
Chapter 498: Tied him

He Wenqing was a little confused after hearing it, and his blood pressure came up suddenly.

He originally thought that Lin Tian had severely taught Shi Tian, ​​that Shi would be afraid and would not harass their family again.

The result was exactly the opposite. Shi Tian was so badly injured that he rushed back with people without going to the hospital. Shi Tian was so angry.

He Wenqing slapped his thigh and shouted, "My wife, let\'s run. This house is no longer needed. Let\'s settle in another place."

Xu Liping hurried out of the house and asked, "Old man, what are you talking about, what\'s up? Let\'s be fine, why are we moving."

"Just this one, go in, go up."

There was a rush of sound outside the gate.

More than thirty **** rushed in, followed by Shi Tian, ​​who was so badly injured that he was helped in.

Shi Tian roared, "He Wenqing, I heard you want to run."

He scanned Hu San with his eyes and asked, "Is it because you, an old thing, told the secret."

Hu San was startled, and quickly explained, "No, it\'s not me, misunderstanding, I just borrowed a hoe, I didn\'t come to inform."

"Take me as a three-year-old kid, come here, call me."

After Shi Tian finished speaking, two **** rushed out from behind, kicked Hu San, and kicked Hu San fiercely. Hu San rolled in pain, not to mention how miserable.

At this time, He Dong and He Qianqian also rushed out. Lin Tian watched from behind. He wanted to see if his brother-in-law would shrink from such a thing.

He Dong picked up a brick casually and shouted, "Shi Tian, ​​do you dare to come, are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Shi Tian said, "He Dong, you count as a fart, find out your sister\'s little white face, this time I come, I will break off his finger, when he calls, I will break one."

Although He Dong knew that Lin Tian was powerful, Wu Qian suppressed more than 30 people and had weapons in his hands. He didn\'t think that Lin Tian could beat more than 30 of them alone.

He lied, "My brother-in-law is gone, to find him, go to Yunhai City to find him!"

Lin Tian laughed when he heard it behind his back. Although He Dong was kind, but this lie was too naive. If Shi Tian believed it, he would be a fool.

Shi Tian\'s lazy nonsense, shouted to the people under his hands, "Rush in, this He Dong, hack him to death for me, and when you see that little white face, he will also be hacked to death for me. The one named He Qianqian, let\'s grab her. Let the brothers eat meat."


There were more than thirty bastards, half rushed towards He Dong, and the other half rushed into the house.

He Dong quickly backed away, and a **** with a baseball bat hit He Dong with a stick.

He was also anxious, and the brick in his hand was severely smashed down.

The brick was not righteous and hit the bastard\'s chest. His chest was smashed. I didn\'t know how many bones were broken, and fell to the ground embarrassedly, clutching his chest and rolling, unable to stand up.

"Fuck you, fight it."

He Dong yelled, picked up the baseball bat, and hit more than thirty people.

"Good job."

Lin Tian secretly rejoiced in the room. With He Dong\'s skill, hitting more than 30 people by himself would be just another death, but he still dared to rush forward, proving that this kid is cruel and bloody, but now The **** nature of the blood has not been fully stimulated, and it will definitely become a big deal.

The three **** directly pounced on He Dong, and He Dong hit a bastard\'s leg with a stick, and the leg was completely broken.

The other two **** held sticks in their hands and slammed He Dong fiercely.

With Ho Dong\'s skill, it was a blessing to be able to defeat one of them, and he couldn\'t avoid the attack of the two of them.

He quickly resisted with a baseball bat, and both of them hit his baseball bat. His arms were sore and his palms were sore that he could not grasp the baseball bat and fell to the ground.

The two **** were going to kill He Dong, with the stick in their hands hitting He Dong fiercely. If He Dong was hit, he would definitely die.

"Little brother."

He Qianqian yelled, and a heart literally raised her throat.

Seeing the two sticks hit his head, the cold sweat on He Dong\'s body appeared instantly, and he felt the strong wind brought on the sticks, it was the breath of death.

The two sticks arrived in an instant, and they hit the top of He Dong\'s head in an instant. He couldn\'t avoid it, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death.


Two piercing noises came into He Dong’s ears, and on the top of his head, there were two muffled noises. He Dong looked up and saw that the stick that killed him was gone. The two gangsters in front of him were covering their hands, their sticks. It fell to the ground with two chopsticks beside it.

He Dong turned his head to look, and saw Lin Tian holding a chopsticks, smiling at himself from behind.

He Dong understood that it was Lin Tian who had just rescued himself and knocked down the two sticks in the mixed hands with two chopsticks.

He took a deep breath and was stunned. Using chopsticks to knock down such a thick and long stick, Lin Tian\'s strength is too terrifying!

With Lin Tian\'s help, He Dong\'s fighting spirit soared several times. He once again picked up the baseball bat that fell on the ground, and the two **** in front of him were knocked down on the spot. He stepped on the bastards\' bodies and killed them fiercely. Past.

