
Chapter 21

<Unique Skill Upgrade>

I had been immersed in spear making since the morning. Though, even when I said it was ‘making’ a spear, all I did was attaching spear blade into a ready-made wood shaft.

“I want to make the shaft too….” But it was something beyond my ability. Cutting and trimming a good tree was still easy. The problem only arose once I tried to shape it into a spear handle. No matter how hard I tried, the end result was all crooked. Not a single one of them was straight.

After trying a few times more, I decided to just order the shaft from a woodworking shop.

“Get in there!” I attached the spear blade into a 1.5m-long spear shaft and fixed it with a nail. The length of the spear was a tad bit shorter for my liking, but I couldn’t help but use it as there’s not enough space to store it if it was too long.

“Still, if you add up the spear blade, it’s quite long.” It was about 1,8m. Several centimetres shorter than my height.

I was satisfied with my creation and quickly ran a test by stabbing a rabbit skin. It went through the leather without any feeling of resistance at all as if I was cutting butter with a hot knife.

As it is, small monsters wouldn’t stand a chance against it.

“Though, it will be different for goblins because of their paralyzing darts.” However, there’s not much to worry about in fights against them if I could set off a firecracker beforehand like before. But I had to refrain from doing that trick too often.

Actually, there’s another reason why I made a spear. It was because I found a pack of wolves in the forest.

Of course, they were different from Dingo who was peacefully sleeping next to me. Those wolves were called maned wolves, and although they had a smaller size than silver wolves like Dingo, they were more aggressive and ferocious.

I had seen them hunt a pack of wild boars through the drone. Although the adult wild boars desperately tried to defend their group, the maned wolves managed to kill one of the young wild boars in the end.

“It would be pretty tasty if it was pork…” I took Dingo, a baby wolf, in and yet I salivated at a piglet. I feel like there’s something amiss in my head, but I can’t help it. Afterall, for me, dogs were friends not food.

Anyway, the appearances of those maned wolf packs were quite intimidating to me.

“They’re pretty fast…” They are not as fast as a werewolf, but still faster when compared to a weak monster like goblins. Therefore, unless I hit them with a surprise attack, it will be difficult to hit them using my bow.

I had fought against goblins and kobolds in this forest, but it would be my first time fighting against a wolf. And from what I know from their characteristics, a spear was the perfect weapon against them. I would also use all means available for me such as net gun, firecracker, and capsaicin spray, aside from the spear, my main weapon.

“Anyway, I have to get them.” Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to move around the forest.

When I looked at the spear, it glinted sharply. It was a weapon that had been used for a very long time in the history of mankind. It was said that when humans raised their spears, there were no animals that could not be caught.

I should be like that too.




It was not difficult to find the traces of the maned wolf pack. It was because, due to their nature as a territorial creature, they would always hunt in one specific area after they found a place they like.

When I looked around the traces of their previous hunt with a drone, I saw them right away.

Their target this time was a valley deer. Through the drone, I could see them running after the valley dear.

“Wow…” I couldn’t say anything on the scene that unfolds on the laptop. A pack of wolves hunting a valley deer, trying to strike it down was something that normally appears in a documentary. And to me, the winner had already been decided.

I carefully moved the drone to follow the wolf pack. They showed great stamina in long-range traveling as if they were making a statement that their bodies were made for hunting.

The thought of being in the deer’s shoes without a dimensional door to save me sends shivers down my spine.

“They are more frightening than monsters.”

At the moment, the pursuit had reached the valley. And because the deer could not cross the valley, it ran straight towards the upstream.

If I remember correctly, the place that deer is running towards is close to where I heard the roar of an owlbear last time.

With my sweating palm, I lowered the drone. Maybe, just maybe, I would actually see the owlbear.

Woof~!! Woof~!! Woof~!!

The barking of the maned wolf that resounds from the cheap speakers sounds ferocious. However, the deer did not look back and kept running away. And suddenly, the deer slipped on a stone near the water’s edge and almost fell.

