
Chapter 276 - Burkurel Re Clan—Main Hall

Burkurel Re Clan; it was situated in the south of Burkurel City. And, in its centre existed a hill, addressed as the landmark of their Clan—Burkurel Re Hill. The hill was situated on a large island and consisted of everything of value in their Clan.

The entire island was called the Central Lake, evident by the pond situated before the hill. It was the largest island in their Clan. Surrounding it on four sides were four islands, represented as North Lake, South Lake, East Lake, and West Lake.


Central Lake was where everything of importance in the Clan was stored. And situated quarter on the pond and the remainder on the land until it touched the foot of the hill was a massive building. A brook streamed forth from the hill and flowed over this building's terrace, descending like a waterfall on its entrance, blocking out the view.

And, the waterfall was streamlined, creating a picturesque scene as it cascaded into the pond. There existed a large gap between the waterfall and the building's entrance as the Burkurel Re Clan Harmonisers entered from the side. There was a bridge over the pond leading to it, semi-circular in shape.

Even though it possessed the height of a three-storey building, there was only one floor inside. From the entrance spanned two rows of pillars. And situated before each pillar was a seat, possessing a roof of sorts.

Water exited each pillar and cascaded over the roof, creating a curtain of water before every seat. And, the flow was perfectly streamlined, enough to fool people to assume that it was just a stationary glass. But a single touch would determine otherwise. Similar to the entrance, Harmonisers could slide into their seats from the side.

The water would then flow through a channel positioned right before the footrest of each seat and flow out of the building and into the pond. The reason for this setup consisted of two reasons. First, based on their affinity to Water Qi, the curtain of water would display their mental state the moment they spoke or had a change in their thoughts.

After all, it was rich in Water Qi and had been installed in place so that conflicts would take place less as people wouldn't be able to lie easily. The second was to allow them to use their Water Qi perception any time and sense the entire situation of their Clan.

After all, all water streams in their Clan were interconnected. So, just by immersing their legs in the water channel near their feet would allow them to perceive the entire Clan.

This was to prevent anyone from attempting any nefarious schemes while others were in the main hall.

At the end of the two rows of pillars was a small raised platform. There were two seats on each side, situated before a pillar each. They were seats designated for the respective four Lake Heads.

Finally at the end was a platform that was raised another step higher. It was where the Clan Head and the Central Lake Head sat. And, situated on the wall behind them, positioned at a height around the second storey were three seats, completely obscured by a film of water, further layered by a cloth that covered the person seated within. Among the three, the seat in the centre was positioned a tad higher than the rest, the place for the Head Elder.

Burkurel Re Clan—Main Hall!

This was the place where everything of importance in their Clan was discussed and conducted. And thanks to the summons, Harmonisers from the Clan streamed in.

Among them were Re'Bah and Re'Rak, leading at the front while their children arrived as another batch behind them. The moment they entered, Re'Bah gazed at her five children, nodding once before she and her husband walked forward, seating themselves on the seat to the right of the Clan Head's seat.

As the strongest Lake among the four directions, they formed the right hand of the Clan. There was just one seat meant for them. But as it was wide enough, they were seated comfortably. It was how the seating arrangement was made. After all, only women had official positions in the city while the men took up ranks in the army, stationed at the fort.

So, to ensure their collective voice was heard, they were symbolically made to share a single seat. Usually, when discussing domestic matters, only the women would be present in the main hall. Similarly, when discussing external matters, only the men would be present.

As this was an important meeting, all of them had to be present and seated in their respective seats. The other three Lakes too seated themselves. Once they were seated, the Clah Head and Central Lake head arrived and occupied the first seat, one that faced everyone else.

Among the siblings, Re'Rel and Re'Fua had a seat they could seat themselves in. Only those who have significant influence—business, power, etc—in their Clan had a seat. And as there were limited seats, their seating arrangement symbolised their ranks.

Re'Fua was seated on the last seat, showing that she barely managed to accumulate enough authority to warrant one. As for Re'Rel, he was already seated before the centre of the row of seats, showing his sheer speed in growth.

There was a total of thirty seats on each side and he was seated on the 14th seat along the right, displaying his stance. As for his peer from the Central Lake, he was only on the 16th seat on the right, three ranks away from Re'Rel.

Those without seats would stand near the entrance until all the seats were filled up before they would file in and seat themselves on the floor. And among them, they were seated on the floor in the order of their rank.

Among them, a lady gritted her teeth as she glared at Re'Fua. After all, Re'Fua had snatched her seat. Having been seated on the seat for the past few years, suddenly being sent to the floor humiliated her, especially since she had been feeling a sense of superiority for having a seat in every meeting.

But meeting her glare, Re'Fua was unfaded, smiling in return with a provocative look.

As for Re'Gra, Re'Kha, and Re'Dha, they were seated on the ground at the very back in the unranked zone since they hadn't taken up any official positions yet. Once everyone had entered the main hall, the doors closed as the atmosphere turned solemn immediately.


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