Then there was an interesting scene. He Dong hit more than 30 people alone, and more than 30 people were beaten back. As long as someone threatened He Dong, a chopstick would shoot out, so that they are now , I didn\'t dare to approach He Dong at all, and it felt uncomfortable to be pierced by chopsticks.

There were more than a dozen **** lying on the ground, Shi Tian and more than 20 **** were in a stalemate with He Dong. He Dong was tired and was resting, but Shi Tian and the others really didn\'t dare to step forward.

Then, Lin Tian walked out swaggeringly and said to the bastards, "You tie up Shi Tian and send it to me. I can consider saving you some suffering."

Shi Tian was a little scared, but relying on the crowds, he shouted, "Joke, my brothers, it\'s not a day or two that I have been messing with me. They can tie me and dream."

"If you want to fight, come, we won\'t tie the second brother Shi, you can come if you have the courage, I am not afraid of you." A yellow hair shouted behind him. He lost money in the casino and was almost chopped by someone. Later, Shi Tian came forward and saved him, so his loyalty to Shi Tian can be given full marks.

"Little third son, that\'s great, second brother hasn\'t taken care of you in vain these years." Shi Tian said with satisfaction.

Lin Tian smiled and pointed to the yellow hair and said, "He Dong, give him a discount."

He Dong rushed out, Huang Mao and two **** also rushed out.

The two **** beside Huang Mao were shot in the leg by Lin Tian\'s chopsticks and knelt on the spot.

Huang Mao was startled. He Dong took advantage of his unpreparedness and hit his left arm with a baseball bat. With a crisp sound, his left arm was broken.

He Dong dragged Huang Mao to Lin Tian\'s side and threatened, "Go and tie Shi Tian to me, otherwise, I will interrupt your leg."

Huang Mao didn\'t answer immediately, but was thinking.

Shi Tian believed from the side, "The third son is my best brother. We drank blood wine and played with women together. We swear that we will never betray each other. Little third son, hold on, wait for you to get through this. One level, the second brother will compensate you a hundred times."

"Hmph, if you want to get compensation, you have to live, He Dong, do it." Lin Tian smiled.

He Dong picked up the baseball bat and was about to hit it.

"Hold on." Huang Mao stopped at the critical moment.

Lin Tian sneered, Shi Tian\'s mouth twitched.

"Little third son, you!" Shi Tian said in disbelief.

Huang Mao clutched his arms, stood up with difficulty, and said apologetically, "Second brother, don\'t blame me. If my limbs are interrupted, I will be a useless person from now on. When I can fight, you reuse me. , Regard me as a brother, if I am abolished, are we still brothers?"

This is a very real problem. With Shi Tian\'s character, if the yellow hair is really gone, he will send it away.

Shi Tian planned this in his heart, but he said with a sense of righteousness, "Little third son, you are my brother now, and you will be in the future. No matter what you become in the future, the second brother will cover you."

Huang Mao sneered, "Second brother, we have known each other for so many years. I don\'t know what kind of person you are. Let\'s stop playing this imaginary thing. Don\'t blame your brother. Brother should also find one for yourself in the future. road."

Huang Mao shouted, "Brothers, if we don’t tie Shi Tian today, no one will be able to leave. This matter is my head, and it has nothing to do with brothers. Everyone helped me tie up my second brother. Blame, blame me!"

The yellow-haired ninja was in severe pain. He pulled out his belt and was about to tie Shi Tian.

Shi Tian shouted, "Brothers, the third son betrayed us and kicked him to death."

Originally, Huang Mao still felt a little guilty, but when Shi Tian said he was going to kick him to death, Huang Mao\'s guilt disappeared.

Two **** rushed out immediately, picking up the stick and hitting the yellow hair.

Before Huang Mao had time to dodge, the two chopsticks flew over and knocked them to his knees.

The others were terrified and regarded Lin Tian as a devil. They discussed in groups, and finally decided that Shi Tian was **** for themselves.

One by one, they pulled out their belts and rushed towards Shi Tian like a hungry wolf.

"You, you, I\'m not bad to you!"

Shi Tian wailed. These people are his proud brothers and the capital for him to bully men and women. He once naively thought that these people could be loyal to him for a lifetime, until death, but now, Lin Tian Just a few words, let them tie themselves.

Soon, one trouser belt was wrapped around Shi Tian\'s body, and Shi Tian was tied like a zongzi.

"Is it all right?" Huang Mao asked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian nodded, and Huang Mao led everyone to leave.

"Little third son." Lin Tian shouted.

Huangtou was taken aback, and turned back a little helplessly, his calves were so scared.

"After you go back, leave Shi Tian immediately, don\'t approach him for half a step, and don\'t be a little brother anymore. Otherwise, you won\'t die sooner or later. This is my advice to you."


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