I was completely immersed in rooting for the valley deer and hoped that It could escape.

“Just don’t escape when I’m the one who hunts you.” I know it’s a bit weird, but people were normally like this.

Suddenly, the forest upstream shook and something appeared from the line of trees.

It was an owlbear. The monster which had the upper body of an owl and lower body of a bear rushed straight towards the deer.

The valley deer quickly turned its direction, but unfortunately for it, it was already too late. The owlbear had become too close to it and had swung its wing.

When the claw on its wing hit the head of the valley dear, it popped out like a balloon and the deer instantly went limp and slumped to the ground.


I know owlbear was a strong creature, but to think that it could kill a deer with just a single swing…

It seems like if I confronted an owlbear at my current level, I wouldn’t be able to hold for 3, no, 1 second.

Now, with the common prey out of the picture, the confrontation between the 2 predators began. Whoever wins this contest, a trophy in the shape of a deer meat would become theirs.

The wolves snarled towards the owlbear, showcasing their sharp teeth. But it wasn’t long until both groups ran towards each other while roaring a ferocious cry.

“It would be better to just run away…” The agility of the owlbear was not inferior to that of the wolves. They would greatly suffer if they continue to be greedy. “It’s good for me, though.”

Instead of running away, the wolves took a different strategy. When one wolf caught the owlbear’s attention, the other ate the deer little by little.

“That’s an eat-and-run strategy.”

On the surface, it seems like all the wolves were satisfied with eating little by little, but that’s not the case. One particular wolf was too greedy and munched at the deer for too long. Quickly, the owlbear pounced towards it and put it under its mercy.

“it’s over.” The fate of that particular wolf wouldn’t be much different from the deer. As it bounced around desperately to run away from its predator, it suddenly stumbled as the owlbear broke its hind leg before instantly killing it using the claw of its wings.

Its stomach was ripped open, and moments later, intestines and blood promptly gushed out from the hole.


I lifted the drone into the sky. The wolves who had lost one of their companions had now run away with their tails between their legs. The owlbear pursued them, but it was unable to catch up to them as its pace was not fast enough.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Now that the power of the wolf pack had been reduced, I should make my move.

I left the sleeping Dingo behind and packed my things.




The pack of maned wolf which originally had 5 wolves had now been reduced to 4. Meanwhile, the owlbear returned to the upper area of the valley without chasing them further, perhaps because it was reluctant to leave it’s preyㅡthe deer.

Currently, the wolves were on their way towards their den. I checked their direction, retrieved the drone, and remained in an ambush position.

Once again, I ran through my strategy in my mind.

“First, completely isolate two wolves with the net guns…” I was lucky to have ordered two net guns.

Then there will be two left.

“Isolate another one with capsaicin spray.” The range of the spray was quite long, about 3 to 4 meters. It was longer than the spear, so It would be better to use it first. Finally, it would be a 1:1 fight. All I had to do was stab the last wolf with the spear.

My limbs, which the wolf would be aiming for, were firmly protected with a stab-proof suit. Even if it was bitten, my flesh would not be ripped.

I steeled my heart and paid my utmost attention towards the direction the wolves would be coming from. Currently, I was hidden behind a rock, so even if they smell me, they wouldn’t be able to spot me right away. Moreover, the wind was also blowing towards me.


They’re here!

The sounds of their footsteps and growls could be heard alternately. I quickly held my smartphone camera to the edge of the stone to peek out. They were approaching from a distance that was neither too close nor too far.

I checked the net gun one last time and made sure that it was ready. The target of the net gun would be the two on the right.

It’s now!

I jumped over the rock and aimed at the wolf. They hadn’t responded yet. It seems like they hadn’t discovered me just yet.

As I squeezed the trigger, the net was thrown forward with a clicking sound. The net rushed towards the maned wolf before completely wrapping it inside when it hit.

One more!

The three other wolves seem to have finally found me. I quickly grabbed the net gun on the ground and fired once again. In the next moment, another wolf was caught in the net and slumped to the ground.

