
Chapter 1580 - Get Rid One By One

Chapter 1580: Get Rid One By One

Ye Jian and Big Prawn took a short break under a limerock to replenish their energy. They happened to be outside the range of the tornado. Once the wind passed, their breakfast was over.

Ye Jian really grabbed a few seafoods and kept them in a sealed bag, then she cut the fish fillets and put them together. After removing their marks, she walked towards the assembly point with Big Prawn. They needed to gather with the team.

The sky was already bright, and the dark clouds on the sea seemed to merge with the sea. The rain was densely woven like a net and had never stopped. The leaves were hit by the rain, making “cracking” sounds, covering their walking sounds.

At 7 a.m, two members of the Storm Commando were assassinated and killed; even their guns were handed in. From a numerical point of view, the two sides once again hit a tie, but from a tactical point of view, the two members were obviously killed in a close attack.

The Elite Platoon was good at sneak attacks,…Li Jinnian took the saltwater fish handed over by Big Prawn and slowly chewed a piece of it before saying: “Don’t worry, we still have their captives.”

The prisoner J5 was also eating seafood. He was treated pretty good. He didn’t need to do things by himself because people were feeding him.

“I’m like you guys, I don’t know anything. According to my understanding of Q King, he would rather hope you guys get rid of me than to have me captive. You don’t want to anger him.” J5 used to be an instructor, and he could talk very well, and he could escape using his mouth. He didn’t feel anxious about being captured. Instead, he could even speak with them happily.

Knowing that J5 had once escaped from danger with his mouth, Ye Jian’s eyes were full of pity. He really didn’t understand the Devil King. He had already become a prisoner in his hands. It would be very difficult for him to escape.

Li Jinnian glanced at him calmly and said to the water ghost who was feeding him fish: “Feed him more. Don’t let Q King think that we are harsh on our prisoners.”

This sentence didn’t sound threatening at all, but somehow, J5 felt a little chill on his back, as if he was being stared at by some fierce beast, and the sense of crisis in him rose.

Human’s visibility was quite low during windy and heavy rain days, but these were nothing to the water ghosts. They landed and changed into their jungle camouflage uniforms. Knowing that there was “danger” ahead, they still marched forward without fear.

There was news from the two scouts dispatched that there was a movement in an abandoned building. They waited for Devil King’s instructions.

This news refreshed the spirits of the entire Storm Commando. Needless to say, this must be the target they needed to capture!

“This is an order. Storm Commando, take down the occupied building by 12 noon.”

The command center issued the command of the Navy Commander, and the previously calm Storm Commando members who received the command suddenly burst out like wolves, staring at the Devil King. J5’s expression couldn’t help changing upon seeing this.

The water ghost team is going to directly make a move!

They don’t use military maps nor battle maps; they relied on the information from their scouts, and Li Jinnian quickly arranged combat tactics with the information. J5, who was listening to their plan, gradually felt a little uncomfortable… This Devil King, his combat command ability is equal to that of Q King!

They were all going straight to their death!

They have been training together for so long. It’s not that he didn’t know the Devil King’s strength, but he only truly knew how strong he is after seeing his combat command ability.

“Sniper, I don’t need you to snipe too many targets; just open a gap for me!” Li Jinnian took a stone and used it as the target building, and he started to deploy the plan using a tree branch. “The three of you in charge of the blasting and blocking their retreat. Cover the assaulters, get rid of every one of them.”

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