
Chapter 185: The Fourth Van

Chapter 185: The Fourth Van

   “The boss, she…”

   Maiev’s eyes were burning with anger. 

   Mathison waited for her to follow. 

   “We were exposed when we saw the League of Shadows rushing into the Wayne Corporate Headquarters building.” 

   Maiev gritted her teeth, “I don’t know how they found us, but we were discovered. So, the boss and I ran away, and at that point, we were separated.” 

   “After so many days, I asked around for news about the boss, but I never found any trace of her. Maybe she has been…” 

   “Hannibal was there at the time, so I don’t think it has anything to do with him.” 

   Hannibal and Starling are, well, an amazing pair. 

   Maybe they have got some sort of unknown link going on between them. 

   At least we can be sure that Starling is not in danger, Hannibal will not allow anyone to kill Starling easily. 

   Mathison didn’t have much thought to add and didn’t tell Maiev about the hidden connection between Hannibal and Starling, he just wanted to know what happened afterward. 

   “During the escape, did you see the League of Shadows driving a suspicious truck out of the underground parking lot of Wayne Enterprises or something?” 

   “Wait… how did you know?!” 

   Maiev was surprised at first and then thought of something in an instant. 

   “Could it be that one of those trucks was carrying the nuclear bomb?!” 

   She witnessed the whole process of Bane’s gang taking the nuclear bomb, but she couldn’t do a thing. 

   Mathison’s eyes lit up. It seemed that Maiev had indeed seen something. 

   Miranda’s purpose in capturing Wayne Enterprise must have been to seize the fusion reactor and take over the weapons department of Wayne Enterprise. 

   When they get the fusion reactor, they will definitely transport the reactor to a safe location. 

 Then let Dr. Pavel transform the reactor into a nuclear bomb that counts down to detonate.

The transformation is absolutely impossible to complete at Wayne Enterprises because Bruce has set up an automated safety system inside the laboratory, which will automatically destroy the reactor whenever it detects the possibility of weaponization of the reactor. 

The automatic destruction system was something that even Bruce himself couldn’t change, so they had to move the reactor somewhere else. 

   There seems to be a suspicious point here. If the safety system had detected that the reactor had been taken away, it should have also started the destruction process. 

  But it didn’t! 

  And that, of course, was because of Miranda’s presence. 

  Bruce had Miranda among his most-trusted people besides Alfred and Gordon during the years of his own depravity. He trusted her so much that the idea of ​​transferring Wayne Enterprises to her occurred more than once in his mind. 

  Bruce started a new energy program to study fusion reactors, and Miranda was the only member of Wayne’s board to support him. 

   At that time, everyone thought that it was futile to explore this field, and Stark Industries next door had successfully built a palm-sized Arc Reactor. 

   Even the Iron-Man suit has been upgraded for two generations!    

Meanwhile, they haven’t even begun exploring this field, how would they match against their competitors?    

But a sound-minded businessman will not run to study the fusion reactor, neither knowing whether it can succeed nor if he has the time and resources to compete against Stark’s industrial and civilian energy equipment?    

All in all, Miranda has become the sole investor in the Wayne New Energy Project. 

   Correspondingly, she also gained a lot of power. 

   For example, in special cases, she can move the fusion reactor elsewhere… 

   So, where will the reactor be taken by her?   

Dr. Pavel’s transformation of the fusion reactor does not require many conditions, it is enough for him to have a sufficient power supply and a computer. 

   Well, how much power would be sufficient to support this project?   

Theoretically, any outdoor generator can do the job…

   Gotham is so big, who knows where the reactor was shipped to. 

  The Riddler’s puzzles are confusing. Mathison wanted to find the nuclear bomb in the most extreme way, but now Maiev took the initiative to bring it to the door. 

   A bit of a clue is better than nothing. 

   A lead can be considered a big clue. 

   Mathison looked at Maiev expectantly. 

   “I did see four trucks pulling out of the underground garage of Wayne Enterprises that day, before the boss and I were found.” 

   Maiev recalled and said. 


   Mathison’s pupils shrank

   «Why were there four trucks?»    

He instantly remembered that the first three riddles of the Riddler were obtained by the GCPD intercepting three trucks on the streets of Gotham when he met “Gordon,” who was initially Hush. 

   But neither Hush nor Blake and others mentioned the existence of a fourth truck. 

   Mathison’s brain quickly went into action. 

   According to the GCPD, when Bane confronted the U.S. government at the Knightsdome Stadium, the nuclear bomb was declared to surely be in the stadium. 

   After all, if the Ministry of Defense hadn’t detected a fusion reactor at Bane’s place, they wouldn’t have believed Bane’s words. 

   At that time, only three trucks were driving out of the Knightsdome Stadium. 

   There was no such thing as a fourth truck. 

   There are three possibilities. 

   One is that the last truck is the one that transported the nuclear bomb, and it is still in the Knightsdome Stadium. 

   Another possibility is that Bane transported the nuclear bomb through some unknown secret passage. 

   The last possibility is scarier, that is, the fourth truck never went to the Knightsdome Stadium from the very beginning, and the nuclear bomb was never shown by Bane! 

  Bane used unknown technology to enable the Department of Defense to detect a fusion reactor that was not yet officially operational. 

   “Were those four trucks heading towards the Knightsdome Stadium?” 

   Mathison hurriedly asked Maiev. 

   “I don’t know, the four vans drove in different directions, and I’m not sure if their destination was the Stadium.” 

   Unfortunately, Maiev gave the vaguest answer. 

   There is no way to judge the destination of the four trucks by their orientation.

   “Charlie, go!” 

   Mathison thought for a moment, then ran out of the alley and called Charlie at the same time. 

   At this time, Maiev discovered that a dog was hiding beside him. 

   “Wait, Phantom Kid!” 

   Seeing that Mathison was about to disappear at the entrance of the alley, Maiev immediately followed. 

    “Where are you going?” 

   “I am a thief, where do you think a thief would go?” 

   Mathison turned around and gave Maiev an evil smile. 


    The glider spread out in front of Maiev, and the white figure flew into the sky. 

   “If you want to find Agent Starling, go to the Edinburg District and maybe you will find her at Hannibal’s,” 

   “But I still advise you not to act by yourself.” 

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