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Chapter 1 - My Unconventional Delivery System! (Edited)

In a desolate field, filled with wilderness, there was a girl around the age of 12 or 13, walking forward with an unsteady gait and faltering steps. The girl had a cute and charming appearance with long velvety icy blue hair and beautiful turquoise blue eyes. She was wearing a variety of tribal clothes which were symbolic to the Northern tribes of this world. But currently her hair, which turned a little pale and dirty, was in a mess and her attire was riddled in various sizes of holes with a mix of blood. Her cute face was also covered in a gory cocktail of blood.

In her long journey, she hadn\'t eaten for the last few days nor was she able to drink anything, consequently her lips had become dry, there were also many cracks on them, they were so dry that blood started dropping from between the cracks. ​​

If she had been an ordinary girl, she would have already collapsed and died of hunger, but fortunately or maybe unfortunately she was anything but ordinary.

Walking unsteadily she pondered \'I wonder what\'s going to happen to me from now on? Am I going to die? NOOO…!!! I\'m not like those weaklings from my tribe! I\'m going to LIVE!!!\'

The little cute loli gritted her teeth with a savage expression, with determination flickering in her dazzling eyes, she continued walking on this uncertain path of survival.

After a short while of unsteady walking, all of a sudden her attention was attracted to an odd noise, a variety of which she had never heard before in her short life. She tensed!

Broom~! Brrrr~! (Old Scooter Noises)

The abrupt noise was inching closer towards her swiftly with the passage of time. Her tension kept rising the more she heard the sound. Afraid that it was some kind of beast, she pulled a dagger, soaked in dry blood, from her belt and formed a defensive gait, preparing for the worst.

Shortly after, the silhouette of a person in a strange posture eventually entered her vision making her even more cautious than before, her body reaching her most tensed state yet.

As the silhouette kept inching closer at a swift pace, she was now able to see it clearly, and it was anything but unfamiliar to her! Because, it was the figure of a person riding something unfamiliar to her knowledge!

She saw a young man wearing a red helmet, red jacket with a \'D\' sign on his shoulder. He was riding a red mount which was probably made of metal though she wasn\'t able to identify the material itself.

She had never seen a mount like that in her short period of living! This only made her more vigilant than before!

Encountering these new yet strangely weird things, she went on a momentary daze, but it didn\'t last more than a second as she immediately went back to her defensive stance!

She shouted with maliciousness laced in her voice. "Speak! Who are you?!"

The young man riding on the red metal mount stopped the mount in front of her as he responded uncertainly. "Umm… I\'m not really sure about this since this is my first time... but I\'m here to deliver your order of a Large Extra Value Meal!"

Listening to those unfamiliar words, she muttered with a confused tone. "Lag Exxta Valu Meel?"

The boy chuckled after listening to how she pronounced the words Large Extra Value Meal, however he didn\'t find this the least bit strange considering this was a different world after all!

That\'s right folks… this is your classic cliché, ISEKAI! Well, not really, it\'s a bit complicated. Before resuming, let\'s do a little flashback to settle this confusion of yours!




This is the story of Kobayashi Kyle, nicknamed Kai. He had been transmigrated to an alternate world 10 years ago.

In his past life he was a human from Earth with a barely above average lifestyle than any other person of that World.

He was just your everyday disgusting weeb that liked games, anime, manga and allnovelfulls! It was average but he still enjoyed his life.

One day while he was watching a Hentai on his high spec PC, he got engrossed in fapping hard when his hand slipped and he spilled his cola on the monitor and as a result...

Anyways let\'s not unnecessarily increase the word count like those shitty web novel authors. Well, it\'s obvious isn\'t it? He died. Dun dun dun~


Okay let\'s continue.

So he got the cliché Transmigration card like any other MC on any random Fanfiction in the search section. Yeah, it\'s cliché as f*ck, we know, deal with it!

He got Transmigrated on the body of an 8 year old boy named Kobayashi Kyle, yeah, the same name cliché people, like any other cliché af fanfiction found on the phone of a degenerate, he received the memories of the body he possessed and found out the world he arrived in was a huge crossover anime world with many animes jumbled up together. Well, he didn\'t know the extent of the crossover yet since from the memory he was able to piece together 2-3 animes only. It could be more or the same he didn\'t know.

Very Cliché, yeah. We know. Meh...

Kyle also got to know that he was a mix breed of American-Japanese descent, just like his previous world! Not only that but his aunt was the future main character of Miss Kobayashi\'s Maid Dragon anime.

His eyes were very similar to Ms Kobayashi, who was her aunt. Kyle\'s father was the elder brother of Ms Kobayashi, a character which wasn\'t supposed to exist in the original version.

But since this was an Alternative Universe anything was possible! So he didn\'t deliberate on this small inconsistency.

Now that he realized that he was, in all sense of the word literally, in a world that was filled with all the anime waifus of her dreams, the 8 year old shota Kyle became extremely excited!