These guns really work great!

The remaining 2 wolves saw me and started running towards me.

How many seconds will it take to close the distance of 15m?

I took the spear and the spray at the same time. Then, I sprayed capsaicin towards one of the two wolves rushing towards me.

Whimper~!! Whimper~!!

An animal with a good sense of smell would certainly taste hell if they were hit by this spray. The maned wolf was no exception, as the wolf lost its focus and fell to the ground.

Now, there’s only one left. I dropped the spray and grabbed the spear with both hands. However, the maned wolf’s movement was faster than I expected. The moment I turned my gaze towards it, its sharp teeth were already in front of me.


I covered my body with my hand and rolled to the ground together with the wolf. The wolf frantically tried to bite me. Unfortunately for it, my whole body was protected with a stab-proof suit and a helmet.

With my free arm, I pushed its snout away.

“Go away you bastard!”


The wolf bit my arm and shook its head violently.

How’s the taste? Aren’t your teeth sore?

With my other hand, I grabbed the survival knife hung on my waist. And right away, I hammered it towards the wolf’s side.


As the knife slices through its fur, I violently twist it.

Perhaps because of the pain, the wolf jumped up and released my arm. Blood gushing to the ground from the gaping wounds. Since the knife was quite long, it would not be a small wound.

But, I didn’t have time to wait for it to die.

I raised my spear as the maned wolf limped around because of the unexpected pain.

“Die!” I screamed as I put all my weight behind the thrust I sent towards the wolf. The spear impaled its neck and went through the opposite side of where it was coming from.

The maned wolf stuck out its tongue and died.

Now what’s left?

I had a difficulty in seeing my surroundings as my helmet visor fogged up because of my breath. I momentarily raised it and wiped it clean before approaching the wolf that I used the capsaicin spray on. It still couldn’t open its eyes properly.

“Fuuuhh!” I took a deep breath and stabbed it on its chest. After leaving it for several seconds, I pulled the spear with force. The maned wolf went limp and laid lifelessly on the ground.

Now, only two wolves left.

I was vigilant to the very end and stabbed the remaining wolves from the maximum distance of the spear. Every time I did it, a desperate roar echoed to the surroundings. it’s much better than hearing my screams, though.

When the battle was finally over, the strong smell of blood wafted out. I sat down on the ground and checked the messages which were slowly coming up.

「Level has risen to 5」

「You have earned 12 points」

「When you reach level 5, an additional effect will be added to your unique ability」

「Invisible Dimensional Door」

「Dimensional Door Projection」

“What is this?”

It’s only natural that I got levels and points from this hunt, but what is this additional effect on my unique skill?

Looks like I would have to experiment with it to know it better.

“Open portal.”

The dimension portal that appeared in front of me was a little different from what I had always seen. It was still translucent…but the blue colour was almost gone. It’s probably because of the new effect I just got. If I believe the name, the current portal should be invisible from others.

“It’s nice.” Seems like it would be useful depending on the situation I found myself in.

Moreover, the Dimensional Door Projection effect was also great. I could see the landscape of where I was going to go through the portal even before stepping in. It means that the portal could also act as a CCTV.

The ability to also hear the sounds across the portal was nothing but a bonus. Afterall, no one other than me could enter through the portal anyway.

How convenient would it be to run away through the portal and then monitor the situation on the other dimension while laying around?

“The fact that this effect was applied at level 5…” Maybe an additional effect would also be given after I reach level 10 and 15.

Well, the only thing I needed to do to achieve it was to work hard to level up.

For the very first time after I found this forest, I could laugh while burying the four wolves in the ground.

When I came back to the cave and took off my equipment, my forearm ached so much.

“Damn you… you damn wolf.”

The plate in my arm was dented, apparently. The maned wolf’s biting power was no joke. And as the armor was bracing the impact from the wolf’s claws several times, it was torn here and there.

I’ll have to order a few more.

Beside me, Dingo wriggled before he fully woke up and licked the wounded area.

Hey. My face is not wounded!!

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