
Chapter 138 - Why Is It Him!? Pt I: (Bad And Worse Alarms)

"What can I do for you, my cute little baby sister?" Theo asked coyly, elongating the end of the last word.

He was clearly in a good mood because his little sister had made him an impromptu call.


As for whatever he was doing at that time...

He was free!

Super free!

Always free!

Always super free!


[If his classmates and teachers, especially his Master knew of his thoughts, they would definitely be coughing out 2 to 3 mouthfuls of blood each.]

"Big Brother Theo, I need your help with something," Emilin's voice was warm with a tinge of care.

Her usually rigid and stiff cold eyes also softened various degrees, in fact, her whole posture was a little less guarded and more comfortable looking.

These were just some of the observations that made Xander's eye widen.

He never knew Emilin to have this side to her, but what was more striking was that he never thought Emilin could possibly have this side to her.

Sure it was only logical that Emilin would have this side to her, after all, she was a teen, right? But Xander couldn't picture it, he didn't dare picture it until today.

Small hydrangeas bloomed around Emilin.

"What does my cute little sister need me for? Hm~?" Theo's hum at the end of his sentence made him sound like a young maiden.

Kayden, on the other side, didn't know what to say at that point when he heard only Theodore's words.

'Whipped! Whipped I tell you! I'll never be like him,' Kayden looked at Theodore with both disdain and a hint of jealousy at this good sibling relationship.

He wouldn't be able to be like him even if he wanted to!

Should he be spending more time with his cousins?

But they were too annoying for him to want to willingly approach.

Thinking along these lines, Kayden came to the conclusion that siblings were a little too high maintenance.

Just look at Emilin here, Kayden didn't know just how Theodore's younger sister could be so high maintenance that she had so much to ask of Theodore, who Kayden already found to smart enough, even in this school of geniuses.

What would she need Theodore's help with over a computer?

Did Emilin need her big brother to hack into NASA to get a more precise location on the closest place to her where she could buy the best milk tea? 

Or did she need her busy big brother to hack into amazon to get a faster shipment of her facemasks? 

[Theo: NOt BuSy!]

[Kayden: then why don't you help me do my homework?]

[Theo: Don't you see how busy I am?]

[Kayden: You can't be this two faced, a person has to be a man of their word… didn't you just say that you were not busy?]

[Theo *eye roll*: That was then, now I'm obviously helping my sister.]

[Kayden: Then when will you be free again?]

[Theo: When Emilin asks for me again.]

[Kayden: No comment…]

Kayden didn't know which one was more accurate, but he really couldn't and didn't want to think more about it.

"I'll send you a list, don't be too mean okay? Just check them thoroughly, and it's best if you don't get caught. I'll back you up on the sidelines," Emilin said with and thoughtful expression.

It was about time that Theodore took up the front lines.

Their time zones were now different and so were their lives.

There was barely anything to do back in high school, but now they both had their own projects to work on.

It was both inefficient and unfeasible to assume that the other party will always be free. Theo also needed to learn these things anyway.

Though in most dangerous cases, even if they weren't free, they could always make time.

But that was a different matter.

Either way, it was about time that Theo finally started on this other aspect of hack... programming.

On the other side, Theodore's eyes shone.

"Leave it to me."


Everything went smoothly at first.

Simple employees- check! [Clean!]

They were all just normal people, with the exception of this one guy, but he wasn't particularly relevant nor dangerous.

Emilin barely had any interactions with them, so it was all good.

Mason- He was definitely way too old for Emilin, he really wasn't that old, but compared to Emilin, there was indeed a significant age gap.

Interesting career so far, good family background, not particularly handsome, nor particularly charming.

Theo reluctantly marked this male as, [clean]!

Noah- Hm, he's a little too close to Emilin in age, and though he can't compare with me or big brother Nathen in terms of charm, he is a little too handsome...

Good EQ, good connections, and a terribly good family.

Alarms rang off in Theo's mind and he instantly had the impulse to make Noah a potential danger.