10 years later :-

Kyle was currently sitting on a chair with a listless expression surrounded by an aura that screamed depression.

He was drawing circles on the table, reminiscing about his recent failure. Just a few hours ago, he failed to meet a customer\'s expectation. The most depressing thing was that this wasn\'t his first failure, neither in the job nor in this life.

Within these long 10 years, he came to a very depressing realization that it was tough living in this world! It was much tougher than living on his original world aka Earth!

It was extremely daunting to be able to get a decent job, and currently he was working on MgRonalds as a part time delivery boy.

He needed to work because he was in dire need for some extra allowance for the upcoming school transfer!

This year he would be shifting to a different school, he wasn\'t exactly sad, his previous school was very ordinary and he didn\'t make any deep connections there.

He had a few friends more like acquaintances in that school, either way he was very indifferent from this change of schools though it wasn\'t his choice but his father\'s.

For starters he didn\'t even know the name of the school that he was going to study this year.

Kyle was hopeful that this time it\'d at least be a decent school with an anime background, while he was thinking about the series of events that would likely happen thereafter, someone came inside the staff room, where Kyle was presently going through his sulking fit.

Kyle shifted his attention towards the individuals who recently entered the staff room, they were Chiho and Maou!

They were his co-workers, he greeted them with a thin smile.

"Hey there Maou-san and Chi-chan! Taking a break?"

"That\'s right!" Maou nodded with a smile on his face while he alongside Chiho sat on the opposite side of the table Kyle was sitting on.

"Kobayashi-san, I heard that the customer scolded you because you got a few minutes late!" She said with an innocent expression.

It was his sore spot, so he couldn\'t help but reply albeit weakly. "Chi-chan… stop reminding me about that, please… it\'s very depressing!"

"Ah! S-sorry! I didn\'t mean to..." Chiho stammered and bowed her head a little with guilt ridden on her cute face.

"Ahahaha, forgive her Kyle, she\'s just a teenager. Anyways failure is a normal process of life, everyone fails and only through failure can we achieve success. So, cheer up pal, don\'t be so depressed about it!" Maou said encouragingly while he removed his MgRonald\'s cap.

"Yeah, yeah I heard you Sadao…" Kyle stared at Maou and deliberated thoughtfully \'This guy is so low-key despite being a Demon Lord.\'

At his first encounter with Maou he was a little wary of him, after all who wouldn\'t? There was a fundamental difference between anime and reality, who knew maybe this Maou would snap and go on a massacre. Also this being an alternative universe didn\'t help his suspicions either. Moreover, he being a transmigrator had to be even more vigilant of him else Maou might find something out and his identity would also be in jeopardy.

He was just an ordinary human, he needed to be vigilant to save himself in this world filled with anomalies. But the longer he worked here, the more he became less wary, Maou was just like your average nice guy who you may encounter occasionally.

They became close to the point that they would call each other by their first names also without the use of honorifics. Well it couldn\'t be called a big deal but this being Japan, where traditional teachings ran amok, calling one by their first name had tremendous significance in the form of relationship between individuals.

Just a few years ago, Kyle thought of plagiarizing some popular mangas and novels from back on earth so that he could make some easy bucks but he had to stop it midway.

Why? Reason 1 he sucked at drawing. Reason 2 the main reason, he wasn\'t able to remember the plots of the mangas and novels he read and he screwed up big time.

Though he still tried publishing a novel, unfortunately it didn\'t even last 3 Volumes and the company he was publishing it for had to terminate his contract.

Like meh, he thought at that time, \'Making a novel isn\'t for me.\'

It was too overrated anyways. Presently he was having a nice chat with Chiho and Maou on casual subjects relating to their day and work. However, he had to come to a stop because of the abrupt arrival of a mechanical voice.

[ System Authorisation Conditions Met…! ]

[ Processing… ]

[ System Downloading Complete..! ]

[ Processing ]

[ System Installing… ]



Kyle\'s eyes widened while he stared at the transparent pale blue screen in front of him, his heartbeat was accelerating at a swift pace. \'T-this… I actually have a golden finger?! Ain\'t this… pretty cliché?! No it\'s not important! The important thing is that I could finally change my life with this! Goddamn it, where were you the last 10 years you…\'

Kyle was brimming with expectations, so much so that he wasn\'t even able to complete his inner monologue.

[ System Installation Complete...! ]

[ Congratulations! You Have Been Chosen To Become The Host Of The Omni Dimensional Delivery System! ]

Watching the letters on the screen floating in front of him, he froze and pondered thoughtfully \'Should I ask for a refund?! I mean WTF?!\'

His expectations of having a super awesome system shattered into pieces, Kyle had expected to have a OP cheat system, at least even a Money Making System would\'ve been enough and he could make do with it.

But WTF is this Delivery System?!

Are the GODS fucking kidding with me?!

Maou noticed the change in Kyle\'s expression and he couldn\'t help but ask. "Hey Kyle, are you okay? You look a bit pale."

