
Chapter 94 - Kidnapped. . . Again

An Luxia blinked her eyes open, frowning when she felt the soreness and pain in her body, specifically on her back.

It didn\'t take long for her to remember what had happened when she was still conscious, and she realized that she had gotten kidnapped. . . again.

An Luxia lifted her hand up, glad that she was no longer tied together this time. She rubbed her eyes, opening them up again to find that she was in a dimly lit room. She could barely get her head off of the floor as she looked around.

She wasn\'t on the floor! She felt the soft material underneath her and realized that she was on a bed, and this place. . . It looked like a hotel room, an expensive hotel room.

What was happening? Who had kidnapped her?

Just as An Luxia tried to push herself off the bed, she suddenly heard the click and she quickly fell back down onto the bed, pretending to be unconscious.

Since she had no clue what was going on, the best plan was just to pretend to be dead. Yes, a very perfect plan!

Her eyelashes quivered as she opened her eyes slightly, just enough for her to get a blurry look at the room she was inside of. The hotel room was huge, and it was quite obvious that this room would have been expensive from the size and decorations inside the room.

Suddenly, another figure entered her vision, and she opened her eyes a little more when she realized that the person had his back facing her. 

From the back, An Luxia could tell that the man was quite fat and he was also bald. He wore a white bathrobe and seemed to be doing something. Then, he turned around, revealing his old face and sinister expression as he rubbed his hands together.

An Luxia quickly closed her eyes when the man turned around, still keeping them slightly open so she could look at who the man was. 

She did not recognize him and he looked quite. . . disgusting. His eyes were tiny and absolutely disgusting in the way he was staring at her right now, and his skin was dark and rough, with uneven patches on it.

He slowly made his way over to the bed, sitting down next to An Luxia, who didn\'t dare turn her head around and look at him, since he was behind her at the moment.

She held her breath, afraid to even breathe in fear of him noticing that she was awake. She almost shook when she suddenly felt a touch on the side of her face, but she stopped herself as she dug her fingers into the bedsheet.

Was he touching her? 

She would definitely have Mo Han chop his fingers off later!

Then, his rough voice entered the room, "Oh, you are indeed a beauty, just like your sister. That glowing skin. . ." He ran his fingers through her hair as he spoke and moved closer to her, turning her around so she laid flat on the bed.

He licked his lips in a menacing manner, beginning to untie his bathrobe and revealing his fat body, "You look delicious."

Then, he slowly leaned in, taking his time to enjoy the feast in front of him. However, he did not expect what happened next.

An Luxia\'s eyes suddenly burst open, and she narrowed them as she swung her arm up, straight for the man\'s chin. The next second, there was a painful groan as the man fell off the bed from the force, crashing down onto the floor with so much force that it almost felt like an earthquake.

An Luxia immediately jumped up from the bed once she finished her attack, using this chance to run. The man also took a long time to recover from his shock, and his entire body hurt as he lifted his hand up to rub the back of his butt, which was burning with pain right now.

"You b****! How dare you hit me?! How aren\'t you asleep?!" The man pushed himself up from the floor, still hissing in pain. How did she wake up so fast?!

At this time, An Luxia ran over to the hotel room door and pulled on it, only to find that it was locked. She tried again but it was still locked. How could the door be locked from the inside?!

When she turned around, the man was wobbling towards her, his eyes filled with anger as one of his hands still rested on his bottom.

An Luxia sighed, rubbing the back of her head as it hurt very badly. The man was getting closer and the hallway of the door was too narrow for a fight, so there was no way she could win.

Since there was no option of flight right now, all she could do was fight. She stretched her neck and went straight for the man, who obviously didn\'t expect for her to suddenly lunge towards her.

"Urgh!" Before the man could even react, she jumped up and landed a kick straight flat onto his chest.

"Ah!" Once again, the rest of the rooms on this floor and possibly the floor underneath probably thought that an earthquake had just happened.

"You disgusting b****! How dare - AH!" The man covered his face with his arms, afraid for his life right now as kicks and punches were thrown at him without any mercy.

"You are the disgusting b - person here right now! How dare you try and do that to me?! Do you have a death wish?! Well, I\'ll grant you your wish!" She screamed, practically jumping on top of the man as she slammed her fists down at him. As a small woman, one would think that she did not have much strength, but she had trained in self defense before! 

The man was already hurt so it was easy to make sure he couldn\'t stand back up!

Just as An Luxia was getting tired, the door suddenly burst open.

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