But using his remaining good judgment, Theodore simply marked him as, [Stay away for safety purposes, do not approach unless absolutely necessary].

Typing in [clean] with gritted teeth.

Grace- Good family background, not so clean history, but overall nothing too illegal [Warning, hobbies are a little too peculiar, check the list before approaching. Don't be tricked!!].

Theodore was getting a little concerned as to where Emilin met these people and why they were like this...

He didn't know how he wanted to mark Grace at first, but Theo ended up just giving his warning sign. Emilin could do more in-depth research if she really wanted to know more.

Theo wasn't particularly worried about Grace's, hobbies, but he was worried that she could be a bad influence on Emilin.

Then again, he couldn't control every decision his sister made, with the exception of when it came to boys.

Theo would always claim to have a say in that matter. >_<

Lisa- Good schooling, very professional, business orientated, clean background. [A little too Clean?]!

Then with only two people left, things started going south.

Owen: Good family background, reputable parents, older but not too old, at his prime, terrible reputation, playboy, stay away! [Warning, do not approach this dangerous specimen of neurologically underdeveloped apes! STAY AT LEAST 30 METERS AWAY!] 

It was obvious that when Theo was checking Owen's background, clear alarms sounded in his head, and thus his description, Theo made sure to elaborate, just for Owen.

But what he didn't expect was for this last person to be the most troublesome of all as real alarms sounded on his computer.

Once Theodore started digging in for information above the surface level of Margarette Lenin, his computer immediately showed signs of being hacked.

It seemed like the people he was hacking had noticed him, but not only that, they had even launched an attack before he had the chance to notice what was happening.

This was bad for Theo, who wanted to show off to his little sister.

He felt like cursing, just a little, but he held it in.

'Who was this f*cker who ruined his show?'

Theo had already made plans to ruin this guy. He was even more upset than when he was hacked and a number of his firewalls were broken into a few months ago.

He had already fixed those and yet this new person sneak passed them?

At least back then, he could simply claim it to be a learning experience and settle it in his heart, but this was not the case here.

This guy was clearly provoking him!!

This was much, much worse, after all, Emilin was asking him a favor here! How could he perform badly??

This was all the other party's fault!


Mini- Theater:

Theo: This was all the other party's fault!

Nonexistent sidekick: His fault!

Theo: I'm going to ruin them!

Nonexistent sidekick: Ruin them!

Theo: Crush them into crumbles!

Nonexistent sidekick: Into crumbles!

Theo: If I don't do it, then my name won't be Theodore Wei anymore!

Nonexistent sidekick: Yeah!

Theo: How dare they humiliate me in front of Little Sister Emilin!

Nonexistent sidekick: Absurd!

Theo: [Wait, wait, wait, author, why does this guy keep talking over me? And why does this script sound so familiar?!]

Two seconds later.

Theo: [Fuck, why do I sound like a spoiled second-generation cannon folder young master that's going to die or suffer a fate worse than death in less than 5 minutes??]

Theo: [I said I want screen time, but not like this!]

Theo: [This is all wrong!]

Author: [♪~( ̄, ̄ )]

Author: [???]

Author: [I don't know what you mean… this is clearly not my style, it must have been someone else who did it.]

Author: [*Types real fast, thinking of a character to play the role of scapegoat. *]

Author: [Ahhh! I must have been this person, character, CutiePieZ, author of famous face slapping novel in M continent!]

Author: [Me? No, I would never! (०՞ ³ ՞)♪♬♪]

Theodore: […]

Theodore: Okay, let's make this clear, I'm upset, very upset, but I'm not an unreasonable guy, okay? I hacked them first and so a counterattack is self-defense… I would have done the same.

Emilin: Then what if it fails and your firewalls are all broken through?

Theodore: …

Theodore: Then don't I still have my cute little sister protecting me?

Kayden: Shameless!


Author's Note: These past few days were a little rough with tests and all, I sincerely thank you for your understanding.

Currently one chapter a day. I'm thinking of making a more compact updating schedule for the summer, any thoughts?

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