
Chapter 124 - The Interview

Watching her, Lu Ming then picked up his microphone, turning to the reporter, "I am certain she liked working with me more."

Qin Hui turned to look at Lu Ming in surprise, not expecting him to be so direct, but she voiced no objections. The reporter nodded and did not say anything more.

"I have a question for the author, Ms. An." A female reporter stood up, "I personally am a fan of the book, and I realize that you yourself quite match the description of An Xia in the novel. Perhaps, did you maybe base the character on yourself?"

An Luxia smiled, "Yes."

The reporter then added, "What about the story?"

An Luxia hesitated before saying, "It is a true story."

All the reporters in the room gasped, and the female reporter couldn't help but ask excitedly, "So Han Mo is also a real person?"

An Luxia instinctively turned to look at Mo Han, who was sitting in the back of the room, and he looked back at her with a slight smile. She realized that she could not say anything further, because Mo Han's occupation was indeed the same as Han Mo's. 

So, she merely nodded and quickly said, "Let's turn the attention back to the actors of the film."

However, the reporters did not want to give up on this amazing opportunity to ask the author questions, and the reporters continued to ask about where the inspiration came from, whether she liked how the film turned out, and more.

Finally, after almost an hour, the press meeting was over and the reporters were sent home.

An Luxia walked down the stage, tired just from sitting there. After saying goodbye to the director and the actors, she walked out of the hotel, wondering where Mo Han had gone.

Outside the hotel door, she pulled out her phone to text him when a woman walked up to her, "Hello, Ms. An. I am the manager of the directing apartment of the XX Show. I was just inside during the press meeting," the woman said, handing An Luxia her business card.

"We would like to invite you for an interview that would be live on the XX Show. It would be very quick."

An Luxia had heard of the XX Show as she had watched it herself before. The interviewer on that show was very famous, and was the host of many famous and popular shows.

"I would love you. Can you email the details to me? My email address is. . ." An Luxia glanced over at the road and saw the black car driving towards them, so she quickly wrote her email address down and gave it to her.

"Okay, thank you."

An Luxia nodded towards her and entered the car, seeing Mo Han seated at the driver's seat.

"Who was that?" Mo Han asked as he started the car, "Let's go eat dinner."

"Oh, just someone from the XX Show inviting me for an interview. What are we going to eat tonight?"

  Mo Han looked over at her and did not say anything else.


The film came out a few days later and the day that it was released, there were over 300 million views on it, breaking a record that has not been seen for a long time already. 

With the popularity of the drama, An Luxia's novel also blew up. Many of the viewers were fans of the actors in the film, and after hearing that the drama was an adaptation from a novel, they naturally went to go search for the novel.

Now, An Luxia was receiving tons of emails looking for collaborations, contracts for her to write more novels, or interviews.

She had agreed to the interview on the XX Show, and the overflow of emails was like a huge pile of rocks on top of her. In the end, Mo Han found an assistant for her to take care of all the inquiries, and An Luxia was finally free again.

Of course, Mo Han did this mainly because he had no time with his wife anymore after the novel had blown up.

This day was the day of the interview that An Luxia had agreed to, and she left the house early in the morning, too nervous to eat breakfast. In the car, An Luxia must have checked her hair and makeup at least ten times, trying to suppress the light feeling in her head and stomach, making her a little uncomfortable.

"You should have eaten something," Mo Han pointed out, "And you look beautiful. Stop checking."

"I'm scared," An Luxia whined, "I'm not hungry. I'll eat after the interview."

  In a while, they arrived in front of the large building, with the words XX Company in front of it, the company that had started the show. 

An Luxia checked her makeup one last time before turning to look at Mo Han, "It shouldn't take too long. I'll text you when it's over."

Mo Han frowned, "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? I have nothing to do."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "When do you ever have anything to do? I'm fine. We can eat lunch together."

Then, she opened the door and got out of the car, waving goodbye to Mo Han before entering the cold building. As it was summertime already, the weather outside was unbearably hot, and just a few seconds in the heat made the air conditioned building seem like heaven.

At the front desk, there was already a person waiting there, and he walked over upon seeing An Luxia, "You must be Ms. An, right? Please follow me."

  An Luxia walked behind the worker over towards the elevator, and when they entered, the worker pressed the 12th floor.

When the elevator arrived, the door opened and they entered what seemed like a normal working area at a company. Then, they turned right to what seemed like only the wall, but there was another door to the left.

The door opened and revealed a much larger room. It was dark and the walls and floor were all black. Inside, there were a lot of people bustling around, setting up the cameras, pushing equipment around, or talking with each other.

"Ms. An, this is where the interview will be shot." The worker let her into the room and she followed closely behind her until they reached the host of the interview, who was a middle-aged lady.

"Mrs. Li, I brought her over."

Li Yun looked up and beamed when she saw An Luxia, "Ms. An, welcome!"

An Luxia smiled back and they shook hands with each other lightly.

"The interview should be starting in about half an hour, so there is still time. I see that you did your makeup already. Would you like someone else to do it for you again or are you fine?"

"It's fine, thank you."

"Then would you like anything to eat or drink?"

An Luxia smiled, shaking her head, "I'm good. Can I take a seat somewhere?"

"Oh yes, feel free to sit on the chair over there on the set. We will be starting soon since you are ready."

An Luxia nodded and walked over, feeling a little light-headed, probably from hunger. When she sat down, she felt a little better but her head was beginning to hurt slightly.

She closed her eyes, trying to focus, and when she opened them again, it was because the host called, "Let's get started!"

The host sat down next to her and gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it. It will just be a chill interview."

An Luxia nodded, "Thank you."

  A few minutes later, they had started the live broadcast, "Welcome, everyone, to the XX Show! Today, we have another very special guest with us."

The camera moved over to An Luxia, "An Luxia! The writer of the famous novel 'The Underworld King's Beloved Wife!' Let's begin with a self introduction."

An Luxia smiled at the camera, "Hello, everyone. I am An Luxia, 24 years old, and as you guys know already, I am the author of 'The Underworld King's Beloved Wife!'"

"So, Ms. An, I am sure many people are wondering about how you got the inspiration for writing your novel? I heard it was inspired by a real life story?"

An Luxia laughed, "Yes, it was actually my own story, so I am quite surprised that it received the attention it did. Of course, I did alter a few things to make the novel more interesting."

"That's amazing! So Han Mo is a real person as well?" The interview added, voicing her own curiosity and the interest of many fans out there.

An Luxia smiled politely and merely nodded, "Yes. . . but of course, there were some changes that were made."

  "So it seems like Ms. An has a boyfriend already, or. . ."

"We are actually married already," An Luxia stated proudly, completing the interviewer's question.

"Wow! For how long?"

"About a year now. I wrote the story after we were married," An Luxia smiled, thinking about it. A buzzing sound was entering her head now, and she attributed the cause of the sound to the earbud she was wearing.

"Congratulations! Well, let's see. . . What about the film series that came out recently? Are you pleased with how it came out?"

An Luxia folded her hands together, which were sweating, and smiled, "Yes, I -"

She paused as a sharp pain in her head suddenly cut off her thoughts, and she lifted one hand up to press it against her head, but it didn't help.

"Ms. An?"

An Luxia shut her eyes tightly, and when she opened them again, the world around her began turning blurry.. Before long, the world was starting to spin as she shut her eyes again, losing her consciousness.

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