Maou\'s voice made him come back to reality, and he smiled wryly at Maou while replying. "Y-yeah, I think I\'ll use the toilet for a bit."

Kyle stood up from his chair and went towards the direction of the staff toilet.




Inside the toilet, Kyle muttered. "Okay… okay calm down me… let\'s be cool! First I\'m going to have to figure out the function of the system before giving my judgement! Alright! System are you there?"

[ Yes, what do you need Host? ]

Kyle was greeted with an emotionless mechanical voice, which made him think \'So this is \'that\' type of system huh.. emotionless and mechanical, though it has intelligence it\'s highly probable that it\'s not among those types of systems which have emotions, which is good in my opinion. 99.9% of those kinds of systems are always annoying, they also come with the cliché of turning into a waifu or last girl meh type scenario. That\'s too cringy for my tastes so I\'m happy with this\'

"Tell me the purpose of this system!"

[ As you can see the System is called Omni Dimensional Delivery System, in essence you the Host will have to deliver various forms of stuff that the customers may need to be delivered to them! ]

[ But of course, after finishing delivering things to the customer and if the customer gives you a 5 star rating because they are satisfied with your services, you\'ll be able to receive a reward from them! As for the reward that\'s for you to find out! ]

"Alright, I get it… so basically I\'m a Multipurpose delivery guy?"

[ Well, yes you\'re a delivery guy that would deliver items of need across all dimensions registered in the Records! Don\'t underestimate this job for it is the greatest honor! ]

"Sounds lame." Kyle spoke plainly.

[ Ding! Ding! Your first takeaway order request has arrived from the World of Akame Ga Kill! Will you accept the takeaway order? ]

"What?!" Kyle was startled from the sudden takeaway order! Plus it was actually from Akame Ga Kill! The Anime where everyone is killed!!!

He couldn\'t really remember all the details from that world except for some characters and some highlights and the ending, well it wasn\'t his fault. At any rate, 10 years were enough for someone to forget some things, even if he was a weeb like Kyle. He wasn\'t unfortunately given the ability of Super Memory or its variants so as a normal human with no ways to replenish his memory it was natural for him to forget most if not all things. But he still knew that the world was extremely dangerous, it was one of the most gory animes of his time after all.

He was hesitating whether to accept the takeaway order or not, he knew that it was impossible for him to survive in that world.

"Hey system, don\'t I get a start-up pack or a pack for beginners or anything of the sorts. At least I should get some Protective Items, right?"

[ Host, you don\'t have any starter pack but you naturally have some protective items, your MgRonald uniform alongside your scooter have been enchanted, as long as you don\'t get hit by a nuke or similar amplitude of power, no harm would befall you, you\'ll be absolutely safe and we guarantee it! ]

Listening to those words his worries lessened by a lot but it didn\'t completely disappear, but he didn\'t hesitate any longer. "I accept the takeaway request!"

[ You have accepted the takeaway order! ]

[ Requirements 1 Extra Large Value Meal and a set of female outfit! Must be for kids around the age of 13. ]

Seeing this he couldn\'t help but wonder \'I understand that I need to deliver food, but what about the female outfit? It\'s a strange form of combination isn\'t it? Well, whatever let\'s do this!\'

Kyle went out of the toilet, and started preparing the items on the order list.




After everything was ready, he informed the system. "System, I\'m ready… So how do I go there?"

[ Drive your scooter straight at full speed, after travelling exactly 100 meters you\'ll be teleported to your destination! ]

"Alright!" Kyle immediately took action and rode his red scooter straight without stopping!

In front of Kyle there was truck-kun, but he didn\'t stop moving forward!

As his scooter was about to hit truck-kun, he suddenly disappeared!

Thus the driver of the truck was confused; he was sure that he was about to hit a scooter and send the driver on his merry way to the world of Isekai!



Inside MgRonald\'s Restaurant :-

Maou froze for a moment, and stared towards a certain direction as he mumbled. "Spatial Magic?"

"Maou-san what did you say?"

"Oh it\'s nothing Chi-chan! A customer! Welcome!"




In the middle of a forest, a figure riding a red scooter suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

The scooter stopped moving and the person riding the scooter shouted in excitement. "Holy Shit!! That was fucking scary! I thought I was going to get hit by a truck and then get isekai\'d! Wait.... I still got isekai\'d!!!!

This person was none other than Kyle! He started to look around the forest and added. "A forest? Hey system where is the person who ordered the takeaway!"

[ A moment Host. ]

After a moment a 3D mini map appeared in front of Kyle, and he could see 2 dots of different colors among which one was red while the other was blue.

The red dot had the text \'YOU\' and naturally the blue one was the person who ordered the takeaway!

Without further ado, he stepped on the accelerator and went to deliver the first order of his \'Omni Dimensional Delivery Boy\' Life.

( -END- )

The other Chapters are going to be uploaded in February. Laters~

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