
Chapter 8 - Nightmares Of A Lone Kid Part 4

* Played "Hypnotic - Evan Hood (Zella Day Cover)" while writing this *

AN: the following content might (probably will) be sensitive to most readers. Don't read unless 18+ of age, and with a strong heart. You've been warned!


Maria Bawlden was one of the most known and respected doctors in Torinto city, as well as one of the most feared criminal masterminds in the underworld, under the name Black Wing.

Her name came as a tribute to her black mask that's taken the shape of an angel's left wing covering only the upper part of her face, leaving her shining sapphire blue eyes as the last memory of her victims.

She didn't have any weird abilities or anything that made her special, except for that mind of hers.

She's always been a master of manipulation and trickery to the point where playing people seemed easier than playing a stupid game of cards.

Yet, all of her connections and knowledge could do nothing to help her when she was suddenly struck by a strange disease, that even she as the "genius doctor" was left both hopeless and helpless against.

What she's built over the past fifteen years was all about to come crashing down on her now burying her, head first, in deep regrets.

After searching for all of the different possible solutions was proven pointless, she's almost given up.

She started taking drugs that could do her no good, just to subdue the pain for a couple of minutes.

Or even paying a huge sum of money for any dumb excuse of a research, forcing different institutions of taking her blood samples and conducting whatever experiments they can to find a small tweak in the disease's DNA, in the hopes of finding something that can extend her lifespan, even if just by a little.

Yet, all was waste.

Her health went downhill.

And so did her hair.

Pain was like her old friend that's always been there for her, no amount of drugs can keep them separated for more than mere moments.

Naturally, when someone gets sick, especially if that someone is a genius well known doctor, people start to talk.

And with that illness being so severe to be called a terminal illness, almost everyone has already heard the news.

As Black Wing however, only a handful of close connections knew about her condition.

Black Wing couldn't let anyone find the connection between her disease and that of Maria Bawlden, yet she had to ask for help.

Abiding caution in order to protect her future life and career plans would be pointless if she had none ahead of her.

Both Maria and Black Wing were technically counting their last days.

That was, until one of her criminal connections had given her a call.

Black Wing has never been a fan of Lady Luck, but she's proven countless times that she's one of the few people she can count on when it comes to backing her up.

Nonetheless, she's never liked her ways of doing things.

Even for a criminal like her, child r*ping was a big fat No-No.

Or so she thought.

Knowing that your death is just around the corner would always open a few extra options for you, after all. Just like having a premium life plan!

She was so desperate that when Lady Luck had told her she's found her a cure from her disease, she hadn't questioned her motives or the price.

Nor when she's told her that her cure has taken the form of a twelve-year-old boy.

No, she was at that point that even if someone stabbed her she'd be thankful to have been given salvation of that horrible illness.

That's why Maria would've preferred to die.

But little did she know, Black Wing had other plans.


Waking up near the almost naked young boy besides her, with herself being fully naked too, was so much of a shock that Maria couldn't help but slap herself a couple of times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

However, remembering yesterday's details wasn't so much of a shock when she's realized that her old friend had left her alone for the first time in months.

"Pain! No pain! I can't feel the pain!" she exclaimed out loud without even noticing, her hands trying to cover her mouth and loud voice.

Her surprise hadn't stopped there, not at all.

As soon as she tried to use the bathroom in their room and wash up, she noticed her hair.

The fully silky hair she's forgotten she's ever had.

"OMG this is unreal!" she couldn't help but look at her now adorable, and some might say cute, face.

"No way!"

Her previously sickly pale complexion had been replaced with her previous healthy rosey tone.

Her jet black hair now adored her back, and reached her waistline.

Unlike before, it was now fully clinging to her head as if a little baby girl afraid of letting go of her mother's warm embrace.

The sharp sapphires in their sockets now had a tinge of kindness to them, that even she was surprised to see.

"No f*cking way!"

Now, for the first time ever she's become the Black Wing, she felt the kind of guilty joy that she's almost forgotten.

Yet, the joy overcame the guilt by a wild margin.

"R*ping a young boy is surely a terrible feat, but if I think about it in a different way, I'm saving a doctor (myself) in order to heal others, and this adorable child just helped me achieve that!"


Lady Luck had made it a habit to always wake up early, but her new experiment had played its part in that too.

As she was about to have her morning coffee, Black Wing, her underground patron, came crashing through the doors of her private kitchen.

The fact that she's bypassed her security measures, including her two bodyguards had her experience mixed feelings.

She was enraged that her security is so lacking, disgusted at Black Wing's behaviour, but most of all, satisfied to see her patron was worth her reputation.

"What in the name of all that's dear is-?" Black Wing didn't have her mask on, nor did she care.

"Beats me" said Lady Luck, shrugging off the question, along with her anxiety about the subject.

Yet, she couldn't help but smile to herself like a mad woman, "so, a success it is..." she thought to herself, happy with the results of her experiment.

She's realized it too when she's had her fun with the young lad, but she wasn't sure of how deep was the effect, or how long it would last.

But now seeing the difference between yesterday's Black Wing and today's made her accept that as her name suggests, she's the mistress of good luck.

Lady Luck could already imagine herself taking a swim in her money filled bathtub, 'I've never seen anyone with such incredible abilities, let alone the rejuvenation effect, this is going to put me on top of the food chain!' she thought, very amused with herself.

"Listen", says Black Wing, trying not to pry too much into Black Lady's mad life, " I'm really thankful for what you did, I owe you my life, if not more, but What's your plan? Do you even know what type of danger is going to be kicking your front door if anyone finds out about him?"

That shut down Lady Luck's amused face, but she had seen that coming.

'A kid with a potential healing ability can be considered rare, but the type he's displayed is way beyond anyone's wildest Imagination' she thought to herself.

"Don't worry about that, Black Wing. No one's more experienced in my field of work than me. I'll do my job, you do yours."

"My job?" Black Wing said, cracking her head to the side.

"Your payment, you said you owe me your life! Ugh sometimes I wonder if I'm too smart or everyone around me is just so stupid!"

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