
Chapter 247 - "Zhong Yi is my only adopted daughter." (1)

Chapter 247 – “Zhong Yi is my only adopted daughter.” (1)

She needed to reward her patrons in China as well. One should not play favoritism.

She had a videoconference with employees in China before she made an announcement on WeChat – “Meifang Corporation will be increasing the number of boxes of Beautify Pills and Hair Growing Cream release from its current 10,000 boxes to 20,000 boxes and also 20,000 boxes each for the raffles in order to celebrate the launch of our new branches. In addition, to reward our new and old customers, all products of Meifang Corporation will have a 10% discount within the next two weeks.”

That was a quite a deal and should be able to quell the complains from their domestic customers for a little while. Every day, many complain under her WeChat that they were unable to get their hands on these two products and wished that she would release more of them. When she checked back two hours after her announcement, she was expecting a multitude of rainbow farts but, alas, the fans’ takeaway seemed to be a little off.

[She’s here! She’s here! She’s here with her raffle. Let the world tremble under China’s raffle policy!]

[I knew it! Raffle again! This is Fang JunRong herself alright. She had not been replaced.]

[Hahaha. The thought that foreign customers will be going through raffle with us is oddly comforting. Misery sure likes company! Let’s go! Raffling shall rule the world!]

[The moment of truth has arrived! A lot of metaphysical methods had been developed in order to win the raffle. My favorite is to use my cat’s paw to raffle for me. Now my cat will run from me when it sees me. I wonder if our foreign friends are any more creative in their ways of raffling.]

Fang JunRong, “… …”

Here’s she thought the netizens would rave about her. As it turned out, their focus was the raffling? That made her have the urge to recall her new announcement. Or, was this what the generation gap was all about?

Compared to all those, taking care of the counterfeit was top priority. The girl that was arrested wasn’t that tight-lipped and had already given up a few of her accomplices. As the branch had only just been launched, some 10 days or so at most, they had yet to have the opportunity to flood the market with their counterfeit products.

From what had been confiscated from them, it seemed they had already made ¤170,000 of profit to date.

Fang JunRong had consulted her own team of lawyers. Per Chinese law, give the facts, they could be sentenced for up to 2 years in jail and a fine of 50% to two times the actual cost.

No matter how regretful those people seemed, Fang JunRong had no compassion for them. Had she not happened to run into them, her company’s reputation would be ruined. And it would cost her a fortune to recover its reputation.

More importantly, where have they been getting these counterfeit products? What they knew so far was that they did, indeed, received them from China. From what they said, they had been working as stand-in shoppers and, when they saw the profits on Beautify Pills and Hair Growing Cream, they developed interest in it. As soon as they had mentioned that in their friend’s circle, someone reached out to them and informed that they had cheap merchandizes that looked identical to Beautify Pills and it would be sufficient to fool the foreign patrons. Each box would cost them ¤200 and they could then turn around and sell them for ¤800. With such profit, they were tempted and decided to take the risk.

They never expected that they would run right into Fang JunRong just two days after they started down that path.

Because of this incident, Fang JunRong, who had originally planned on staying for a few extra days in Country Y decided to change her ticket and head home early.

When she had landed and before she could even recover from her jetlag, she had received a piece of information.

Rubbing her temples, she asked in a deep voice, “Did you just say that the counterfeit products were the same as the one that Li WangJin had released earlier?” The batch that was missing her spring water from her dimension and would make people gaseous?

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