
Chapter 144 - Enemy Turned Junior Brother?? Pt I: (Politician, Farmer, Or Hacker?)

At this time, the others of the zoo still didn't know that their teacher was already planing to reel in their archnemesis to become their junior brother (or sister).

If they knew, they would probably all be thinking the same thing…


This is a little too much okay!?

This is the person that they have been observing for half a year, already having taken them for a sworn enemy, now, to jump from that to a sworn brother… even the God of Mischief would have to bow down to that gameplay.

Thankfully they didn't know, or they might really just be too distracted, questioning what they had been doing for the past months.

Questioning why they had suffered so much, being reprimanded by the boss and his subordinates, every day while their mentor was away in seclusion.

Ahhh, life feels so hard!

At this time, the Captain and the others were already 70% certain that the opponent was the TWO that they knew.

"This little monster… he would be able to improve so much in such a short time. There's no mistaking his style." Falcon said without any reservations, confirming Master Giovanni's speculations that his disciples had traded moves with the opponent before.

Master Giovanni's interest grew.

His theory that this other kid's potential was notable was promptly confirmed.

Just from Falcon's reluctantly voiced words, it was clear that if the opponent's skills and improvement weren't a fact, he would never be willing to admit it!

As for Falcon, though his gut feeling told him that this was TWO, simply because TWO's style couldn't be replicated by just anyone, considering how much smoother this person was and the considerably higher skill level plus the new moves, there was still a trace of doubt.

Another thing was; why would TWO want Margrete Lenin's information in the first place?

This was a rather pressing point.

It wasn't just one or two of them wondering whether TWO had already figured something out while trying to dig out information on his attackers, which were them.

Margo was a rather weak link when it came to information privacy, after all, she wasn't a hacker herself.

Thankfully Master Giovanni, Margo's eldest uncle, didn't leave this detail out.

He had always known that his job was rather dangerous at times, and so he had his own precautions when it came to the safety of his family.

He was the only person greatly adept at computer sciences in his family.

Now that Giovanni thought about it, it was actually quite funny how their family ended up branching off.

His parents were both in the political scene and they gave birth to three children.

Three boys to be exact.

Giovanni was the eldest, having become an international hacker. Still a bachelor to this day.

Sloth's father was the middle child, he was the only one who followed their parent's path into the political scene. With how busy he always was, Giovanni, the one who never had a chance to have a child was the one who mainly took care of Sloth.

But it wasn't really his choice, he was reluctant at first, but we can get to that later...

Last but certainly not least, there was Margo and her elder brother Lennie's father, who became a farmer. Lennie would go on to pick up his father's farm while Margo went into business.

There was a hacker, a politician, and a farmer.

Though their career paths had truly drifted a little far... to the point where it was a little absurd just thinking about it, they were still quite close and they would oftentimes help each other out.

These three seemingly unrelated jobs actually interacted more than one imagined.

Giovanni would always make sure his brother's and their family's information was properly kept and the parts that needed to be concealed would be done so appropriately.

The need for such a thing was obvious for the politician, and well, Margo's father wasn't necessarily a 'NORMAL' farmer.

In fact, oftentimes, his work needed more information privacy than Sloth's father.

The second brother would help with the more technical parts of land-owning, animal centers, and really all the more real-life problems for the youngest brother while serving as a connection from the government to Giovanni, who often also took governmental assignments.

As for the youngest of the three, as the youngest, he was often spoiled in his family. When he had a hobby, a passion, he simply went for it.

His brothers would clear the path for him!

However, what wasn't known to the outsiders, was the fact that this youngest brother was in fact the smartest of the three, in both IQ and EQ.

When the two elder brothers had their own troubles, they would oftentimes subconsciously go seek the youngest's advice.

You couldn't look down on someone who could do what many others couldn't. He was able to preserve the lives of countless animals who were ready to go extinct. 

In fact, animals that many others, those not in the know, believed to have already gone extinct!

His determination and intelligence couldn't be looked down upon.

After all, he had built the whole high-tech 'farm', if you could even still label it as such, from the ground up!

Back to the point about Sloth.

His father, the politician, greatly believed in letting his children choose their own path in life.

This worked great with his eldest son, who ended up choosing to follow his own steps as a politician.

But his second son, now known by his closest people by the codename Sloth... he was an anomaly, such a plan that gave this level of freedom of choice would never work for him.

If Sloth had the freedom of choice to such an extent, he would have long become a couch potato with no purpose in life.

Even his father didn't know what to do with him.

In the end, he cut his own son a deal.

He could do whatever he wanted, with the condition that he did SOMETHING, sleeping and eating all day not included, and then stick to it!

Honestly, his best choices were to follow the path of one of the people in his family, after all, then someone could lay the foundations for him.

At least those were Sloth's thoughts at the time, which weren't at all wrong.

So now he had 3 main choices.

Politician, farmer, or hacker.

To Sloth, Politician was completely out of the picture.

In fact, before he even started considering it, he had already thrown that option out the window!

Of course, that was only metaphorically.

It would be way too much trouble actually throwing something out the window.

Sloth had already seen how hard his father and brother worked, even though he was sleeping at the time, every once in a while, when he woke up because of some noises, he would see his father burning the midnight oil.

He simply couldn't imagine that kind of work style.

Next was the farmer option.


Just, NO.

And lastly, Sloth was left with becoming a hacker.

In his imagination, that was someone who sat in front of a desk staring at the computer all day, and since he would also have quite some free time, he would be able to sleep as much as he liked!

'Win-win situation.' he thought

That was the stupidest conclusion he had ever come to in his whole life.

In fact, though Sloth's initial thoughts were the 'someone will lay the foundation for me' = 'less work', he didn't take into account the fact that there were countless more jobs out there that required less work and more importantly, less training!

He could become a burger flipper for all his father cared.

Even better, he could have become a stock investor. After all, their family had money, he didn't necessarily have to be good at whatever he did, nor did he HAVE to earn his own income.

They could support him for life, his father simply didn't want him to live without purpose.

Though of course if he really did become a burger flipper, this wouldn't look good for their political image, that could all be dealt with secondarily, after all, their family history in the politics wasn't just a matter that occurred in a generation or two.

But in the rush of the moment, Sloth and made a poor, rushed decision…

Now, he became a hacker.

The initial training was pretty much a death warrant for Sloth. 

As someone who spent hours in front of the computer, his uncle had stated clearly that his physical health couldn't be forgone.

And their lied his biggest problem… his uncle.

He could have had so many options, but he just had to go and chose his uncle as his teacher… his uncle, someone who had some actual authority over him!

That was his biggest slip-up.

If it had been anyone else, he may have been able to coerce them, but not his uncle.

He had dug a hole for himself, and he simply couldn't jump out of it anymore.

It was part of his agreement with his father. 

Sloth had promised his father, that whatever he chose, no matter what it was, he would stick to it for at least a year before he even considered quitting, and that was if he really disliked it.

The dilemma was, though he disliked hacking, he wasn't willing to give up that year of hard work he had put into it, fearing that he would have to do the same in the next job.

He was too lazy to learn something new after that year of hell training.

And thus, a not so virtuous cycle of, not wanting to be here, but not wanting to be there, even more, began.

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