casually creating a fierce golden orb of mana on the palm of her right hand.

"Lady Raven," the stoic and elegant voice called calmly. "Are you not forgetting the other part of that question?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" She asked, her soft and silky hair swaying left and right by the pressure the golden mana orb in her hand was exerting. 

The ground started to shake under her feet as the night sky started losing colour.

"Lady Raven," the daemon in the dark royal garment smiled sincerely. "You forgot to ask- How do you think people will react when they hear that you, our mighty mistress, is standing by their side?

"How will the EDA react when they hear of your plans? How will they react when they realise that you will not allow those arrogant angels to harm their planet?

"Lady Raven… Earth- no, Gaia is your friend. And you will not let your friends get hurt, isn't that correct?" The daemon's smile was sincere and warm. If any of his subordinates saw him like that, they would have no choice but to think that he's a completely different person.


The crimson-purple haired girl sighed while watching the alien soldiers in front of her shake at the mana swirling around her. 'I have already let my friends down though…' she thought with a sad smile, remembering a precious person to her heart. 'Maya…'

The daemon seemed to understand his mistress's train of thoughts, that's why he instantly interjected, "Lady Raven, I believe that you will not allow that to happen twice, isn't that enough of a guarantee for our success?"

"... Will not allow that to happen twice?" She repeated absently trying to understand those words as the golden orb seemed to get smaller and smaller, yet its destructive power was only being amplified beyond reason.

'Ah, that's true…' she thought to herself, realising what her subordinate had meant. 'I have already let Maya down once… But there's no way I'd let that happen a second time.

'No matter what or who is controlling her mind and making her think about destroying Earth, I will not allow that to happen. 

'Whether it's the other angels, or the Supreme Deity herself… I'll make sure there's nothing left of them after their attack. There's no way I'd let them hurt my family…'

'Raven, the orb!' A voice called in the girl's mind.

'Oh, sorry I wasn't thinking,' the crimson-purple haired girl apologized with a weak smile as she started absorbing parts of the golden orb back into her body so that she didn't blast this whole planet. 

She was only aiming for the castle after all.

This young mistress and her baneful executioner were currently 'negotiating' with the royal faction of the aliens in one of the portals. Those portals naturally lead to different planets.

Unlike mindless monsters, aliens had some level of intelligence as humans. Albeit rare, some aliens even exceeded the average human levels of intelligence.

That's why it wasn't practical to destroy every portal without attempting some negotiations. 

"This is your last chance," the young mistress called out in the alien tongue thanks to her little dark purple haired friend. "Are you sure you don't want to submit to me? If you do, you might live. If you don't, well…"

As her soft yet chilly voice trailed off, the aliens instantly gulped while looking at the golden orb in her hand. While she had absorbed most of its energy, what was left was more than enough to destroy the castle they considered to be their safe haven.

"Please wait!" A shaking alien voice called out in fear. A large alien with four tentacles protruding out of its upper body was floating midair as its lower body, consisting of two human legs, seemed to follow behind independently. "We will surrender! We will submit to you!"

On top of this alien's head was a star-like crown that made it look special. 

"It is safe to assume that you're the ruler of this castle?" The young mistress asked with a stoic expression.

"Correct," the shaking voice of the alien was heard again as it slowly descended to the ground. A couple of armoured aliens tried to follow. But they didn't move as their ruler raised a tentacle in the air.

Allowing its lower body to kneel in front of the misleadingly cute human looking girl, the aliens ruler took a deep breath as it wanted to speak, but was interrupted before even starting.

"Good," the girl said. "Now since you've submitted to me, you will be my messengers on this planet. You will spread the word of my arrival and make everyone else submit to me, do you understand?"

The residents of this castle were only one faction living on this planet. Many others, with similar castles, were spread around too.

"But- but- we… we are weak!" The alien ruler muttered with a shaking body.

"Hm, that is true, I suppose. But that is fine," she said with a smile. "You will only act as my guides and messengers as I've said before. I will send a guard with you to guarantee you do your job well."

"A- a guard?" The alien ruler could not help but stutter.

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